Athabasca & District Minor Hockey
Annual General Meeting
Thursday, April 14, 2004
Attendance: Trevor Marks, Anita Duckering, Janice Dron, Tracy Breese, Brenda Sheets, Karon Friesen, Helena Bosscha, Tracy Baron, Shawn Lindballe, Ralph Kamprath, Warren Griffin, Gord Tebbenham, Randy Reimer, Don Olsen, Glenn Richards John Parsons, Sheena Pacholok, Pam Carlton, Virginia Gill, Barbara Werenka, Jan Thiessen, Deanna Haggarty, Bill Creaser, Bernie Giacobbo, Stan Lyle, Jim Lowry, Rhonda Astasiewicz, Darcy Bucholtz, Darcy Marks, Deanna Byrtus, Sherry Tebbenham, Donna Skoreyko, Gail Dumont, Wendy Hutchison, Ron Opmeer
1.0 Call to Order – Meeting called to order at 7:10 pm.
2.0 Approval of Agenda
Agenda approved as presented.
3.0 Amalgamation Plebiscite – Jim Woodward
Trevor reported that due to another commitment, Jim Woodward was unable to attend tonight’s meeting. Trevor asked everyone to come out and vote on the upcoming amalgamation.
4.0 Approval of April 10, 2003 Annual General Meeting Minutes
Motion: (Trevor Marks/Anita Duckering) Moved that the minutes be adopted as
presented. Carried.
5.0 Business Arising From Last AGM Minutes
No business arising.
6.0 President’s Report – Trevor Marks
i) Thank you to the executive, parents, coaches, refs, hockey parents association
for an excellent year
ii) Players did well with league championships as well as 3 teams receiving medals at Provincials – Midget AA, Silver; Bantam AA, Silver; Midgets Girls, Bronze
iii) Fundraising went well – thanks to the division directors.
iv) Thanks to those who worked the St. Albert Casino as well as to Shawn
Lindballe and those who worked the Oilers 50/50
6.1 Athabasca Regional Multi-plex
Bernie Giacobbo reported on the following:
- 3rd set of plans for the Multi-plex have been drafted
- trying to stay within the $9.2 million quote although building costs have risen
- a group will be going to look at two arenas
- 3 main components include hockey, indoor soccer, and curling with the hopes of expansion at a later time
- plebiscite will be held at a future date
- 4 groups have committed to raising $200,000 – Minor Hockey, Curling, Rotary Club and Lions Club
Trevor indicated that minor hockey needs to promote the new facility due to the aging facility we currently have. The Multi-plex is a community facility with multi-purpose. Discussion was held regarding amalgamation and the Multi-plex.
6.2 Ratification of Executive Motion Made December 10, 2003
Motion: (Brenda Sheets/Karon Friesen) Minor Hockey commit to a target of $200,000 over the next 3 years for the Athabasca Multi-plex. All in favor, 1 abstained. Motion Ratified.
Discussion was held. This is a fundraising target. A few years ago, minor hockey opened a Capital Account for this purpose, current balance $10,139. We also worked at the St. Albert casino and this generated $21,189 for Minor Hockey.
6.3 Casino – Fort McMurray
Trevor reported that we will be working a casino in Fort McMurray on July 9 & 10/04. We require 15 volunteers. At the next executive meeting we will discuss paying for the accommodations in Ft. McMurray. The proceeds from this casino less expenses would be used for the Multi-plex. Next year, fundraising will be the hockey pool as it is very successful. In February 2007, we are slated to work the St. Albert casino.
7.0 Financial Report for 2003-2004 – Tracy Baron
Tracy reported on the following:
- successful year largely due to fundraising – casino/hockey pool/all star game/chocolates/Oilers 50/50. Gross revenue $49,641 from fundraising
- financial statements were reviewed
- new accounting program is being used
- would like to move the year end date of July 31st to April 30th
8.0 Notice of Motions – Amendments to Bylaws
Trevor reviewed the package of bylaw changes. See attached Notice of Motions for the current and proposed wording.
Bylaw 1.8 Motion: (Trevor Marks/Gord Tebbenham) Moved to remove Bylaw 1.8 All in favour, no opposed, Carried.
