Regular Meeting Salado Public Library
5:00 p.m. 1151 N. Main St.
May 24, 2010 Salado, Texas 76571
1. Declaration of quorum and call to order at 5:03 p.m.
Present: Taylor Willingham, Bill Kinnison, Dave Carr, Susan Krals, Bob Denton, Marsha McGuire
2. Public Forum (limited to five minutes per speaker)
None present
3. Secretary’s report and reading of amended agenda
Item 6, Change to: “Friends are getting ready for the book sale.”
Motion to approve: Patty; Second:
4. Treasurer’s report
Motion to approve: Susan Krals; second: Taylor Willingham. Motion approved.
5. Election of Board Officers
President: Bob Denton
Vice-President: Patty Campbell
Secretary: Taylor Willingham
Treasurer: Bill Kinnison
Member at Large: Susan Krals
Motion to approve slate of candidates: Patty Campbell; Second: Susan Krals. Motion carried
6. Library Director’s Report
See attached
7. Friends of the Library Report
Friends will support the summer reading program.
8. Consider bid for electric power
Report by Taylor Willingham
Motion to approve two year contract with Cirro made by Patty Campbell; Second by Bill Kinnison. Motion carried
9. Conflict of Interest Statements
All signed
10. Report on Texas Workforce Commission
Workforce Solutions Central Texas seeks jobs for youth during the summer. Taylor Bonner will work every afternoon and on Saturday, and will be paid by Workforce Solutions.
11. Consider adopting an animal for the library
George, the cat has disappeared.
12. Agenda items for June Board Meeting
Investment policy update
Space committee and hiring consultant
13. Adjourn at 6:03
Respectfully submitted: Taylor Willingham, Secretary
NEXT MEETING: June 28, 2010
Library Director’s Report May 24, 2010
1. Statistics for April 2010
April 2009
Circulation 4853 3990
New Patrons 30 21
Computer Users 593 721
2. Activities in May
· Book signing with Walt & Isabel Davis for their book Exploring the Edges of Texas May 5 at 5 pm. Mr. & Mrs. Davis live in Dallas and are the parents of Salado resident John Davis. Nine people attended the book signing and 10 books were sold. The Davis's donated $25 to the Friends of the Library.
· The noon book review in May will be on Friday, 5/14 featured local (Florence) nationally known science fiction author Elizabeth Moon. Eleven people attended her discussion which went on until 2:20 pm. Ms Moon signed and donated a copy of her newest novel to the library.
· Computer class on Friday May 21 - Games for adults and children on the Internet
3. Kaye Coleman has tendered her resignation due to family health problems. Her last full day will be the 28th of May. She has agreed to work a half day on the Mondays in June in order to oversee the summer reading program. Emmy and Patty have both volunteered to help out in the children's area if needed. An ad for the position has been placed in the Temple, Salado and Georgetown papers along with the job sites at UT's library school and the Texas Library Association. We have received a number of good applications already.
4. Our new interlibrary loan system is in the testing phase right now. We will get online training on the system next month. The go-live date has been pushed back to the end of June.
5. The library received a very generous donation ($175) from the Ft. Hood Education Services division in Virginia Kinnison's memory. Bill is going to let us know how he would like the money spent.
6. The Friends of the Library have agreed to purchase $1000 worth of Playaway audio books for the adult collection. We purchased $1800 of Playaways for our YA collection using Lone Star Libraries grant monies. I think this format will be very popular. I hope to have all the materials in and have a big promotion for the format in June.