Distributor Setup Information – Jan 2015
Distributor Participation – Setup / Data Capture
Details of the Stock in the Channel regional site this form relates toStock in the Channel now operates in several territories with more being added as demand for our service is identified. In order to qualify as a participating Distributor, you must havea local warehouse, office or sales representative in the specified territory and be able to communicate with the resellers of that region in the local language.
Please complete this form only for an individual territory and submit separate forms for any other territory you wish to be considered for.
Countries currently available are:
Australia / Belgium Netherlands / Germany
France / Italy / Mexico
Please select the Stock in the Channel site this form relates to: / PLEASE SELECTAU - au.stockinthechannel.comBE - stockradar.beCA - ca.stockinthechannel.comDE - de.stockinthechannel.comES - canalstock.esFR - fr.stockinthechannel.comIT - it.stockinthechannel.comUK - stockinthechannel.comMX - canalstock.mxNL - nl.stockinthechannel.comUS - us.stockinthechannel.com
Distributor Name as it will appear on your listing: / Company Display Name
Registered Company Name if different from above: / Company Registered Name
Primary contact
/ Title & Full Name: / NamePosition: / Position
Email: / email
Main Address / Address 1: / ADD 1
Address 2: / ADD 2
Address 3: / ADD 3
Postcode / Zip: / ZIP
Country: / COUNTRY
Company details / TAX Code / TAX CODE
Co. Registration / REGISTRATION
Billing address
(if different) / Address 1: / ADD 1
Address 2: / ADD 2
Address 3: / ADD 3
Postcode / Zip: / ZIP
Country: / COUNTRY
About your products and service offer
Preferably your company should have official distribution arrangements in that territory with at least one Manufacturer unless you are distributing refurbished products or have a specific value add that you feel is of particular value and interest to the reseller community.
Please tell us a little about the Vendors whose products you offer.
Vendors you are official distributors for within the territory / Enter only those that you are official distributors for within the territory of:
AU - au.stockinthechannel.com
Vendors whose products you sub Distribute / Enter only those that you are official distributors for within the territory of:
AU - au.stockinthechannel.com
Please select all that apply to your products / Services / ☐ / We offer NewRetail / OEM Packaged Product from Stock
☐ / We offer Refurbished / Compatible Products from Stock
☐ / We Remanufacture / Refurbish Products ourselves in-house
☐ / We offer Software products for download after purchase
(Non-physical products)
Broad Categories that your product portfolio covers / ☐ / Computer / Network / Telecoms Hardware
☐ / EOS (Printer Consumables)
☐ / Consumer Electronics
☐ / Office Products
☐ / Janitorial & FM Supplies (Facilities Management)
☐ / PPE (Personal Protective Equipment / Work ware)
☐ / Electrical Components
☐ / Other – Please detail below
If your product area isn’t defined above, please provide details here / DETAILS OF PRODUCTS OR SERVICES NOT DEFINED ABOVE
Distributor Contact information
Please provide contact details for all relevant people so help facilitate a fast setup of your marketing page, data-feed(s) and Management account within Stock in the Channel or regional version of the Site
Primary Contact / Title & Full Name: / Name
Position: / Position
Email: / email
Data feed management contact / Title & Full Name: / Name
Position: / Position
Email: / email
Live data contact (if different) / Title & Full Name: / Name
Position: / Position
Email: / email
Electronic ordering contact
(if different) / Title & Full Name: / Name
Position: / Position
Email: / email
Marketing contact: / Title & Full Name: / Name
Position: / Position
Email: / email
Accounts payable contact: / Title & Full Name: / Name
Position: / Position
Email: / email
It is advisable that all the above people have a user login on the “AU - au.stockinthechannel.com” website. As a participating Distributor it is necessary to have an account in place which can act as a management client for your distributor listing.
If not already in place; the “Primary Contact” from your company should complete a registration now on “AU - au.stockinthechannel.com”
After registering you will receive a confirmation email with a link to confirm your account.
Once confirmed you will be able to add additional users to your account and enter other company details using the links from your “My Account” page
Once your Distributor listing is in place you will be able to manage the resellers that have visibility of your pricing and be able to upload multiple price files via this interface.
About your Data Feed(s)
Data Feed ManagementFor Each distributor;Stock in the Channel need to set up 3 different files. These are:
Master Product File - Collected once a day very late at night and is used to get your products into our data base
Stock File - Collected every hour during the working day and used to update stock level for products already in the system from the products import
Price File(s) - Collected early in the morning distributors can have as many of these as they wish and can add additional files via the self-serve interface.
Distributors have the option of:
- Providing a“Single PriceFile” for all clients.
- Setting up “Band Prices” (A,B,C or Gold, Silver Bronze) and then assigning clients to one of these.
- Uploading a “Customer Specific” price file for each client.
- Using a “Combination” of all the above.
Please also refer to our Datafeed Setup documentation for details of the types of files we can use and fields available in our system that we are able to import.
If you don’t have a copy of this document please request it by emailing
Do you intend to push feeds to our FTP or provide details where we can pull them from your FTP site
PLEASE SELECTFTP PUSH FTP PULL HTTP DOWNLOAD / Pushing your feeds to our FTP / Collecting feeds from your FTP
Please initially submit a Copy of your data feed together with this form via email. Once setup, we will email you back with FTP credentials so that you can maintain the feed
(If providing separate Product Stock & Price files please provide one of each by email) / If you have a firewall you need to open up access from our IP range -
And also allow connections from:
User Name
If your file doesn’t contain column Headers, please indicate the column order here / LIST OF COLUMN HEADERS IN SAME ORDER AS ON YOUR FILE
If your feed includes a value for Weight, please indicate the Unit of measure / PLEASE SELECTWEIGHT NOT PROVIDEDUOM = GRAMSUOM = KILOGRAMSUOM = POUNDSUOM = OUNCES
If your Stock feed includes inventory held in multiple warehouses; please provide the name of each warehouse and related column number / Column number / Warehouse Name
Live Stock Price Availability
Live Stock &Prices lookup is available also available within Stock in the Channel for distributors that offer this. This will be in addition to the existing feed system and uses webservices to collect live data from participating distributors systems that is specific to the reseller account.
