Where to Enter Data for the
College of Nursing
Form to Use / Section in UA Vitae / What to Enter / Notes /Profile / Current Position / Current position / This area is prepopulated from UAccess Employee and should include any joint appointments and other titles held with the University of Arizona. This should list all titles listed on your annual Notice or Appointment/Reappointment.
Profile / Additional Positions and Roles / Additional positions/titles / Add any additional titles, positions, or roles you hold with the University of Arizona.
Profile / NURS Division and Track / CON Division, track (clinical or tenure), and appointment / Optionally, you may add attachments if you have a compelling need. Attachments will not replace entering information in the required fields.
Profile / Degrees / Chronology of education / If your degree is not in the list, select “Other” and enter your degree in the text box.
Profile / Work Experience / Chronology of employment
Profile / Licensure and Certification / Board certifications and licenses / Enter each certification and recertification separately.
Activities / Workload Distribution / Distribution of effort (teaching, research, service, clinical service, etc.) / Total needs to add up to 100%. Choose your start/end semester year, and enter your workload distribution. You can enter multiple workloads for different time periods, if appropriate. If your workload is continuously the same, you can set the End to “Present” and the information will carry forward to next year.
You must enter a position title. If you hold multiple titles which have different workload assignments, you may enter each one here.
Note: % Clinical Service is equivalent to % Patient Care. % Instruction is the part of your workload dedicated to classroom or didactic teaching. Teaching while providing patient care (clinical teaching) is addressed elsewhere.
Activities / Goals and Progress / Goals for next year / List any specific goals for the year. Be sure to enter each goal as a separate entry, noting the appropriate semester(s) and year(s). Remember to update the description area for each goal with accomplishments and progress as the year progresses. Goals can be assigned to an activity type, e.g. research, service, teaching using the dropdown menu towards the bottom of the page.
Activities / Teaching: Credit Bearing Courses (This field will be available only during the review period) / UA academic courses / Data imported from UAccess Student and confirmed by faculty member. Use comment box to enter comments about your teaching for the semester (optional).
Activities / Teaching: Guest Lectures and Invited Teaching / Guest lectures in courses (credit‐ bearing or not) at the UA or other institutions / Includes guest lectures in courses at the UA (including those in the College of Nursing) as well as outside the UA. Include teaching advanced courses at local, state, regional, national, or international institutions.
Activities / Teaching: Student Mentoring, Advising and Activities / Student advising and mentoring; societies mentors; internship supervision / Data is entered by individual student or group name. Data from GradPath will be loaded here for you.
Activities / Teaching: Development of Instructional Resources / Resources developed for students and/or faculty (new courses; instructional assessment and management; curricular needs assessment, etc.) / This section captures any teaching resources you may develop that are not captured in other teaching sections. Do not include the normal preparation for teaching a course or providing a lecture. You may choose to attach supporting documentation in the attachments area.
Activities / Research: Scholarly Contributions and Creative Productions / Publications/creative activity (published or accepted); Work in progress; media; Conferences/scholarly presentations / This section covers all scholarly contributions including conference presentations and conference proceedings. Please only record a particular contribution once.
Resources for uploading publication data from PubMed and other online databases can be found here: http://uavitae.arizona.edu/resources or here: http://libguides.library.arizona.edu/uavitae.
Activities / Research: Grants and Contracts / Awarded grants and contracts / Sponsored Projects data is uploaded from UAccess Research and should be confirmed by faculty. Manually entered grant and contract information (federal, local government, foundation, etc.) should be identified by type (research, service, training, etc.).
Honors and awards, whether or not monetary, should be reported in the “Honors, Awards, and Fellowships” section.
Activities / Research: Development of Research Support Resources / Development of research support resources / Resources developed to create or advance funding databases, provide support and training, or facilitate shared use of research infrastructure; or development of research instrumentation or technologies, etc.
Activities / Service: Institutional Committees / Formal standing committees / This section is for identified standing committees. Ad hoc committees and other institutional service may be added in Service: Other Institutional Service (Intramural).
To add committee membership, first select the Unit level for the committee. If a standing committee is not listed, select "Other" and fill in the name of the committee.
Activities / Service: Other Institutional Service (Intramural) / Service to the academic institution other than formal standing committees. / For example: Use this section to list Ad hoc committees. You may list hours of service per semester in the Description area. In addition, use the description field to describe your involvement with the ad hoc committees and other service.
Activities / Service: Professional Service and Outreach (Extramural) / Service rendered to academic or professional organizations. / Professional Service includes service rendered to an academic or professional organization such as a committee appointment, journal editor or reviewer, speech or presentation of non-research paper at professional meeting, moderator, discussant or panelist at a conference. Outreach and Community Service includes service outside of the institution and outside of the profession/discipline, such as organizing community or public conferences or workshops; delivery of non-credit curriculum; or work with community groups/volunteers.
Activities / Service: Faculty Mentoring / Faculty mentoring activities / This section is intended to allow faculty mentoring activities, either as a mentor or as a mentee. Use this section only for faculty mentoring.
Activities / NURS: Clinical Practice / Clinical practice work / Include Faculty Practice and work to provide health care service to a population.
Activities / Honors, Awards, and Fellowships / Honors and awards / Include honors and recognition for teaching, community development, research, economic development, etc. Grants and contracts should be listed in "Research: Grants and Contracts".
Activities / Consulting / Paid/unpaid consulting engagement requiring professional expertise in support of a client. / If you have items in this section, please ensure appropriate Conflict of Interest forms have been filed with the University.
Activities / Inventions, Technology Transfer and Commercialization / Patents, copyrights, trademarks, inventions and technology. / You may attach supporting documentation, but it not required.
Activities / Professional Development / Conferences, trainings, continuing professional education, or events or activities in which you participated. / Do not list degrees in progress here; enter instead as Degrees in the Profile Form. Include CNE courses taken. Also included here would be participation (but not presenting, chairing, or organizing, etc.) in professional conferences including departmental conferences, etc.
Activities / Volunteerism / Volunteer work / Faculty across the University contribute to the success of our city, state, and nation through acts of voluntary service. This section allows for the voluntary, self-report of volunteerism activities undertaken by faculty and professionals of the University that are NOT performed in the course of their regular work duties. Examples may include activities such as Boy Scout/Girl Scout Leader, Habitat for Humanity builder, Community Food Bank volunteer, etc.
Activities / Additional Input / Additional information or summaries of your activities in teaching, research, service, outreach, or scholarship / This section includes an activity type to classify input (teaching, research and scholarly contribution, service, etc). Optionally, you may add attachments.
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Created by: COM UA Vitae Project Implementation Team Last Updated: December 21, 2016np
Adapted by: CON LHTI