Report of the Southern Gulf Societyof Health-System Pharmacists (SGSHP)
President-Diana Elnemr, PharmD
Secretary-Shawn Mathew, PharmD
Treasurer-Steve Kessinger, RPh, MS, MBA
Past President-Mark Collum, RPH
President Elect-Karl Healy, PharmD
CE Coordinator-Kristen Kirdahy, PharmD, BCPS
Membership Size (as of January 2015)
Board of Directors Members of Regional Society
FSHP President: Christine Gegeckas, RPh, BCOP
Council Members of Regional Society
Chair of Administrative Affairs Council: Connie Hogrefe, PharmD
Emergency Preparedness Committee: Karl Healy, PharmD
Emergency Preparedness Committee: Bella Mogaka, PharmD
Legal and Regulatory Affairs Council: Rakhi Patel, PharmD, BCPS
Chair of Membership Committee: Jonathan Girnys, PharmD
Vice Chair of Membership Committee: Suzanne Turner, PharmD
Membership Committee: Jonathan Cho, PharmD
Membership Committee: Stephanie Tears, PharmD, BCPS
Public Affairs Council: Sally Cushnie, PharmD
Public Affairs Council: Wendy Dean, PharmD
Public Affairs Council: Bella Mogaka, PharmD
Student Council: Bella Mogaka, PharmD
Past Presidents
- Stan Freeman, MS, PharmD
- Steve Kessinger, RPh, MS, MBA
- Christine Gegeckas, RPh, BCOP
- Hogrefe, Connie, PharmD
C.E. Programs
July 22, 2014
New and Emerging Medication Therapies of 2013-2014 by Jonathan Cho, Pharm.D. and Ryan Hire, Pharm.D., PGY-1 Pharmacy Practice Residents, Lee Memorial Health System
ACPE UAN: 0163-9999-14-160-L01-P/T
September 2, 2014
Management of Pain in the Peri-Operative Setting by Carol Massimino, Pharm.D., Peri-Operative/OR Pharmacist, Lee Memorial Health System-Health Park
ACPE UAN: 0163-9999-14-209-L01-P/T
October 7, 2014
Epilepsy: A Case of Misfiring Neurons by Stephanie Tears, Pharm.D., BCPS
ACPE UAN: 0163-9999-14-243-L01-P/T
November 19, 2014
Failure is Not an Option: Let's Review the 2013 ACCF/AHA Practice Guidelines for the Management of Systolic Heart Failure by Jeremiah Yang, Pharm.D.
ACPE UAN: 0163-9999-14-261-L01-P/T
January 8, 2015
Overview of the Diagnosis and Management of COPD Presented by Asia Parham, Pharm.D
ACPE UAN: 0163-9999-15-001-L01-P/T
February 17, 2015
Bad the the Bone: Osteomyelitis Presented by Magan Patch, Pharm.D.
ACPE UAN: 0163-9999-15-011-L01-P/T
March 31, 2015
RSI: An ER Pharmacist Perspective by Shawn Mathew, Pharm.D
ACPE UAN: 0163-9999-15-062-L01-P
April 15, 2015
Cultural Competence by Jessica Natali, Pharm.D. and Kimberly Spilman, Pharm.D.
ACPE UAN: 0163-999-15-067-L04-P/T
May 27, 2015
Medication Errors by Peter Duggan, BSPharm and Jonathan Girnys, Pharm.D
ACPE UAN: 0163-999-15-063-L05-P/T
June 17, 2015
Infectious Diseases in Emergency Medicine by Karl Healy, Pharm.D., and Jonathan Cho, Pharm.D.
ACPE UAN: Not available yet
Award/Scholarship Winners
Institutional Newsletter Award
Pharmacist Poster Winner
Treasurer’s Report
- Expenses
Educational programs:
- Food $ 1575
- Fees $ 210
- Honoraria $ 1725
-Total Expenses $ 3510
- Credits
- Membership Dues $ 2118
- Exhibitor Fees $ 800
- Interest Income $ 27
- Total Income $ 2945
c. Net Loss/Profit ($565)