Case Studies Meeting Minutes
10 a.m., PCR, May 8, 2009
1) John Casey (SPA)
2) Su Han Chan (Real Estate)
3) Robin Root (Sociology & Anthropology)
4) Naomi Gardberg (Management)
5) Donald Schepers (Management)
6) Myung-Soo Lee (Deans Office, ZSB)
The main points addressed in the meeting were:
Baruch Faculty Bring a Wealth of Experience
- Cases are already used extensively and in a variety of ways. There are courses constructed entirely on case studies, while other combine “theoretical” sessions with cases.
- Cases are obtained through various sources. Most professors use written cases from fee-based sources (HarvardBusinessSchool,, DardenSchool) open source (Electronic Hallway) and textbooks or use cases they have written themselves and press articles. Electronic resources are increasingly available, both for the online delivery of written cases and for multimedia materials (You Tube, etc.).
- Some faculty also have extensive experience in case writing and have published cases through Harvard, Darden and in textbooks.
- Aim of case studies workshops is to tap into internal resources for faculty development purposes.
TheNeed for Such Workshops & Extent to Which Colleagues Would beInterested
- But need to clarify that the purpose Are they to share best practices or to try to convert instructors who don’t currently use cases?
- At present stage, looking at sharing practices among people who are already inclined to use them. Expanding and advancing their use is a longer term goal that can best be done at school level.
- Important to have mixture of people from different schools & disciplines
Ongoing Commitment Necessary to Facilitate Case Studies Workshops
- Fall workshops would be introductory sessions use as a possible springboard for further work on cases.
- If successful, can propose to College Advancement to potentially procure donor so series can become ongoing/expanded.
Questions about Current Support at Baruch for Case Studies
- What support does Baruch offer for case studies?
- To what extent do they “count” toward tenure/promotion?
- Is it productive to use case studies in larger classes?
Breakdown of Sessions
- 3x 2 hour sessions/each presenter speaks for 20-30 min. Dates: on Tuesdays between 12:30-2:30, 9/22; 10/20; 11/17(third Tuesday of the month – note original proposal of last Tuesday was not viable because of various clashes).
- Session Content -Attached is current proposal for sessions/speakers. It is based on the interests/availability indicated by potential participants and an attempt to ensure a diversity of Schools/Departments at each workshop. The first session will also include an Introduction from Provost’s Office about the resources available to support case study teaching.
Other Relevant Questions, Topics, & Suggestions
- How to share cases that are being written by Baruch faculty?
- Possible to develop website so faculty can share their current and previous work (i.e. via abstract) (see what Stern (NYU) is doing in terms of a shared case studies network).
- Can be very expensive for students to purchase cases/case packets (e.g., when purchased through Harvard w/discount applied $1.95/case).
- Textbooks can be pricey and problematic when instructor is also the author.