Confederation of Oregon School Administrators
January 24, 2007
12:00 Noon – 3:30 pm
COSA Office, Conference Room A
After lunch President Jerry Colonna welcomed the group and called the meeting to order at 12:30 pm with the following people in attendance:
Board Members
Penny Grotting
Kelvin Webster
Jim Keene
Carlos Perez
Perla Rodriguez
Sally Leet
Suzanne Cusick
Scott Perry
Pat Stineff
Bryan Traylor
Tom Welter, OSAA
Kent Hunsaker
Craig Hawkins
Nancy Moen
Colin Cameron
Sue Roessler
Chuck Bennett
Joanne Fey
He asked everyone to introduce themselves and welcomed the two newly appointed members Carlos Perez and Perla Rodriguez. He mentioned that the third new member, Maria Palacios, was unable to attend this meeting but hoped to be at the next one.
Consent Agenda
Jerry presented the minutes of the previous meeting for approval.
A motion and second were made to accept the minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
Kent Hunsaker discussed the financial report. He noted that dues revenue were higher than budgeted. Jerry Colonna asked for discussion and/or questions; there being none he asked for a motion to approve the financial report.
A motion was made by Suzanne Cusick, with a second by Jim Keene, to accept the financial report as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
Kent also discussed the membership report. There are 27 more members than there were last year at this time and membership is positive in almost every area. Jerry asked for discussion and/or questions; there being none he asked for a motion to approve the membership report.
A motion was made by Scott Perry, with a second by Carlos Perez to approve the membership report as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
Pat Stineff reported that the OASSA candidates for COSA President-Elect will be Karen Goirigolzarri and Mark Witty. It was noted that both are strong, quality candidates, they are very active in COSA and think highly of the organization, and are both good leaders in their schools. Nancy Moen mentioned that Karen had been the 2001 OASSA Principal of the Year and Chuck Bennett pointed out that both had a good understanding of Oregon education.
Old Business
Chuck Bennett talked about the facility remodel. He reported that he is in the process of negotiating the rental of one of the offices downstairs; there is also a group considering another office. In addition to the remodel COSA has gotten a new phone system and security is being updated. Chuck then led the group on a tour of the remodeled facility.
New Business
A request to reopen the administrative licensure issue was made.
Tom Welter discussed an OSAA governance issue.
Kent presented the latest version of the Education Coalition’s Legislative Funding Proposal.
Kent suggested postponing the discussion on high school diploma requirements. He asked for thoughts and suggestions.
COSA dues have not been raised for several years. Jerry Colonna suggested announcing a dues increase in advance. Carlos Perez is in favor of an increase but feels COSA needs to market services better. The discussion will be reintroduced at the April meeting. COSA staff will prepare a recommendation for the Board.
Kent suggested that the board review the bylaws and present any changes at the next meeting. He said that staff will do the same.
The proposal to increase staff salaries by 2.5% was presented for board approval.
Suzanne Cusick moved, with a second by Jim Keene, to approve the salaries as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
Kent gave a mid-year review of board goals. New goals for the 2007-08 year will be developed at the April planning meeting.
Colin Cameron and Sue Roessler reported on professional growth activities for the year.
Craig Hawkins reported that tying the new member software into the website was proving trickier than he had hoped but it is coming together and should be up and running sometime in February. He was pleased that COSA could add a new level of service to members without having to add staff.
Department Reports
OASSA – Pat Stineff reported that the recent Princpals Conference went well despite the ice and snow. She commended Colin for his efforts and commented that no matter what happened at the conference he just kept smiling and changing rooms.
OESPA – Bryan Traylor agreed that the conference went well and also commented that the Salem Conference Center is “fantastic.” OESPA approved changes to their bylaws at the conference and membership is up.
OACOA – Kelvin Webster reported that he is looking forward to the joint OACOA/OASE conference at Salishan February 1-3.
OASE – Jim Keene is also looking forward to the conference and the OASE Board meeting. The group is working to finalize officer nominations.
Staff Reports
Nancy Moen reported that she will be on the road doing OASC Winter Regional workshops the week of January 29. She and her speaker will present at five sites in five days. She’s excited that the weather forecast looks good.
Colin Cameron mentioned the Breaking Ranks II, Breaking Ranks in the Middle and Breakthrough Coaching workshops coming up in the next few months. He handed out brochures about them.
Good of the Order
Jerry Colonna asked for any final comments.
Jim Keene talked about the adequacy lawsuit and wondered if there was a further role for COSA.
Scott Perry thanked Jerry for showing him how to run a quality meeting.
Kelvin Webster appreciated that Penny Grotting could attend the meeting and feels that will help in the transition when his term as OACOA president is over.
Craig Hawkins commented that he was amazed at how much COSA’s professional development staff does and impressed with the quality of their work.
Sue Roessler was pleased to be part of the group.
Tom Welter mentioned that a religious discrimination claim against OSAA will go before the Oregon Supreme Court March 5.
Carlos Perez informed the board that OALA’s 3rd Annual Conference will be at the PCC Rock Creek Campus February 10. The theme will be Cultural Competence. He invited everyone to attend. OALA’s website is
Kent commented that he always looks forward to the board being in town and appreciates the quality of the group.
Chuck Bennett mentioned that the Legislature is off to a flying start; 100 bills have already been introduced. COSA’s bill tracking service will be up and running by the end of the week.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 3:25 pm
Minutes by Joanne Fey.