In-Col0r Club


  • Everybody loves the new In Color family. This is your chance to receive all of the In Color products, plus FREE stamps within a monthly budget.
  • No attendance necessary. This Club is available to both local and long distance customers.


  • It’s easy! Send in your agreement form and as soon as we have 6 In Color Club members you will receive one complete set of coordinating In Color products including 8.5” x 11 cardstock, a Classic Ink pad and refill, Polka Dot 1/2” ribbon, and a Stampin’ Write marker (retail value - $32.66 including shipping and tax) each month for 6 months. By the end of the 6 months you will have all of the In Color products.


  • One of the 6 months you will receive an exclusive Level 1 Hostess gift, $15 in free merchandise of your choice, and a box to store your markers.

WHY WAIT? Join the Club today!

Jeanne Ciolli – Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator


For the most current Stampin’ Up! news and ideas visit my blog at:

In Color Club Agreement

I hereby agree to be a member in the In Color Club organized by Jeanne Ciolli, a Stampin’ Up! Independent Demonstrator. Please initial each agreement paragraph.

  • I hereby agree to participate in the In Color Club for a minimum of 6 months, or find a replacement member should I need to cancel my membership for ANY reason.
  • I understand that I will receive one new color of In Color products each month, for 6 months including a 8.5” x 11” package of cardstock, a Classic ink pad and refill, a Stampin’ Write Marker, and a spool of ½” Polka Dot ribbon for $29.95 per month*.
  • I hereby agree to pick up my order from Jeanne within 15 days of being notified that the orders have arrived. If I need to have my order shipped to me, I understand that there is an additional shipping charge of $4.25 per month.
  • In the month that I am the Hostess, I will receive $15 in free merchandise and one Level 1 exclusive Hostess product. Hostess Benefits are based on total orders received that month. I may increase my benefits by gathering outside orders and/or by hosting an in-home party before the 10th of my Hostess month.
  • I understand that there must be a minimum of 6 members for a Club to begin. Once a Club is full, a new Club will be formed.
  • I understand that I will receive a $5.00 gift certificate for each person I refer to Jeanne that joins an In Color, Virtual Hostess, Card of the Month, or Page of theClub.

Please return the Agreement form to:

Jeanne Ciolli

10 Indian Pipe

Dove Canyon, CA92679

Once your completed form has been received and the In Color Club is full, you will receive the details for your specific club including the month you will hostess. Preferred months will be assigned on a first come first served basis.

For questions call Jeanne at (949) 888-8971 or Email:

*Long distance customers agree to pay an additional $4.25 per month for shipping

In Color Club Agreement

Please print clearly

Name: ______


City: ______

State: ______Zip: ______

Phone: _(______)______

Email: ______

Preferred Month:


4. ______5. ______6.______

Credit Card Information (required to be on file):


Name on Card: ______

Card Type: ______

Card #: ______

Exp. Date: ______Zip Code (card billed to): ______

I hereby agree to purchase in the In Color Club products for 6 consecutive months at $29.95* per month. I understand that by signing this form I have made a commitment to my fellow Club Members to participate for the full 6 month period, or it is my responsibility to find a replacement member should I need to cancel my membership for ANY reason.

Signature: ______Date: ______

Print Name: ______