Bylaw 3.1 a) Motion: (Trevor Marks/Tracy Baron) Moved to accept proposed wording change. All in favour, no opposed, Carried.
Bylaw 3.1 b) Motion: (Trevor Marks/Helena Bosscha) Moved to remove Bylaw 3.1 b). All in favour, no opposed, Carried.
Bylaw 3.1 a) Motion: (Trevor Marks/Karon Friesen) Moved to accept proposed Term(s) of Service change. 26 in favour, 5 opposed, Carried. Discussion held regarding the Term(s) of Service. It was noted that most executive positions have a voting term over a 2 year period. This allows that not all positions are up for election at one time. Currently Minor Hockey has 3 – 2 year positions.
Bylaw 3.2 h) Motion: (Trevor Marks/Darcy Marks) Moved to accept proposed wording change. All in favour, no opposed, Carried.
Bylaw 6.2 f) Motion: (Trevor Marks/Tracy Breese) Moved to accept proposed wording change. All in favour, no opposed, Carried.
Bylaw 5.5 Motion: (Tracy Baron/Shawn Lindballe) Moved to accept proposed wording change. All in favour, no opposed, Carried. Discussion was held. Trevor reviewed Bylaws 6.2 g) and 6.3.
Bylaw 7 a) Motion: (Shawn Lindballe/Tracy Baron) Moved to accept proposed wording change. All in favour, no opposed, Carried.
Bylaw 7 d) Motion: (Shawn Lindballe/Tracy Breese) Moved to accept proposed wording change. All in favour, no opposed, Carried. Discussion was held and it was decided to table this item until the next AGM as more information is needed from Hockey Alberta. Item Tabled.
9.0 Elections
9.1 Vice-President (2 year)
Bernie Giacobbo nominated by Helena Bosscha – declined
Mark Kanzig nominated by Donna Skoreyko
- In by acclamation
9.2 Treasurer (2 year) – Tracy Baron nominated by Gord Tebbenham
- In by acclamation
9.3 AHPA Treasurer (2 year) – Janice Dron nominated by Tracy Breese - In by acclamation
9.4 Fundraising Chair
- Removed
9.5 Directors (1 year)
9.5.1 Pre-Novice – Melanie Opmeer nominated by Ron Opmeer
- In by acclamation
9.5.2 Novice – Shawn Lindballe nominated by Darcy Marks
- In by acclamation
9.5.3 Atom – Darcy Tangedal nominated by Karon Friesen
- In by acclamation
9.5.4 PeeWee – Darryl Anderson nominated by Janice Dron
- In by acclamation
9.5.5 Bantam – Randy Reimer nominated by Don Olsen
- In by acclamation
9.5.6 Midget – Don Pope nominated by Darcy Marks
- In by acclamation
9.5.7 Girls – Deanna Byrtus nominated by Donna Skoreyko
- In by acclamation
9.6 Registrar (2 year) – Darcy Marks nominated by Bernie Giacobbo
- In by acclamation
9.7 League Representative (2 year)
9.7.1 Sturgeon Pembina Hockey League
Don Olsen nominated by Darcy Tangedal - declined
Greg Manzulenko nominated by Janice Dron – declined
Glenn Richards nominated by Gord Tebbenham
- In by acclamation
9.7.2 Northern Alberta Female Minor Hockey League
Donna Skoreyko nominated by Karon Friesen
- In by acclamation
9.8 Ice Scheduler (2 year) – Helena Bosscha nominated by Brenda Sheets
- In by acclamation
9.9 Equipment Manager (2 year) – John Parsons nominated by Don Olsen
- In by acclamation
9.10 Referee-in-Chief (2 year) – Gord Tebbenham nominated by Darcy Marks
- In by acclamation
9.11 Coaching Director (2 year)
– Greg Manzulenko nominated by Karon Friesen
- Don Olsen nominated by Darcy Marks
Trevor reviewed the policy and currently the Coaching Director cannot hold a head coach position. The policy wording must be changed.
A vote was taken and Don Olsen was elected.
10. Player Registration (Darcy Marks)
i) anyone interested in registering should contact Darcy
ii) require approximately 8 or 9 more Midget players
11. Draw for 2 – 50% Registrations
Draw winners are Cody Haggarty and Nicholas Astasiewicz.
12. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.