Honors Earth with Physical Science Syllabus 2014-2015

Mrs. Veda Kanitz (Ms. K) Email:

Room N22 Voice Mail: (651) 683-6969 #94448

Office Hours: 7 to 7:25 and 2:30 to 3:30

This course is a laboratory approach to Earth Science including Physical Science and the Nature of Science and Engineering Standards. Units of study will include: The Nature of Science and Engineering, Earth’s Systems and Cycles, Vermillion River Field Study, Earth’s Matter, Earth’s Energy, Plate Tectonics, Earth History, Astronomy and Climate. Human’s impact on Earth’s systems is examined in several units throughout the year. Emphasis will be placed on using the scientific method and the engineering design process and communicating the results through formal laboratory write-ups.

As an honors class, students will be required to work independently and in cooperative groups to complete a significant amount of research, along with studying and reviewing the concepts covered. Most assessments include data analysis and constructed response questions that will help to prepare the student for more advanced science classes and college placements tests such as the ACT and SAT. Note: This year long course is a graduation requirement.

Class Resources

1. Moodle page - Students access the class Moodle page through the RHS home page. Parents can view the page as a guest through the link on my faculty web page. Check this resource several times a week to connect with resources needed to be successful in class such as: links to the textbook, other online resources, videos, lecture notes, learning targets, practice quizzes, and assignments.

·  Students who do not have access to computers with Internet at home should use the computer in the room before or after class, use the computers in the IMC before or after school or over lunch, or ask Mrs. Kanitz for a printed copy.

2. Our textbook - Earth and Physical Science, Grade 9

Students have the option to check out a textbook for home use if they wish. Students who check out a book must cover it and keep it in excellent shape and return it at the end of the school year. The textbook and all student resource materials accompanying the text are available to students through the Internet at:


·  From the login page students enter the username: 196-student identification number

password: last six letters of last name and two digits for day of birth

If you have a reliable, high-speed Internet connection you may choose to NOT check out a text. There will be a classroom set of textbooks for student use at school.

3. Second textbook -Earth Science: Geology, the Environment, and the Universe

This is available for classroom use, overnight checkout or through the above link.

Course Outline

T1 Units / T2 Units / T3 Units
Introduction and Earth’s Systems
and Cycles / Engineering Design - Wind Turbine lab / Earth’s Climate
Vermillion River Field Study / Nature of Science and Plate Tectonics / Climate Change
Earth’s Matter / Earth History / Stellar Evolution
Earth’s Energy / Climate - Factors that Determine Climate Zones / Newton’s Laws

Donation Request

All Earth with Physical Science students are asked to donate $10 to the course. This money is used to replace broken glassware, purchase equipment, provide sanitation supplies and conduct additional demonstrations and labs each year. Without this funding, many of the opportunities we have been able to provide in the past will need to be cut from our curriculum. If you have room for this in your family’s budget, please donate online through Schoolview/Feepay by Friday, September 12th.

Grading and Assessment

·  Points will be awarded for most work completed both in and out of class.

·  Students will receive learning targets describing the specific skills and concepts that they are expected to learn.

·  Quizzes, unit tests and a final test will be given covering these learning targets.

·  All homework is due at the beginning of the hour as soon as you walk into the classroom.

·  Homework and class work will be graded with quick checks in class, more thorough collection and grading, and using a portfolio system checked periodically throughout the unit.

·  Grades will primarily be based on unit test scores (about 50 pts each), cumulative final test score (100 pts) and special labs and projects. There will be a midterm T1 worth 100 points.

·  Projects include: Vermillion River Field Study T1, Wind Turbine STEM Lab T2, Astronomy Research Project T3

·  Extra credit points are offered on a very limited basis and may be withheld until assigned class work is completed.

·  Team incentives: learning teams who show the greatest improvement may earn bonus points once or twice a trimester.