Question / Answer / Comments
Does your company have an existing web service available that we can connect to for live data? / PLEASE SELECTYesNo / ENTER COMMENTS HERE
If yes do you have an API that we can use to set this service up for our clients?
(If yes please send documentation together with your completed form) / PLEASE SELECTYesNo / ENTER COMMENTS HERE
Would you like Stock in the Channel to contact you to discuss these options? / PLEASE SELECTYesNo / ENTER COMMENTS HERE
Electronic Ordering via Webservices / FTP etc
A growing number of our clients are asking us for a more complete solution.For some we already manage an ecommerce platform for them or supply data to populate such a platform. Others require a complete integration involving back office connections to Stock in the Channel allowing them to seamlessly flip Sales Orders into Purchase Orders which are then placed by our system on the clients chosen distributors.
Question / Answer / Comments
Does your company have an existing electronic ordering service available that we can connect to? / PLEASE SELECTYesNo / ENTER COMMENTS HERE
If yes do you have an API that we can use to set this service up for our clients?
(If yes please send documentation together with your completed form) / PLEASE SELECTYesNo / ENTER COMMENTS HERE
Would you like Stock in the Channel to contact you to discuss these options? / PLEASE SELECTYesNo / ENTER COMMENTS HERE
Advertising On Stock in the Channel
With over 1 million page views a month (on the UK Site) we have several options available outside of product listings to help promote your products and services to our users. These range from category specific banner advertisements to Wallpaper and inclusion of configurators and parts finders.
Question / Answer / Comments
Would you like Stock in the Channel to contact you to explain our marketing offer or provide further information by email? (Please provide contact details in Comments) / PLEASE SELECTPlease phone mePlease email meNo thanks / ENTER COMMENTS HERE
Marketing Information for your Distributor Page
Each publically listed supplier on Stock in the Channel has a marketing page with the following main elements:
Company Logo Public Contact information
Link to your Website Marketing text area
All other elements of these pages are system generated following the import of your main Product and Stock feeds.
Company Logo / Please attach a copy of your company logo to your email when you return this form.
Please submit this in jpg, png or gif format.
We have no maximum size and will resize your logo to fit our requirements. A bigger image is always better than a smaller one!!
As a guide: 600px on the shortest edge would be fine
By providing this image you are also consenting for us to use your logo in various places on the site and in our marketing activity online, by email and in print
Your website details / This should be a link to your main website for the selected territory
enter your web address here
Public Contact information / This is the information normally found on your contacts us page of your website. If you have a local office for the specific country or even a phone line that is answered in correct language for the specific country please use this.
You are welcome to submit multiple addresses, phone numbers, departments, warehouses, collection locations, email addresses and we will attempt to format this to the best of our abilities. Some partners include Co Registration number and VAT number in this section and you are welcome to do so
You should perhaps avoid including Individual contact names, email addresses and direct dial number unless you are happy to do so. / SUPPLY AS MUCH CONTACT INFORMATION HERE AS YOU WISH TO BE PUBLICALLY VISIBLE ON THE SITE
About Us content / This can include:
- Plain Text
- HTML Text
- Embedded Media such as a video or an image
Once you’re marketing page has been setup (but before your listing goes live), we will email you a link to your Distributors page for proofing. Please provide at least one email address for the person / people that should receive this email and conduct the proofing of your distributors page:
Last Few Questions
Each Distributor Must have a Default Price File – We will use your main Product feed for this if you are not supplying separate Band price files
Auto Approve Price requests?
Would you like resellers that request access to your pricing to automatically be assigned to your default price file?
You can still move them to another file at any time if you wish to / PLEASE SELECTYes - provide immediate access to the default listNo - I want to manage who sees prices
Price request contact
Please provide an email address and contact number for the person that will receive email notifications when a reseller requests access to your prices. / SEND PRICE REQUEST EMAILS TO
Account Compulsory / Optional
Do you only wish to receive price feed requests from existing customers that are supplying an account number with their feed request / PLEASE SELECTYes - Existing accounts only No - Any reseller can apply
Account requirements
Do you require account opening forms or an NDA returned before clients can obtain a price feed within our system? / PLEASE SELECTYesNo
If you answeredYES to the last question…
Please provide a brief description of what the client needs to do before you will provide a price feed.
if you have forms that need to be completed you can either email these to us so that the client can download them from your distributor page on AU - au.stockinthechannel.com
or you can provide us a link to the form on your own site so that clients can quickly find the required documents and return them
After you have completed this form, please return it by email together with any accompanying documents to:
If you have any questions or would like to speak with a member of our team please call: +44 (020 3053 9520)
Check list for attachments to accompany this form on its return
☐Company Logo
☐API Documentation for Live Price Queries (If offered)
☐API Documentation for Order Processing (If offered)
☐Data Feed File(s) (if pushing to our FTP)
☐Account opening forms (if needed for price approvals)
☐NDA (If needed for price approvals)
ConfidentialPage 1Revised: 6-Nov-18