AM 215
Conversational American Sign Language
Instructor: Ms. Cindy Frank, M.A.
Contact Information: Ph: (775) 445-4274 E-Mail:
Classroom: Cedar Room #109
Class Meeting Times: T/Th 1:00 – 2:45
Deaf Studies Office: WNC Cedar - Room #323
Office Hours: By Appointment Only
Transfer Status: Transfers as an elective only within Nevada. Will transfer only to Universities with degrees related to Deafness.
Course Description:This course focuses on the natural use of American Sign Language. Appropriate use of ASL grammar and vocabulary in conversational situations is stressed. Students master appropriate pragmatics, use of facial expressions, space, fingerspelling and classifiers, simultaneously for conversational fluency.
Required Text:
- None
Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, student will incorporate the following skills into their conversational and conventional signing skills:
- Conversational fluency, accurate ASL grammar and appropriate ASL pragmatics
- Appropriate use of fingerspelling.
- Use of Sociolinguistic cues used during conversational ASL.
- Combining all five domains of ASL language in fluent signed output.
- Participation and conversation with various Deaf/HH people.
- Understanding the importance of cultural traditions, diversity and ethics in the modern world
- Acquiring effective and efficient learning skills, including the location and evaluation of information
Topics for Discussion≈200
Attendance≈30 points per class
Participation≈30 points per class (Cannot be made-up)
Final Interview 200
Grades will be calculated according to WNCC policy:
A = 91% – 100% B = 81% - 90% C = 71% - 80% D = 61% - 70% F = >60%
Topics for Discussion: Students will be required to bring a topic for discussion from a newspaper, magazine, book or article (preferably something current) to present to the class in appropriate ASL grammar. This will be due each class meeting. Worth 10 points each.
Midterm: Students must demonstrate receptive and expressive competency and improvements in an interview with the professor.
Attendance Policy: 30 points per class.It is imperative that students are present to learn. Let’s show up, learn, talk and have fun! Remember, that language is interactive – those who participate learn more. Your participation will impact your grade. Please call me if you plan to drop… if you do not officially drop the class, then will receive an “F” – NOY a “W”.
To succeed in learning a visual and hands-on language, attendance is very vital. Let’s show up, learn, talk and have fun! Remember that language is interactive – those who participate, learn more. Sometimes arriving late is impossible to avoid, but consistently arriving late is not fair to the other students. If you miss class, you are responsible for all material covered and announcements made in your absence. There are many outlets to catch up on missed material; you may visit me during office hours, attending tutoring, or catch up with other students.
- If you have 4 or more unexcused absences, you may receive an F.
- You will be given 30 points for each class. Roll will be taken at the beginning of each class. If you are more than fifteen minutes late, it is your responsibility to make sure you are marked present and receive any important announcements from your classmates, as this will be done at the beginning of class; you will also may not receive any attendance points for that class. Also, please plan to stay for the whole class. If you leave early, you may lose half of your points for that class.
Participation: Since ASL is a visual language, if you are not paying attention, you will miss a lot of important information.
- You will be given 30 points for each class (These points cannot be made up). If you are not participating, including but not limited to; talking with other students during activities, not paying attention when others are signing, using your cell phone…you may receive partial credit for the class, or none at all.
- If for some reason, you are “lost” and do not understand what is going on, raise your hand and ask. Don’t ask the people you are sitting with to help clarify. This only prevents you both from succeeding.
- At the beginning of each class, we will have a “warm-up”. It will be a variety of activities; fingerspelling, talking about your weekend, counting….. It is important that you pay attention to your classmates. You may learn something new or be able to help and support them.
Assignments/Activities:Assignments (readings, quizzes, in-class activities, working with partners/groups, signing in front of the class, homework..) will be given periodically as a means for you to become more knowledgeable and comfortable with ASL. These assignments will consist of using both receptive and expressive skills.
The 4 Golden Rules of Our Environment
1) Be courteous to all in the classroom. We all will become vulnerable in this course. We are all in the same boat. Listen to your classmates and their suggestions. You don’t have to agree with them, just understand their perspectives. We stretch, change and grow by learning from diversity. Disruptive behaviors will not be tolerated and you will be asked to leave for the remainder of the class. Maya Angelou: “People will not remember what you said, or did. People will remember how you made them feel.”
2) You should not have any items obstructing your view or the instructors view. All purses, backpacks, laptops...should be placed under your table so all have access to your signing. This is also true for anything that is placed on your head.
3) This class is too large for chit-chat. You are probably not aware of how disturbing it is to your classmates to be forced to listen to your chatter. You will be given one warning. After that you will be asked to leave for the remainder of the class. If this behavior continues, we will have a private meeting to address the issue. Please save these conversations for your break time, before or after class.
4) Please make sure that your cell phones are not heard or seen. By this I mean make sure they are turned off or on vibrate and put away. If I see you using your phone, you will lose all participation points for that day. CONSIDER THIS YOUR WARNING! If there is an emergency, let me know and we can make arrangements. This also goes for ANY type of handheld item: games, ipods, ipads, laptops…Remember the cardinal rule of ASL: EYE GAZE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT! If you are not watching the person signing, you are missing something. Understandably this is difficult to do, and emergencies to arise during class. A quick glance at your phone is permitted, but unless it’s an emergency, please deal with it during break or after class. If it is essential you need to answer your phone, please step outside of the class so you don’t disrupt anyone.