·  Grading scale based on percentage of total points earned:

o  93-100 A 90-92 A-

o  87-89 B+ 83-86 B 80-82 B-

o  77-79 C+ 73-76 C 70-72 C-

o  67-69 D+ 63-66 D 60-62 D- < 60 F

Classroom behavior

1.  Behave at all times in a responsible manner. This means will you be respectful and courteous! Putdowns and hate speech will NOT be tolerated!

2.  Electronic devices such as cell phones, I-Pads, personal laptops should be out and remain upside down on your desk until directed to use in class.

3.  Stay actively engaged in learning from the time you arrive until the bell rings.

·  Start the hour by copying the warm up question(s) off the board and answering it in your science notebook.

·  Be an active learner! Listen, take notes, ask questions and participate fully in all labs and class activities.

·  Revisit the warm up question and record your new understanding of the concept as well as questions you still have at the end of the hour.

·  Do not pack up your materials early or stand by the door.

Required materials include:

pens (black, blue) 3-ring binder

#2 pencils with erasers loose-leaf paper

box of colored pencils RHS Academic planner

calculator highlighter

* flash drive is recommended notecards

3. Follow all safety rules in the lab and take time to read and follow lab directions carefully.

4. Do not consume food or beverage (other than water) in the classroom.

5. Follow all school and district rules as listed in your RHS planner.

Absences, makeup work and late work

1. It is your responsibility to get all missed work, notes, etc. when you are absent.

2. To find out what you missed in class you should always consult Moodle and talk to Mrs. Kanitz upon your return.

3. If you just miss one day of class, you may be asked to take a missed test or quiz in class the next day.

4. Students missing lab work will need to come in before or after school within one week of their absence to make up the work. For all other assignments, you will be given 2 days per day absent to turn in missed work due to an excused absence. The test day is the last day to submit work from a unit.

5. If you are absent the day an assignment is due, you will be required to turn it in the day you return to class.

6. Daily work and work that is graded in class may NOT be turned in late for points but should be completed for

Portfolio checks.

7. Larger projects/labs and assignments will lose 10% per day late.

Work quality and work ethic

1. All work must be original. No credit will be given for work that is copied from another student or source. Zero points will be awarded to students who give or receive another student’s work. Be sure to follow all school policies regarding plagiarism. Always give proper credit to your sources. See the library’s home page for help with properly citing sources.

2. You should expect to spend at least 20 minutes per day on this course outside of class. This should include reviewing class notes and other materials to prepare for tests and quizzes.

3. Study sessions will be offered before tests. These are very beneficial so plan on attending.

What to do when you need help

1. Come see Ms. K! I will generally be available in N22 before school from 7:00 to 7:25 and after school from 2:30 – 3:30.

2. Have a study buddy. Make a friend in class and call or get together to double your brainpower! Remember all work turned in must be in your own words, however!

3. Check out one of the many class resources listed on my Moodle page.

: Science Safety Contract :

1. Conduct yourself in a responsible manner at all times during a lab.

2. Tie back long hair & loose clothing in the lab, closed toed shoes when chemicals are involved.

3. Prepare for experiments by reading all of the directions before beginning.

4. Make sure that you know how to operate equipment prior to its use.

5. Handle all equipment as directed and with care and return when not in use.

6. Keep your lab work area clear of extra materials; such as backpacks.

7. Report all spills, broken glass or accidents right away.

8. To protect your eyes, wear safety goggles when recommended.

9. Know of emergency procedures in case of accidents.

10. Dispose of materials only as directed – not all materials can go down the drain!

11. NEVER eat or drink in the lab!

12. Do not touch, taste or smell chemicals that are in the lab.

13. Be careful when handling and washing glassware, so that it does not break.

14. Do not use cracked or chipped glassware. Give to teacher right away.

15. When class is outdoors, collect only what is needed. Respect nature.

16. When working in a group, stay focused on the experiment and don’t interrupt others.


Please sign, cut on line, and turn in this lower portion by Monday, Sept. 8

We have read the syllabus and safety contract and the student agrees to follow all policies.

Student’s full name printed:


Student’s signature:


Parent’s signature:


