Black Hawk Ref: / Client: / BHVS Use Only / Ordered By: / BHVS Use Only
BLACK HAWK VALUATION SERVICESPhone (319) 989-9320 or (319) 989-2377 FAX: (866) 881-9249
Subject Property Information:
Property Type / Construction Type / Beds / Baths / Square Feet / Lot Size / Age / Garage / Pool/Spa / OccupiedPlease SelectSingle FamilyCondoCoopDuplexMobile HomeMulti-FamilyRow HouseTownhouseVacant Land / Please SelectFrameFrame and BrickFrame and StoneFrame and StuccoFrame and VinylBrickBrick and StoneBrick and StuccoBrick and VinylStuccoManufacturedModularConcrete BlockConcrete Block and StuccoLog HomeCedarCedar and BrickStone / Please SelectNoYes1 Car2 Car3 Car4 Car5 Car1.5 Car2.5 Car3.5 Car4.5 Car1 Carport2 Carport3 Carport4 CarportOff Street / Please SelNoYesIn-groundAbove-groundLapUnknownComplexCommunityHot TubWhirlpoolSpa
Subject Description
/ Exec / Good / Avg / Fair / Poor / Original List Price: / $ / Original List Date:Exterior Condition
/ Current List Price: / $ / Current List Date:Curb Appeal / Listing Agent: / Agent Phone:
Landscape and Lawn / Listing Company:
Subject Property Comments:
Closed Comparable Sales:
Address / Prop Type / Beds/Bath / Sq Feet / Sale Price / Sale Date / DOM / Proximity / Lot Size / Condition / GaragePlease SelectSingle FamilyCondoCoopDuplexMobile HomeMulti-FamilyRow HouseTownhouseVacant Land / $ / Please SelGoodExcellentVery GoodAverageFairPoorN/A / Please SelNoYes1 Car2 Car3 Car4 Car5 Car1.5 Car2.5 Car3.5 Car4.5 Car1 Carport2 Carport3 Carport4 CarportOff Street
Please SelectSingle FamilyCondoCoopDuplexMobile HomeMulti-FamilyRow HouseTownhouseVacant Land / $ / Please SelGoodExcellentVery GoodAverageFairPoorN/A / Please SelNoYes1 Car2 Car3 Car4 Car5 Car1.5 Car2.5 Car3.5 Car4.5 Car1 Carport2 Carport3 Carport4 CarportOff Street
Please SelectSingle FamilyCondoCoopDuplexMobile HomeMulti-FamilyRow HouseTownhouseVacant Land / $ / Please SelGoodExcellentVery GoodAverageFairPoorN/A / Please SelNoYes1 Car2 Car3 Car4 Car5 Car1.5 Car2.5 Car3.5 Car4.5 Car1 Carport2 Carport3 Carport4 CarportOff Street
Comment on how the comps compare to the subject, or note additional amenities.
Comparable 1:
Comparable 2:
Comparable 3:
Current Comparable Listings:
Address / PropType / Beds/Bath / Sq Feet / List Price / DOM / Proximity / Lot Size / Condition / GaragePlease SelectSingle FamilyCondoCoopDuplexMobile HomeMulti-FamilyRow HouseTownhouseVacant Land / $ / Please SelGoodExcellentVery GoodAverageFairPoorN/A / Please SelNoYes1 Car2 Car3 Car4 Car5 Car1.5 Car2.5 Car3.5 Car4.5 Car1 Carport2 Carport3 Carport4 CarportOff Street
Please SelectSingle FamilyCondoCoopDuplexMobile HomeMulti-FamilyRow HouseTownhouseVacant Land / $ / Please SelGoodExcellentVery GoodAverageFairPoorN/A / Please SelNoYes1 Car2 Car3 Car4 Car5 Car1.5 Car2.5 Car3.5 Car4.5 Car1 Carport2 Carport3 Carport4 CarportOff Street
Please SelectSingle FamilyCondoCoopDuplexMobile HomeMulti-FamilyRow HouseTownhouseVacant Land / $ / Please SelGoodExcellentVery GoodAverageFairPoorN/A / Please SelNoYes1 Car2 Car3 Car4 Car5 Car1.5 Car2.5 Car3.5 Car4.5 Car1 Carport2 Carport3 Carport4 CarportOff Street
Market Analysis: Repairs:
Market price past 12 months: / Increased / Decreased / Stable / % of Incr/Decr / a. / $
Supply of comparable homes: / Increasing / Decreasing / Stable / b. / $
Current market conditions: / Improving / Declining / Stable / c. / $
Neighborhood: / Excellent / Good / Avg / Fair / Poor / Inspection Type: Exterior Only Interior
Normal marketing time is: / days. / As Is / Repaired
Range of values in neighborhood: / $ to $ / Probable Sale Price: / $ / $
Subject is : / Consistent with neighborhood / Overimprovement / Underimprovement / Suggested List Price: / $ / $
Company Name: / Agent Name: / Date: