Honors Anatomy & Physiology Special Senses Project
Each group will be assigned one of the special senses and each member of the group will be assigned one aspect of the project. Each group will also hand in 10 multiple choice questions to Dr. Nugent who will make the quiz for this topic. The project will be presented to the class on the assigned day. Each member of your team will be responsible for one aspect of the project. If your project is not ready your grade will suffer.
Special senses:
· Olfaction (#4 members)
o Build a model: include labels & be able to explain
o Physiology of olfaction: explanation (power point)
o Thresholds and adaptations: explanations (activity)
o Olfactory pathway (drawing or small poster) with explanations
· Taste (# 4 members)
o Anatomy of a taste bud: build a model: include labels and be able to explain
o Physiology of gestation: explanation (power point)
o Taste thresholds and adaptations (activity)
o Gustatory pathway (drawing or small poster that you can explain)
· Vision (#5 members)
o Model: accessory structures of the eye: labels & be able to explain
o Model: eyeball anatomy: with labels & be able to explain
o Image formation: refraction, accommodation, presbyopia, myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism,
o Physiology of vision (power point)
o Visual pathway (small poster with explanation)
· Hearing (#4 members)
o Model of anatomy of the ear: outer, ear canal, and middle ear (with labels & be able to explain)
o Model of inner ear with labels and explanation
o Physiology of hearing (power point)
o Auditory pathway (small poster with explanation)
· Equilibrium & balance (#3 members)
o Physiology of equilibrium (power point)
o Saccule & utricle model with labels and explanations (with labels and explanation)
o Equilibrium pathways (small poster with labels)
· Sensory receptors (#2 members)
o Touch receptors: models with labels and explanations
o Pain/ temperature receptors: models with labels and explanations
· Development of eyes and ears (2 members)
o Model of eyes with labels and explanation
o Model of ears with labels and explanation