-Linux Academy Notes-

User Guide:

red = command

Purple= command options

figure=figures with respective file name, located inside Figure folder

Lecture: Setting up Linux Academy server:

ssh ess


123456 pw


change pw: passwd

Current pw: 123456

New Pw:

Change root pw

Super user command: su –

Takes to root prompt

Root pw: 123456

Change root pw:




LS command: ls

Vncpasswd command: vncpasswd



To Reboot: go to root: su –


reboot server: reboot

Lecture: Free Software Foundation (FSF) and Open Source Initiative (OSI)

GPL: General public license is license used by Linux Kernel.

FSF: Free Software Foundation, driving force behind Gnu’s Not Unix (GNU) project.

Freedom 0:Free to use software, SW for any purpose.

Freedom 1: Free to examine the source code and modify.

Freedom 2: Free to redistribute.

Freedom 3: Free to redistribute modified SW.

2 versions of GPL used today: GPLv2 and GPLv3

Lesser GPL. LGPL. Library GPL are blocks of codes that can be used by other program eg: dialogue box etc.

OSI: Is a process for SW development through peer review and transparency.

catconcatenate: link things together in a series, to display text file on screen

Lecture: Desktop Skills Hands-On

KDE: K desktop environment for Linux, default for Mandriva and SUSE (Prn: Suza).

GNOME (prn: Nom): Popular desktop environment default for Linux distributions like Red Hat, CentOS

LXDE: Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment,for using less resources, used for old computers

UNITY: Canonical, publisher of Ubuntu distributions, created this

XFCE: modeled as commercial desktop

Terminal: Provides text-mode user interface

Lecture: Industry uses of Linux, Cloud Computing and Virtualization

Industry uses of Linux OS: Web Servers, Mobile app servers (some games servers), SQL DB servers (e.g. MySQL)

Linux is a contender Cloud computing. Eg. Gmail, Evernote, Dropbox Clouds is backed by Linux based back-end OS.

Virtualization is the creation of virtual OS through a virtualization SW that is known as hypervisor. This allows us to virtualize an OS in another computer/OS known as host. The virtualized OS that live upon this host are known as guest OS or Virtual Machines.

Virtualization SW examples: VirtualBox, VMWare, KVM/QEMU, XEN allows us to virtual in machines like Windows Laptop.

Lecture: Basic Shell

Shell: DOS is command line Shell

Linux is a command line Shell, but we can choose Shells from:

Sh – Bourne shell

Bash – Bourne again shell (default for most Linux distributions)

Csh – C shell (similar to C language)

Tsch –tsch shell

Zsh – Z shell

Ksh – Korn shell

Echo $SHELL– to show text in a command

To change shell- zsh

Sudo yum install (to install zsh shell)

cat /etc/passwd – shows which shell we are default.

Control+alt+F2-F6 (go in and out of other shells/new sessions) and,

Alt-F1come back to original session

Lecture: Command Line Syntax – ls

(L) ls- list (gives listing of files and folders).

ls –a shows all hidden files

ls –l shows long string of details of files with dates

ls –p shows folders file name with ‘/’ at the end of file name

ls -Rlists the directory and folders and what files live in files1, 2

Make directory mkdir dirtest1

Change directory cd dirtest1/

Lecture: Command Line Syntax- $PATH, Case Sensitivity

Every variable starts with ‘$’ sign.

echo $PATH shows path

cp copy

Lecture: Command Line Syntax- Basic Commands

halt shuts down Linux OS

reboot (Root) shuts down Linux and restarts back up

init o (Root) Shuts down OS, init 6 (shuts and back up, reboot)

shutdown(must be root)

shutdown –H Halt the machine

shutdown –P power off machine

shutdown –R Reboot machine

shutdown –h just power off, like halt command

shutdown –c Cancel power off

exit close terminal session from (public IP)

su - substitute user or super user from user to root, or vice versa

env shows all environment variable in system

top shows list of application & processes running in the system with process id

q quit

clear clear screen

which halt shows full path of where application lives

which reboot

which su

whoami shows which user you are

netstat shows status of network and current counteractions

route views routing table

ifconfig show net configuration in network card and modify settings (root)

