Kingsteignton Town Council is a Quality Council and promotes working together for the community of Kingsteignton and for the benefit of the community.
Throughout 2011/12 Cllr Babs Errington resigned due to ill health. Cllr John Foxwell took her seat with Cllr Ken Jones and Cllr Becky Hunt filling the two vacant seats following the Election
The Precept for the year was set at £135,062 with the committees working as follows:
The Community Hall/Fountain Committee (Capital Budget: £ 3,300) was chaired by Cllr Jill Morris.
The committee investigated the installation of Solar Panels for the Community Hall
Reviewed Hire Charges for the hall
Discussed replacing the tired looking plaques at The Fountain
Additional smoke detectors have been installed in the main hall, foyer with a Heat Detector in the kitchen
Tree work has been carried out at the Community Hall grounds and at The Fountain
Parking in the Community Hall Car Park has been restricted to hall users only
The Community Hall is now able to offer Wi-Fi throughout the building
Due to on-going problems with youths at The Fountain the mobile CCTV system from TDC was deployed for a month to monitor problems
Quotes have been obtained for a Hearing Loop system in the main hall
Celebrations for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee were approved and the Town Council is holding four days of celebration between 2-5 June, 2012
Wildflower seeds have been planted around the Community Hall lawn to attract wildlife and promote the natural pollination through bees and butterflies
The Recreation/Footpath Committee (Capital Budget: £2,500 plus £1,000 maintenance for Clifford Park) was chaired by Cllr Rose Howes.
The official opening of the BMX Park took place in June Complaints were received about the noise nuisance and reports were made to Teignbridge District Council. Following detailed investigation the ramp is shortly to be fitted with Acoustic Wool to help deaden the noise
Tree work has been carried out at Oakford Lawn and Clifford Park
2011/2012 has seen the list for Allotments grow and the council are actively seeking additional land
Wildflower seeds have been planted at Clifford Park
Approval was given for a “Picnic in the Park” to be held at Oakford Lawn in June 2012
The Grass Cutting Contract for Clifford Park and Oakford Lawn was reviewed and Mr John Cary was successful for the coming three years with effect from 1 April, 2012
The Works & Services/Planning Committee (Capital Budget: £2700 + £2000 contribution towards running costs of public toilets at The Fountain) was chaired by Cllr Ken Dennis.
This year has seen a further eleven Grit Bins installed throughout Kingsteignton being positioned at:
Wolverton Drive, Badgers Close, Near the Sandygate Inn, Higher Sandygate, Near Woodlands Close, Higher Sandygate, Humber Lane, Coombesend Road East, Golvers Hill Road, Top of Calvados Park, Hackney Lane, Sandygate Mill, near the green area, Near 133 Sandygate Mill
Councillor Mike Walters contributed £1500 towards the cost of the Grit Bins from his County Councillor allowance with the balance of £1800 being funded by the Town Council. The bins will be kept full of salt by DCC.
During the twelve months this committee has also dealt with the following:
Monthly reports are received from Teignbridge District Council showing their achievements
On-going problems are still being experienced with sewage in River Close.
Several large planning applications have been received from Viridor and the Town Council has responded with full observations
New benches were placed at the top of Hackney Lane and at the junction of Crossley Moor Road/Longford Lane
On-going parking problems are being experienced at the junction of Ley Lane/Chudleigh Road opposite the entrance to Teign School
Two new litter bins have been purchased for the junction of Crossley Moor Road/Longford Lane and on the raised level of Crossley Moor Road next to the Leat.
The Town Council has been contacted by residents in Cottey Meadow/Sandpath Road concerning vehicles parking on the grass area owned by the Town Council. Wooden stakes have been placed around the grass area to stop parking. Permission for this work has been obtained from the landlords of the land, Teignbridge District Council and the Clerk has spoken to the Planning Department, Teignbridge District Council who advised that no planning approval is required for this work as it is “permitted development” under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (as amended).
The Finance Committee (Training Capital Budget: £3000) was chaired by Cllr Rob Harris.
The Clerk attended the SLCC National and Regional Conferences.
During the twelve months this committee has also dealt with the following:
Owing to the amount of work in the Office an extra member of staff was taken on. Mrs Caroline Lowe joined the office as Office Assistant and works ten hours a week.
Reserve funds for the council have been invested in 6 month and 3 months fixed Rate Bonds.
A budget of £2000, maximum small grant £200, was agreed for 2012/13
EllisWhittam were employed with effect from 01.04.12 to deal with Employment Law, Health and Safety and Human Resources on behalf of the council
The following training events were attended:
Budgets and Precept – Cllr Rob Harris and Mrs Carol Lakin
New Clerks Short Course – Mrs Lowe
Parish Council Insurance Workshop – Cllr Rob Harris and Mrs Carol Lakin
Handling Planning Applications – Cllr Dennis
New, more efficient equipment purchased/Leased for the office during this period are: Computers leased for the Clerk and Admin Assistant; Printer/Scanner and Franking machine
In March, 2012 small grants up to £200 were approved to locally based organisations and are to be awarded at the Annual Town meeting on Friday 4 May, 2012 at 7p.m. These are as follows:
K/ton Com Plan Implementation Group £135£135
Kingsteignton Athletic Club£110
Kingsteignton Community Baptist Church £ 70
FridayCoffee & Craft
Kingsteignton Tennis Club£135
Kingsteignton Allotment Association£135
Royal British Legion£100
St Michaels Church£135
Stover Canal Trust£135
Stover Canal Society£135
Kingsteignton Youth Club£135
Kingsteignton Twinning Association£100
K/tonCom Implementation Group£135
Town Focus Steering Group
Kingsteignton Library£135
Kingsteignton History Society£135
Citizens Advice Bureau£135
Newton Abbot Community Transport £1000
Kingsteignton Swimming Pool – The Town Council have pledged a grant of £4000 to the Swimming Pool on production of a viable Business Plan and confirmation that the pool will open for the 2012 season.
Thanks go to County Cllr Mike Walters for attending meetings throughout the year and for his donation towards the purchase of the Grit Bins; to all who attended the Full Council meeting to say a prayer; the Police for their monthly report and to residents who have drawn problems to the attention of the council. All Town Councillors are thanked for their time given and working tirelessly in a voluntary capacity for the good of the community.
Thanks also are given to all members of Staff for their hard work and support.
Carol Lakin
Town Clerk
Kingsteignton Town Council
Expenditure 2011/2012£
General Administration 72571
Payroll Charge -423
Accountancy and Audit 1416
Printing, Postage & Stationery 1148
Insurance 6874
Subscriptions 1510
Grants 7000
Telephones 766
Travel Expenses 116
Motor Vehicle Expenses 928
Election costs 382
Computer Costs 1228
Website Costs 802
Council Tax & Water Rates 1061
Gas & Electricity 4661
Community Hall 7226
Recreation 4581
Garden & Craft Show 1357
Works & Services 7087
Mayor’s Allowance 1000
Mayor’s Charity 200
Parish paths Partnerships (Admin & fuel) 80
Diamond Jubilee 327
Office Equipment 2502
Parish Newsletter 1969
Publications & Periodicals 44
Training Costs 1305
Sundry Expenses 206
VAT (Reclaimed) 5536