IHS IB Boosters Board Meeting | 01.09.17 | Minutes

  1. Call to Order
  2. Attending: Dianne Fruit, Trisha Massot, Jane Huang, Ginny Larsen, Aimee Tinker, Janet Maxwell, Fuije Gao, Sameena Mufti, Leah Bender
  1. Reports
  2. IB Coordinator – Amy
  3. Unable to attend
  4. President – Dianne
  5. Group photo
  6. Secretary Report – Leah
  7. Conflict of Interest Form signed by all members in attendance
  8. Resend all previous meeting minutes to Tricia to be posted to new website
  9. Approval of previous meeting min
  10. Treasurer – Jane
  11. November-December donations
  12. No expenditures
  13. ~$3900 collected as school YTD ($2000 budget shortfall YTD)
  14. Budget saving ideas
  15. Reduce Recognition Ceremony speaker fee from $800 to $500
  16. Reuse ceremony supplies and decorations
  17. Reduce teacher appreciation budget
  18. Membership/donation campaign/drive in spring
  19. Possibly sell spirit wear (club shirts/sweatshirts)
  20. Aimee to research
  21. Need to get input from Amy
  22. Teacher appreciation – Aimee
  23. Depending on input from Amy, Aimee will become Spirit Wear Chair
  24. First round “I Survived IB” or “IB Class of 2017”
  25. Membership – Sameena
  26. 69 total members
  27. Cross reference email list of members compared to those who have not signed up; Send reminder and form (Tricia sending Sameena full list of email addresses)
  28. Volunteer Coordinator – Fuije
  29. Start preparation for test proctor volunteers
  30. Need to learn Volunteer Spot; Do test run with Boosters
  31. Amy will provide details for volunteer needs
  32. CAS – Ginny
  33. CAS deadline at end of semester
  34. Letters sent home to students who are not on track
  35. ManageBack App available for iPhone
  36. Ride Share Program – Janet
  37. 2017-18 TOK class transportation limitations
  38. Inquire with coordinators
  39. Communication – Tricia
  40. Website hosting expired
  41. Building new website (budget already allocated)
  42. Student CAS spotlight and gallery
  43. Teacher feature
  44. Update E-blast
  45. ‘Give while you shop’
  46. Membership reminder with link to form
  47. Have backup admin access to website and email systems; Tricia to send to Dianne
  48. Senior Recognition – Jan
  49. Unable to attend
  50. Speaker ideas
  51. University of Puget Sound President
  52. Geevy Thomas, Chief Innovation Officer at Nordstrom (thoughts on education as as a dad of a recent HS graduate and as a recent college graduate himself)
  53. Jerry Large
  54. Nicole Brodeuer, Seattle Globalist
  55. Revisit ideas next meetings
  1. New/Other Business
  2. Dates
  3. Next meeting: February 13 at 6:30pm
  4. Board meeting dates:
  5. March 13
  6. April 3(first Monday)
  7. May 8 (6:00pm)
  8. June 12
  9. General Meeting: May 8, 7:00pm
  10. IB Exams: April 28-May 19
  11. IB Senior Recognition Ceremony: June 8, 6:30pm
  12. Board Job Descriptions
  13. Dianne to transfer to Google docs for individual members to make updates
  14. Bylaws updates -- TBD
  1. Meeting Close
  2. Meeting ended at approximately 8:00pm