ip addr shows all the ip address

Lecture: Command Line Syntax- uname

uname shows what OS we using

uname –s display linux Kernel name

uname –n displays system host name

uname –r displays Kernel release number

uname –v version number for Kernel

uname –m hardwarearchitecture

uname –p shows processor type

uname –i hardward platform

uname -o shows OS

uname –a shows all info at once

Lecture: Command Line Syntax- Command History, Command Completion

Every time we hit command, its saved in the .bash_history file

ls –a shows hidden file

cat .bash_history

cat ^ shows last entry

export HISTFILESIZE=99999


Type: tar –zxvf +te(can’t remember the whole file name) + Tabmultiple types), it will auto complete

Then you can start to type the rest of the file name from the list and it will auto complete typing the full name

P.S: Tar is used to zip/unzip files

Lecture: Command Line Syntax –cd and pwd

cd change directory, will bring to home folder/directory i.e. to user@drbindash1

pwd Print working directory (user/root)

If you want to move to a specific folder:

cd dirtest1 takes us to test1 folder

Lecture: Shell Configuration Files

Login shell, unlike terminal, looks black like DOS

cat /etc/bashrc contains shells functions and aliases

cat /etc/profile (etc pronunced et-c)

ls –a all hidden files

alt f2-f6 to move into Login Shell

Lecture: Variables- Environment/System Variables and user defined variable

Variable is a place holder for another value, that are stored in RAM that is reserved to store whatever value you want to put in it. It’s a container within a memory. There is user defined and system defined variable.

An Environment is a set of variables that are used in configuring system computing environments by the system itself.

eg: we used Tilda key (~) after cd command, it will take us to home. How does cd knows this?

Some commonly used environment ENV variables of Linux systems:

BASH and SHELL variable /bin/bash

CPU i686 specs of your system

DISPLAY location of X windows

EUID user id of current user

HISTFILE stores no. of command saved in our files

HISTSIZE how many commands history saved eg. 9999

HOME path to current home user directory


LOGNAME username of current user

MAIL path to mailbox file

OLDPWD stores path to prior current directory

OSTYPE type of OS currently being run, usually Linux


PWD path to current working directory

PSI stores characters used to do shell prompt

USER & USERNAME store name of current user

env shows all variables

set shows all variable in alphabetical order

cd /var/opt/

$PATH=$PATH:/var/opt/ Add new path

vim to edit file

Lecture: Variable- User Defined

Recreate customized user defined variable:


echo $AWESOME (Shows Stephen)

export awesome (other Shells get this).

Cannot contain hyphens or underscore. Always use all CAPS. Variable names cannot contain space.

Lecture: Globbing

Wild card character to find names from the system. Global Command = Globbing. Built into bash shell now.

ls *.txt find any file name with .txt at the end.

If we know beginning of a wild card name but not the end, then:

ls test* shows file with name ‘test’ and ‘*’ meaning anything that follows that.

ls ?.txt ‘?’ means 1 character.

If we know 9 characters, then:

ls ?????????.txt shows files with 9 characters.

If I know my file name starts with Monday and ends with file. Then:

ls Monday-file?.txt

To find specific range of letters then,

ls [F]*.txt Shows file with name begins with F and is a .txt file.

ls [f].txt shows file with starting lower case f.

ls –al shows all the files.

ls f[igh][lfz]e*txt 1stletter certainly is f but 2nd could either be i or g or h and the 3rdwith l/f/z and certainly ends with e. We use ‘*’ because we don’t know the number, it is used for any character/set of character/ or nothing.

Lecture: Quoting

Double Quote to substitute values or command.

eg: echo “Username is $USER”

This will print what the current Username: Username is drbindash

Single quote: preserves the literal meaning of each character of a given string and will turn off the (special) meanings of all character.

eg: echo ‘Username is $USER’. This will print/echo the literal Username of $USER. Username is $USER

Backslash: Takes away or removes the (special) meaning from a single character and can be used as an escape character. If we did not have the \ character before $5.00 here it would try and interpret the following command as variable.

