Update Report for Planning Committee(East): 8th February 2017
Committee Planning Manager:Richard Gardner
16/02771/FUL Haven House Residential Home, Warwick Road, Kineton
Members Site VisitDue to take place at 4.45pm before the committee meeting
15/03631/OUT Land in Pillerton Priors
No updates
16/03538/OUT Land North of Moreton Morrell Lane, Lighthorne
Parish Council
Further comments have been received from the Parish however these seek clarification on points made previously rather than raising new issues.
County Highway Authority
Given the proximity to the 50mph limit further information should be submitted to justify the splays proposed and why the required splay should be reduced from 160m to 140m. This information has not been provided and therefore a reason for refusal based on lack of information relating to highway safety may be justifiable.
Third parties
Both third parties have withdrawn their objection to the application on the basis that they are satisfied that existing and proposed levels could be required by condition and that the structural issues raised would be looked at under the Building Regulations.
16/03429/FUL Land adjacent to The Hollies, Rouse Lane, Oxhill
Presenting Officer
Change to Alice Cosnett
16/02683/FUL Outbuilding rear of 1 High Street, Southam
No updates
16/02681/FUL 1 High Street, Southam
The Agent for the application has sent all Members of the Committee an email making the following observations.
The Town Council has two concerns, firstly that the new door is proposed in the same location as a weekend market stall and secondly, that the Town Council propose to enhance this part of Wood Street with hard landscaping. In response to these concerns:
- There is space for the market stall to move across to outside the white rendered gable of the building
- The redevelopment of an important building in the town centre should not be restricted by an infrequent market use
- The hard landscaping would enhance the area however a new doorway would not prevent the landscaping from being implemented
- There was previously an access from the building into Wood Street
16/03818/VARY Feldon Valley, Sutton Lane, Lower Brailes
Point of clarification:
All conditions with the exception of conditions 2, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10 (those seeking to be varied) will be worded exactly as per the wording in the decision notice for 16/02532/FUL.
16/03319/FUL South Fosse Farm, Fosse Way, Radford Semele
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