Seating: If you are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, it is expected that you will sit towards the front of the class nearest the instructor, although this is optional. We want you to be comfortable in class, but we also want you to be exposed to different signers in order to best learn the language. Therefore, we may ask that you sit in different locations. This will be a great opportunity to get to know your classmates and will also keep your instructors on their toes. Additionally, this should create a lot less anxiety when it comes to signing in front of the class, as you’ll know everyone already.
Late class assignments: Late class assignments will only be accepted up to one week after the due date at 50% credit. After one week, late assignments may not be accepted.
Movies:This course may include videos. Some of these movies may contain adult content. If you feel uncomfortable or are offended by this, please let me know and you will be given an alternative assignment.
Guest Speakers/Signers: As with any language, learning is acquired from many sources, not just one teacher. From time to time, we may have guest speakers/signers in class. Also, some of the other ASL teachers may pop in and teach a lesson, just to expose you to different styles of signing. English spoken in Nevada does not sound the same as English spoken on the east coast, and everyone has a different signing style / accent. We ask that you treat everyone with the utmost respect and courtesy and follow all expectations laid out in this syllabus.
Western Nevada College Policies:Students are expected to abide by the policies set forth in the student handbook at all times. Copies of the student handbook may be obtained in the Student Center.
Class Cancellations: In the event of a class cancellation, I will make every effort to notify you in a timely manner. However, there may be a time when an emergency happens and I am unable to notify you myself. If I am unable to call you personally, an e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address provided when you registered so please have your correct e-mail information in the WNC system. Before each class, especially if there is inclement weather or the teacher has been ill; it is highly recommended that you check your e-mail before leaving for class.
Academic Integrity Policy:Students are to follow the Academic Policy as outlined in the WNC Policy Manual 3-4-5: Section 3. I expect all students to conduct themselves ethically as outlined in the student handbook. Plagiarism or cheating can result in one or more of the following actions: a 0 for that test/assignment, a possible failure in the class, or immediate dismissal from the course. Plagiarism includes not only copying the works of another, but it also includes using the ideas of another without citation. Thus, all written assignments that require research are to be cited and include a works cited page. If you do not know how to cite sources please visit the Academic Skills Center and they will be happy to help you out!
Code of Conduct: The primary responsibility for managing the classroom environment rests with the academic faculty. Students who engage in any prohibited or unlawful acts that result in disruption of a class may be directed by the faculty member to leave the class for the remainder of the class period. Longer suspensions from a class, or dismissal on disciplinary grounds, must be preceded by disciplinary proceedings in accordance with the WNC policies and the Board of Regents Code.
In order for each and every one of us to be successful, it is imperative to create a positive learning environment. Please treat other students, teachers, visitors and guests with respect. Be courteous and supportive to your classmates. We are all in the same boat here. Only give constructive and respectful feedback to one another and respect the views and opinions of everyone. We stretch, learn and grow by experiencing diversity. Disrespect or disruption of class (including but not limited to: sarcasm, cursing at anyone, arguing with the instructor or classmates, negative gossip, attending class under the influence etc…), will not be tolerated; any inappropriate behavior may negatively impact your grade. Severe disrespect or misconduct mayresult in immediate removal from the classroom. Violence or threats of violence in any way will not be tolerated and can result in a failure in the class, suspension from the college or even expulsion as any and all of this behavior will be reported.
LANGUAGE:As with all natural languages, ASL includes signs and phrases of sexual nature as well as curse words. It is encouraged that all students learn these signs, not for the purpose of using them, but so students are aware of how NOT to sign unintentionally, and will comprehend people if they use the signs while conversing with you. If you are uncomfortable with any of the aforementioned activities, it is the responsibility of the student to inform the instructor. The vast majority of these signs will be taught outside of official class times on a voluntary basis.
CHANGES IN Course requirements and/or Syllabus:
Instructor reserves the right to change course requirements and syllabus content as circumstances dictate. All changes will be notified in advance. Deaf Studies Instructors will often have colleagues, other Deaf Studies Instructors, who may substitute. This will reduce class cancellations as well as expose students to various signers.
FERPA:FERPA is the Family Education Rights and Privacy act. I cannot share any information about a student’s academic progress with anyone other than the student themselves, or privileged staff at Western Nevada College. FERPA also applies to those who are under 18 and taking college classes, so the instructor cannot discuss any academic progress with parents or guardians. Please do not have any one other than yourself contact me regarding your college experience.
Other important information:
Mid-term progress reports are required for all faculty to submit. They will be accessible on All passing grades are reflected as a “C” for the course; not a reflection of your current course GPA.
For a full refund of your class(es), you have until January 26th to drop that class.
The LAST day to withdraw from a class is March 27th with a “W”
February 16th President’s Day – College Closed
March 2nd: Last day to apply for Spring 2015 Graduation
March 16-20 Spring Break – NO classes but college is open
Finals week starts May 18th
Welcome!!!! Let’s have a great semester!