$ echo “The cheeseburger is going to cost you $5.00”Will be printed: The cheeseburger is going to cost you .00

But if we used the \ we can negate our special character $echo “The cheeseburger is going to cost you \$5.00”. Printed: The cheeseburger is going to cost you $5.00.

Lecture: Formatting Commands

\ backslash can be terminator too. We can use \ and go to the next line with prompting the command.

Lecture: Working with Options

Linux command parameters can be divided into 2 types>

Parameter with a dash (-) are called options and with no leading dash are called arguments.

ls –al are two options (a= all, l =long listing),

we can use this as ls –a –l

Formatting commands conceptually looks like this:

command – what to do?

options – How to do it?

arguments- What to do with it?

Using the Command Line to Get Help:

Lecture: Man

The Linux MAN (Manual) pages or Manual Page Systems. Meant to be used only for quick remainder, not as tutorial. It’s for only someone who knows the basics.

Man Pages are organized into 9 sections. We use section 1 the most.

Section 1. Executable programs and shell commands.

2 System calls provided by kernel

3 library calls

4 device files usually stored in /dev

5 file formats

6 games

7 Miscellaneous (macro packages, conventions, and so on)

8 system admin commands (programs run mostly or exclusively by root)

9 Kernel routines

man cp learn about copy files and directory

man cal learn about calendar

man rm remove

man vim

man passwd

man 5 passwd Pulls up section 5 and specific file formats about passwd

What if we don’t the man page or what command?

whatis passwd shows 3 diff possible man (manual) pages with keyword passwd

apropos man Find everything about manual (man)

Easier way by using K flag:

man –k man Anything about manual

man –k passwAnything about password

man –k network Anything about network

man –k mv Anything about move

MAN pages are organized like to:

Name, Synopsis (flags), Description, Options (or flag sections), Files, See Also, Bugs, History, Author

mv test.sh logs/ Move test.sh file to logs file

mv Monday-file1.txt newfilename.txt Moves Monday-file1 and renames it simultaneously too

Using less key commands to navigate MAN pages:

H or h displays help

Page down, spacebar, ctrl V, Ctrl F moves down 1 screen

Page Up, Esx V, Ctrl B moves up one screen

n or / repeats the previous search

Q or ZZ quits

/Options Searches ‘Options’ in Man page, Works like Ctrl-F

Man less Shows all about less

Lecture: Info

Info Page: Similar to man but the goal is to support functions which man cannot. E.g.: Hyperlinks.

info info to learn about info system itself

Navigate info:

?Displays help info


P back

U up

Arrow Up down

L displays last page

Entermoves to new node once you have selected it

Tdisplays top page

Qexits from system

Lecture: locate, find, whereis, and using/usr/share/doc/

Other ways to get help:

README files, readme.txt

The downloaded README for unzipped source files are usually found in:




Some programs have configuration files located in:


If we are using RPM-based Linux distribution we can use the RPM tool to locate documentation for a package.

Eg: rpm-ql packagename | grep doc

rpm –ql passwd | grep doc (|) is called piping out

To find readme file for the Yum application manager:

rpm –ql yum | grep README

Most packages use best practice naming convention.

Other ways to find:

find/usr/share/doc –name “*passwd*”

locate passwd

whereis passwd

Utilities to read different file formats:

file extensions:Programs to read them with

.1- .9man, info, less

.gz or .bz2gunzip, bunzip2, less

.txt less and any text editor vi, vim

.html .htmany web browser

.odtLibreOffice, OpenOffice.org, any word processor app

.pdfxpdf, Adobe reader

.tif, .png.,.jpgGimp

Using Directories and Listing Files:

Lecture: The Linux File System

File system is where data is saved. You can save a file somewhere and find it later.

Linux file system used a hierarchy(FSH- File System Hierarchy) standard to organize and store data. At the top of the tree there is root directory. Under it are sub directories.


bin dev home lib64 mnt proc run srv tmp usr

boot etc lib media opt toot sbin sys users var

bin directory: contains files to run the Linux shell.

