Culture, Curriculum and the CEFR - Resource List / OMLTA Fall 2015 C4 /

NFB videos –
Ontario Office of Francophone Affairs
Metis Nation –
iTunes – Free French song on iTunes each week
Radio Canada
Traditional French Songs in Ontario
French Children’s songs

Roch Carrier Raconte – Book and CD
David Bouchard – Books and CD

La Nuit sur l’étang-Festival de Chansons et de Musique Francophones à Sudbury /

Fédération de la Jeunesse Canadienne Français /

Le Festival Franco-Ontarien /

Festival de Journées de Musique

La Chasse Galerie

Les Communautés Canadiennes Métis


Treasure box – artifact box with an item, 20 questions to guess what the object might be, brainstorming vocabulary on SMART Board at the same time

Clothing items, fashion show of historical clothing

Question du Jour – based on cultural expectations

Food Guides in French and First Nations Languages

CEFR – “Je peux…” checklist for levels

iPads – Explain Everything, iMovie

Drama, Readers’ Theatre, singing

Talking Dice (TRALCO)

Questiomanie (Poster Pals)

Jeu – “Histoire de la Francophonie dans l’Ontario, each student researches an important event, person or place. On a card, student completes an illustration and on the reverse side creates easy and difficult questions and provides the answers.

“Objet mysterieux” - Place a “cultural artifact” in a cloth bag, students ask questions to guess what the object is

Talking stick

Sharing and explaining recipes from Quebec

Canadian Heritage Moments

Aboriginal Artists


Metis Nation of Ontario Cultural Portal and Map

Aboriginal Affairs –

Moon River Metis Council

First Peoples Cultural Council

First Nations Education Steering Committee

Language Portal of Canada

Ontario Office of Francophone Affairs

Reseau du Patrimoine franco-ontarien

WordQ - to listen to texts online or student and/or teacher created texts


Pen pals with students in French speaking communities in Ontario, Quebec and French-speaking communities across Canada

Student created trivia games and questions about communities

Franco-Ontarien recipes

Festival Couleurs de Monde

Pow Wow in Central Ontario

Scavenger hunt in the school to find French words or phrases

Students create labels in French and/or posters to be placed around the school and changed in a timely manner

Scavenger hunt in your village, town or neighbourhood to find French words

French Idioms – “Expression de la Semaine”, design a poster, matching games

QR Code activities

Intercultural Awareness: Ideas to engage your students:


(click on "Activités)

•Survey students – what do they know about Francophonie? Metis communities? Canadian French speaking communities, (KWL chart, student generated questionnaire, Survey Monkey)

•Organize a Culture Portfolio (Mon Portfolio Culturel)for each student for use throughout the year

•Create a “Coin de Culture” in your classroom – focus on specific expectations, 4 activities 1 created in each of the 1 strands, located near technology centre, hands-on activities, artifact box, art activities

•Teach intercultural understanding through the arts (music, drama, dance, visual art)

•Listening centre – books with CD


•Take home “Culture Question of the Week” “Question de la culture”

•Exit card ideas