UpperTyroneTownship Sewage Authority RescheduledRegular Meeting
December 19, 2016
Meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m.
Roll Call: Mr. Keller, present, Mr. Borek, present, Mr. Whoric, present, Mrs. Beranek, present, Mr. Kendi, present.
Persons Attending: Solicitor Korns, Engineer, Bill Utzman, Len Lewandowski, Edwin Zaffina, Joe Quinn, Mike Fesh, Debbie Rulli and Recording Secretary Lori Henry.
Mr. Borek motioned to approve the November 28, 2016 regular meeting minutes. Mr. Whoric seconded the motion. Vote – Mrs. Beranek, yes, Mr. Kendi, yes, Mr. Whoric, yes, Mr. Keller, yes, Mr. Kendi, yes. Motion accepted.
Treasurers report as of 12/19/2016:
(See Attached Balance Sheet)
Mr. Borek motioned to approve the treasurer’s report. Mr. Kendi seconded the motion. Vote - Mr. Whoric, yes, Mrs. Beranek, yes, Mr. Kendi, yes, Mr. Keller, yes, Mr. Borek,yes. Motion accepted.
Public Comment:
Edwin Zaffina questioned the charge of tap-in fees compared to Scottdale Borough as discussed at previous work session and regular meeting. He continues to feel that the charge from this Authority for tap-in for his business is too high. Discussions continued including the explanation of how UTTSA has figured the charges.
Len Lewandowski asked why the Solicitor was running the public comment. He feels if a resident is not being belligerent they should have more than 3 minutes to talk. He also feels a board member should be running the public comment. Mr. Whoric stated that he did not have a problem running public comment for meetings if the board so wished.
Motion to Pay Bills:
Mr. Kendi motioned to pay the bills for the month of December 2016. Mr. Borek seconded the motion. Vote – Mr. Borek, yes, Mr. Kendi, yes, Mr. Keller, yes, Mrs. Beranek, yes, Mr. Kendi, yes. Motion accepted.
Engineers Report:
Engineer Bill Utzman discussed the following from the Engineers Report:AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST
Contractor Payment Requests:
- 2015-01 – Gravity Sewer (R&B Contracting & Excavating) Payment request #8 in the amount of $12,288.78.
- 2015-02 Pump Stations (Kukurin Contracting) payment request #8 in the amount of $24,731.25
- 2015-03 – Low Pressure Sewer (R&B Contracting & Excavation) payment request #5 in the amount of $45,900.00.
Construction Work:
- R&B has a pipeline crew working up Baltimore Avenue and Grinder pumps are being installed in Owensdale.
- Kukurin has excavated the pit for Everson St. Wet well. Currently dewatering the pit. Groundwater is slowing them down.
Mrs. Beranek motioned to approve payment request #8 from R&B Contracting & Excavating for Contract 2015-01: Gravity & Forcemain in the amount of $12,288.78. This is for services performed 11/11/2016 through 12/12/2016 and Contract #2015-03 Low pressure payment requests #5 in the amount of $45,900.00. Mr. Borek seconded themotion. Vote – Mr. Borek, yes, Mr. Kendi, yes, Mrs. Beranek, yes, Mr. Whoric, yes, Mr. Keller, yes. Motion accepted.
Mr. Kendi motioned to approve payment request #8 from Kukurin Contracting for contract 2015-02: Pump Stations in the amount of $24,731.24. This is for services performed 11/11/2016 through 12/12/2016. Mr. Borek seconded the motion. Vote – Mr. Kendi, yes, Mr. Whoric, yes, Mr. Keller, yes, Mrs. Beranek, yes, Mr. Borek, yes. Motion accepted.
Solicitors Report:
Solicitor Korns reported on the following:
- Rules & Regulations are finished and ready to approve when the board is ready. The Board requested that they be available for the public to review until next meeting.
Mr. Whoric motioned to make Rules & Regulations available for public review until next meeting at which time they can be adopted. Mrs. Beranek seconded the motion. Vote – Mrs. Beranek, yes, Mr. Whoric, yes, Mr. Keller, yes, Mr. Kendi, yes, Mr. Borek, yes. Motion accepted.
- Discussed the car wash usage owned by Edwin Zaffina. Since water usage has not been submitted to Authority to determine tap fee, he suggested that he do a right-to-know request to Westmoreland Water Authority for records. The board agreed.
Mrs. Beranek motioned to authorize Solicitor Korns to place a right-to-know request to Westmoreland Water Authority to receive water usage records for car wash located in Kingview and owned by Edwin Zaffina to determine tap fee. Mr. Whoric seconded the motion. Vote – Mr. Borek, yes, Mrs. Beranek, yes, Mr. Kendi, yes, Mr. Keller, yes, Mr. Whoric yes. Motion accepted.
Mr. Whoric asked the solicitor when our authorities should start having agreements with each other. Mr. Korns stated that he can start drawing up agreements now.
WFMSA Report – Jackie Beranek
Mr. Beranek stated that she gave the check to WFMSA for our portion of loan that the authority is responsible for. WFMSA member Dianne Fig questioned why we only paid what we did. Mrs. Beranek stated that our authority is only responsible for amount that was paid. We would not be able to pay extra amount as they had requested.
New Business:
Mr. Whoric motioned to adopt the 2017 budget. Budget includes projective revenues in the amount of $4,690,035.00 with projective expenditures in the amount of $5,646,316.26. Projective grant funds to receive in the amount of $1,413,000.00. Balance of income estimated at $6,718.74. Mrs. Beranek seconded the motion. Vote – Mr. Keller, yes, Mr. Kendi, yes, Mr. Whoric, yes, Mr. Borek, yes, Mrs. Beranek, yes. Motion accepted.
The next work session will be held January 18, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. Next regular & reorganization meeting will be held on January 23, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.
Mr. Kendi motioned to adjourn the Upper Tyrone Township Sewage Authority regular meeting. Mr. Keller seconded the motion. Vote – Mr. Kendi, yes, Mrs. Beranek, yes, Mr. Borek, yes, Mr. Whoric, yes, Mr. Keller, yes. Motion accepted.
Meeting adjourned at 4:33 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lori Henry
Recording Secretary