Next is boot directory, contains boot file to boot file system.

Dev (Device) has various file hard drive system we can install. Block devices: pen drive.

Next is etc (prn: 8c). Services running in the system.

Eg: /etc/aliases contains a table used to redirect all to local users

/etc/exportsconfigured file systems to be exported to remove NFS clients

/etc/hosts a list of hostname to IP address mappings

/etc/passwdour Linux systems user accounts file

/etc/shadow contains encrypted passwords for our user accounts

/etc.X11where X windows configuration files are

/etc/fstab, /etc/groups, .etc/grub.conf and so on.

Home folder or directory contains sub directory. We have user called user and drbindash.

Lib (library) folder contains code library used for programs.

Media directory is used by open source or fedora for USB.

Mnt (mount) used to mount external drives.

opt (option) files for installing some programs manually.

proc (process) has numbered folders for various processes.

rootdirectory is the root user’s home directory.


sbinis similar to bin folder. Has system manager files.

srv (services)

sysinfo about systemhardware.

tmpinfo about temporary files



varLinux variable data including log files.

Linux disk files systems contain file system format. Disk file system is for reliability of file system in a system. Linux have wide variety of disk file system like: ext2 (oldest and fastest file system, max 2TB file, 255 characters long, system itself 4TB), ext3 (updated ext2, allows journaling, records transactions in journals, in event of power outage it can replay system when power is back on unlike ext2 file system), Reiser file system (uses journaling too but different internal structure, 16TB itself, 8TB biggest file), ext4 (1XB volume, 1TB file).

Lecture: Files, Directories

pwd power print working directory shows which directory we are at

ls shows various directory and suppose we want to go to media directory

cd media/ change directory to media

pwd shows we are in media directory

cd just cd will take us to home and it shows tilda (~) i.e. Home

cd .. takes us up one directory

cd user/

If we want to move two directories up:

cd ../ ..

We can use ls to list contents:


ls/var/logShows contents in log folder

ls/home/user shows contents in user

ls –l Long listing of the folders.

ls –R displays content of current directory and sub directories

Lecture: Hidden Files and Hidden Directories

Linux OS need to hide so that we don’t accidently edit or mess it up. Any file beginning with period (.) is hidden. eg: .local

If we want to create a hidden file. touch .testfile.txt (file with period in front).

To create new folder (directory): mkdir .testfolder (with period in front).

Lecture: Absolute and Relative Paths

pwd prints working directory, which is /home/user which is the relative path i.e. path we are currently in.Absolute path: We provide the long and complete path. Eg: ls /home/user/testdir2/ or use relative path: ls testdir2/

Creating, Moving and Deleting Files

Lecture: Files and Directories

root@dr touch file.txt created a file.txt

ls –al see details of file

touch file.txt will update the time stamp of file.txt

touch –d “February 1 2015” file.txt File.txt will be dated February 1st

cp file.txt file1.txt will copy file.txt

cp file.txt newdir1/ will copy file.txt to newdir1 folder


copy file.txt newdir1/newfilename.txt will have a brand new file newfilename.txt at newdir1

-f f flag force

-p flag preserving original file ownership on file

-i flag interactive flag, copy (cp) will ask before overwriting a file that already exists

-R recursive will copy all directories recursively

-a archive, same as –R, preserves ownership of the older files as well

-s symbolic links

-u update, copy file only if original file is new than old file

root@dr mv file1.txt file2.txt moves file1 and simultaneously renames it

mv file2.txt testdir2/ moves file2 to new directory testdir2

Let’s check testdir2 and check contents: cd testdir2/

To move and rename file while taking to new location:

mv file.txt testdir2/newname.txt

Let’s see folder testdir2: cd testdir2/


To delete file:

rm newname.txt removes or deletes the file

y type yes for confirmation

check: ls

root@ dr: Let’s create few files:

touch file1 file2 file3 file4

ls shows files

rm file1 file2 file3

Are you sure? y y y