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HACCP Plan – Fully Cooked, Not Shelf Stable Meat and Poultry Products

Identifying Critical Limits, Monitoring, and Corrective Actions

Process step / Critical limit / Monitoring procedures / Corrective action
Cook (Lethality)
CCP 1-B 1
1 see appendix / Internal temperature or proper time/temperature of product
All meat products:
Temperature: 158°F
Product containing poultry:
Temperature: 165°F
°F 7-log10 lethality
145 4 minutes
146 182 seconds
147 144 seconds
148 115 seconds
149 91 seconds
150 72 seconds
151 58 seconds
152 46 seconds
153 37 seconds
154 29 seconds
155 23 seconds
156 19 seconds
157 15 seconds
158 0 seconds
159 0 seconds
160 0 seconds / What will be measured?
Internal temperature of product
Where will the critical limit be measured?
In the smokehouse
How will the critical limit be measured?
Smokehouse probe (thermometer) or hand held meat
Who will monitor the critical limit?
HACCP coordinator, production manager, or operating personnel
What will be the frequency of the critical limit monitoring?
Every batch / How will the process be corrected?
Correct smokehouse malfunction. Thermal process until proper temperature or time/temperature is achieved.
Product disposition?
Reject, reprocess, or utilize supporting documentation to salvage the affected product.
Who is responsible for implementing the corrective action?
HACCP coordinator or production manager
Measure to prevent recurrence?
Smokehouse maintenance. Employees that work with the smokehouse will be trained and sign-off that they will not remove smokehouse racks until a proper internal temperature of time/temperature is achieved and documented. Adjust process as needed

1 Supporting documentation for CCP found within the appendix section of this HACCP plan

If corrective action is needed, we will meet all the requirements of 9 CFR § 417.3 of the Federal Meat Inspection Act, which states:

1.  The cause of the deviation is identified and eliminated.

2.  The CCP will be under control after the corrective action is taken.

3.  Measures to prevent recurrence are established.

4.  No product that is injurious to health or otherwise adulterated as a result of the deviation enters commerce.

HACCP Plan – Fully Cooked, Not Shelf Stable Meat and Poultry Products

Identifying Critical Limits, Monitoring, and Corrective Actions

Process step / Critical limit / Monitoring procedures / Corrective action
Cool (Stabilization)
CCP 2-B 2
2 see appendix / Internal temperature or proper time/temperature of product
Products with nitrite:
Products cured with
minimum of 100 ppm
ingoing sodium nitrite
may be cooled so that
the maximum internal
temperature is reduced
from 130° to 80°F
in 5 hours and from 80°
to 45°F in 10 hours (15
hours total cooling
Products without nitrite:
Product cooling should
begin within 90 minutes
after cooking cycle is
complete. Continue
chilling from 120°F to
55°F in no more than 6
hours. / What will be measured?
Internal temperature of product
Where will the critical limit be measured?
In the finished product cooler
How will the critical limit be measured?
Hand held meat thermometer
Who will monitor the critical limit?
HACCP coordinator, production manager, or operating personnel
What will be the frequency of the critical limit monitoring?
Every batch / How will the process be corrected?
Increase air flow and/or insure proper air flow
Lower product cooler temperature
Transfer product to the freezer
Product disposition?
Reject, reprocess, or utilize supporting documentation to salvage the affected product.
Who is responsible for implementing the corrective action?
HACCP coordinator or production manager
Measure to prevent recurrence?
Adjust process as needed

2 Supporting documentation for CCP found within the appendix section of this HACCP plan

If corrective action is needed, we will meet all the requirements of 9 CFR § 417.3 of the Federal Meat Inspection Act, which states:

1.  The cause of the deviation is identified and eliminated.

2.  The CCP will be under control after the corrective action is taken.

3.  Measures to prevent recurrence are established.

4.  No product that is injurious to health or otherwise adulterated as a result of the deviation enters commerce.

Date: ______Approved by: ______