Napa County Putah Creek Watershed Group
Best Management Farming Practices for Water Quality Protection
January, 2007
Best Management Practices: Strategies and Implementation
The Napa County Putah Creek Watershed Group, (NCPCWG), was formed in 2004 to address water quality issues related to the state’s irrigated agriculture waivers program mandate. The centerpiece of the NCPCWG’s efforts has been to assess the potential for water quality impairment sourcing from irrigated agriculture, and to put in place an ongoing water quality monitoring program to insure that clean water goals are achieved.
Progressive conservation programs and sustainable farming efforts already in place in Napa County have allowed the NCPCWG to demonstrate that threats to water quality impairment due to agriculture discharges are not expected to be likely or common.
As an adjunct to its water quality monitoring program being carried out by the Napa County RCD, the NCPCWG has developed a list of 14 Best Management farming practices, (BMP’s). The BMP’s are intended for growers to use as guidance for documenting farming and land management practices that protect water quality by managing potential runoff of soil, pesticides, and nutrients from their irrigated farmland.
The BMP’s are based on USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, (NRCS) conservation practice standards that have been further adapted for use in Napa County. Because each farm has its own set of unique soil, climatic, and terrain features, as well as unique farming and natural resources components, the degree to which various BMP’s should be applied to the land will vary. On some lands, for instance, soil erosion control needs and storm runoff management issues will require more intensive attention .
The Irrigation Water Management, Nutrient Management, and Pesticide Management BMP’s will be fully implemented on all enrolled lands, with appropriate farm-specific planning to achieve water quality protection goals.
Growers are encouraged to work with professional advisors, including the NRCS, licenced Pest Control Advisors, the University of California, licensed engineers, and other qualified professionals to assess their land and farming practices and determine the effectiveness of their current conservation farming program.
The following pages include a simple, single-page description of the following BMP’s, as well as appropriate sources of additional guidance to tailor appropriate applications.
· Access Road / · Cover Crops / · Critical Area Planting·
· Diversion / · Grassed Waterway / · Irrigation Water Management
· Mulching / · Nutrient Management / · Pest Management
· Riparian Forest Buffer / · Riparian Herbaceous Cover / · Sediment Basin
· Streambank & Shoreline Protection / · Underground Outlet