Heartfelt Worship to our Great God
-Just a few weeks ago, on a Sunday evening, I addressed the topic of “Gehenna” – the
word used to describe hell, the place of eternal separation from God – the place of
eternal punishment.
-Of the 12 times that it occurs in the N.T., 11 are found in the words of Jesus.
-In that lesson, we focused on the etymology of the word – the Valley of Hinnom –
a place atrocious, idolatrous practices took place – a location that became
Jerusalem’s landfill – a putrid location of ongoing fires.
-This morning, I would like to visit the topic of worship and, in so doing, consider the
interesting etymology behind the Greek word translated as “worship.”
-The Goodness of God
-During our recent Gospel meeting, one particular lesson focused on the goodness of
-We need to spend time seriously contemplating the attributes of Deity.
-Ex. 34:6-7
-Rom 11:33 - “Oh” – (Strongs Concordance) – “…a note of exclamation”
-This tells me that the inspired apostle Paul was overwhelmed with the thoughts
of the “depth of the riches” of the attributes of God.
-“One of the most difficult tasks for the Bible student is any attempt to discuss, with great
precision, the attributes of God. The divine qualities are so infinite, and our own minds
so finite, that we scarcely can fathom the Creator’s marvelous features…” (Wayne
Jackson, “Does God Limit His Own Foreknowledge?”, July 19, 2000 –
-Yet, when we contemplate the wonderful attributes of God, we should be absolutely
overwhelmed and in awe of Him. Such should be the attitude of worship.
-Worship – A Consistent Theme Throughout Scripture
-Simply put, God deserves to be worshipped – Rev. 4:11.
-Ps. 95:1-7; 99:1-5; Isaiah 6:1-3
-When we consider the totality of the scriptures, worship is a constant theme.
-Patriarchal age – Cain and Abel (Gen. 4); Noah (Gen. 8:20); Abraham (Gen. 12:7-8)
Job (Job 1:5), etc.
-Mosaic age – Detailed instructions regarding the worship of God – i.e. Leviticus.
-Who, when, where, how. “Why” remains a constant – Because He is God and
because He has said so.
-Gospel Age – John 4:23-24; Acts 2:42 (20:7), 13:2, 24:14-15
-scenes of worship in Revelation
-Yet, in view of our brief consideration of worshipping our Holy God, let’s consider the
word “worship.”
-John 4:24 – worship – proskuneo
-This Greek word comes from words meaning “toward” and “kiss” (Strongs – “to
kiss, like a dog licking his master’s hand). Therefore, worship is “a kiss toward.”
-example of leaving for the FHU lectureship & the kids blowing kisses as I drove away
-It would be hard to think of anything more precious than that sight.
-That’s the imagery of how our worship to God is to be. It is to be His children blowing
Him kisses. Now, we can’t do that simply by showing up and going through the
-Although worship is to be a regular habit which follows God’s prescribed pattern,
it just never be relegated to routine. It should be His children offering heartfelt
worship is sincerity, awe and reverence.
-Our worship must be carried out with focus of mind and heartfelt purpose.
-We must worship in spirit and in truth.
-What a privilege it is to worship the God of heaven!
Joplin – March 27, 2011 – a.m.