Mrs. Wozniak / Mrs. Jochum
2016-2017 Classroom Expectations
7th Grade Mathematics
Room B3
Email: (Nov-June) Voice Mail: (313) 432-5726
Email: (Sept-Nov)
Welcome Parents!
I am looking forward to a wonderful year in 7th Grade Math at Parcells! I encourage you to take a moment to look over this page which includes information on classroom expectations and teacher contact information. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to meeting you in the coming weeks. Please sign and return the last page. Thank you!
Mrs. Jennifer Wozniak
As we begin the school year, it is important to review school policies and classroom expectations. These are reasonable guidelines designed to ensure that the environment in our classroom, and within the larger school community, is one in which each person feels comfortable, confident and respected.
Materials needed for class
1. Three-ring 1” binder
· Not part of a Trapper Keeper
· AVID students may use their AVID binders
2. Loose leaf paper
3. 2 or 3 pencils with erasers
4. Pen for corrections
5. Highlighter
6. Hand-held pencil sharpener
7. Calculator
8. Assignment book
Classroom Rules
1. Listen, think, and try.
2. Follow directions.
3. Be prompt and prepared.
4. Raise your hand.
5. Respect the rights of others to learn.
Homework assignments will be posted on the school website each week. In addition, you are required to write daily assignments in your Assignment book each day. Please keep in mind the following policies:
1. You should expect homework each night.
2. Please, at the very least, attempt every single problem.
3. Assignments must have appropriate headings: Full Name, Date, Hour, and Page Numbers.
4. Homework is reviewed and collected at the beginning of the hour.
5. Student work must be neat, legible, and complete.
6. Completed homework assignments should be kept in your three-ring binder in numerical order.
Homework is graded on a 5-point scale. A student receiving a 5 on an assignment attempted every problem and showed thorough work. A 5 represents excellent effort. All other scores show less effort and completeness. A student receiving a 0 did not have their assignment at the start of class. This will show up as a “Z” in Pinnacle. Students who do not participate and correct homework during the designated time risk losing credit for that homework assignment. Reviewing practice work is part of the learning process.
Homework Tips
Please use the following resources as you are completing your homework:
1. Binder
Review notes containing vocabulary words, definitions, steps, and examples.
2. Textbook
Review examples at the beginning of each section.
Reference answers to the odd problems at the back of the book.
3. Online Textbook
Username: parcells1
Password: u8e7v
Holt Course 2 Online Textbook (blue textbook)
Use the Lesson Tutorial Videos
Use the Homework Help Online
Review with the Interactive Practice Test
4. Khan Academy
Students can use their school Google accounts to sign-in.
Math videos on every topic and extra practice problems
The first day that you are back in class, you will be expected to:
1. Write make-up assignments in your Homework Organizer.
2. Get appropriate notes and handouts from Mrs. Wozniak.
3. Make up the work by the next scheduled class meeting.
If you miss more than one day of class, you may turn in assignments per Parcells’ policy.
NOTE: If you know that you will be absent from class ahead of time (due to special programs, field trips, etc.), you are responsible for getting your assignments ahead of time.
Card Marking Grading for “Work Habits”
The number of homework assignments graded as zeros, late, or incomplete will be used to determine a students’ work habits grade. No work shown will result in no credit for the assignments. In addition, daily productiveness during class and binder checks will impact the Work Habits grade.
The grading rubric is listed below
0-2 zeros: 1 in Work Habits
3-5 zeros: 2 in Work Habits
6-8 zeros: 3 in Work Habits
9-15 zeros: 4 in Work Habits
16+ zeros: 5 in Work Habits
Grades are entered weekly and can be accessed through the online Pinnacle grade book system. Individual grades are calculated using points, and then weighted in the following categories:
Homework (30%) Quizzes, Tests, & Projects (70%)
Grading Scale
99-100 A+ 88-89 B+ 78-79 C+ 68-69 D+ 0-59 E
93-98 A 83-87 B 73-77 C 63-67 D
90-92 A- 80-82 B- 70-72 C- 60-62 D-
Please go over this information with your child and return this lower portion of this sheet no later than Friday, September 9th, 2016.
Student Information
Name: ______
Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian Information
Name: ______
Signature: ______
Best phone # and email to reach parent: ______
Comments (Optional): Any information you think I should have concerning your child.