Week of January 25 - 29
C. Siler
6th Grade Math
Regular 1st/3rd/4th/6th Advanced 2nd/5th
MP 1-8
EQ: How does knowing how to find the area of basic shapes help to find the area of composite shapes? / Area of Triangles, Rectangles, Parallelograms, Trapezoids
Objective(s): Find the area of basic shapes
Guided Practice: sample problems
Independent Practice: (Homework) Worksheet / Area of Triangles, Rectangles, Parallelograms, Trapezoids
Objective(s): Find the area of basic shapes
Guided Practice: sample problems
Independent Practice: (Homework) Worksheet
MP 1-8 / Measurement Activity: Students will solve measurement problems using a game called Plickers. Plickers engages students to work out a problem and select the correct answer upon completion of the work. Then the students will hold up a card showing the multiple choice selection they chose for their answer. I will scan each card to reveal who had the correct/incorrect answers. Students do not know if anyone other than themselves got the answer correct. I, on the other hand, will know and can tell who’s getting the concept and who’s not. We will review each problem at the end of everyone’s selection of answers. / Measurement Activity: Students will solve measurement problems using a game called Plickers. Plickers engages students to work out a problem and select the correct answer upon completion of the work. Then the students will hold up a card showing the multiple choice selection they chose for their answer. I will scan each card to reveal who had the correct/incorrect answers. Students do not know if anyone other than themselves got the answer correct. I, on the other hand, will know and can tell who’s getting the concept and who’s not. We will review each problem at the end of everyone’s selection of answers.
Wednesday: MAFS.6.NS.3.6, MAFS.6.NS.3.6a, MAFS.6.NS.3.7, MAFS.6.NS.3.7c,
MP 1-4
EQ: How can absolute value help you to understand the size of a quantity? / 5-2 Absolute Value
Objective(s): Find the absolute value of an integer
Guided Practice: p. 358
Independent Practice: (Homework) p. 359 #1-16, 41-47 / 5-2 Absolute Value
Objective(s): Find the absolute value of an integer
Guided Practice: p. 358
Independent Practice: (Homework) p. 359 #1-16, 41-47
MAFS.6.NS.3.7, MAFS.6.NS.3.7a,
MAFS.6.NS.3.7b, MAFS.6.NS.3.7d
MP 1-5
EQ: How can symbols and absolute value help you to order sets of integers? / 5-3 Compare and Order Integers
Objective(s): Compare and order integers
Guided Practice: p. 366
Independent Practice: (Homework) p. 367 #1-9, 24-30 / 5-3 Compare and Order Integers
Objective(s): Compare and order integers
Guided Practice: p. 366
Independent Practice: (Homework) p. 367 #1-9, 24-30
MAFS.6.NS.3.6, MAFS.6.NS.3.6a,
MAFS.6.NS.3.7, MAFS.6.NS.3.7a,
MAFS.6.NS.3.7b, MAFS.6.NS.3.7d / Substitute
Worksheet from lessons 5 – 1, 5-2, and 5-3 / Substitute
Worksheet from lessons 5 – 1, 5-2, and 5-3

***NOTICE*** Lesson Plans are subject to change

X / Tiered Lessons
X / Graphic Organizers/models; Cornell Notes
X / Flexible Groupings; cooperative learning
X / Instructional Technology (document camera, projector, student computers)
X / Guided practice; demonstration
X / Acceleration
X / Research; independent study and/or study groups
X / Peer tutoring; teacher tutoring (“help chair” is for students to sit one-on-one with the teacher if they are still not grasping the material after the review of the lesson and examples)
X / Differentiated Instruction
X / Spiraling
X / Exit Pass (summative assessment)

ESOL Standards 1-7, 10

1. / How are integers and absolute value used in real-world situations?

Reflection Component:

Students will continue to spiral all week over problems they missed on the semester exam via bell ringers.