Specifications for an Emergency Evacuation Chair
1.1 ModelType
The emergency evacuation chair shall be a GaraventaEvacu-Trac CD7.
1.2Descent Speed Control Mechanism
The emergency evacuation chair shall be equipped with ahydraulicspeed governor that controls thedescent speed to a range thatis safe for thepassenger and the operator. Descent speed may vary slightly based on passenger weight and stair angle. As astandard
measurement, on astair slope of 35 degreesandwith a passenger of 220 lbs.(100kg), the
speed control mechanism shall limit the descent speed toa maximum of 3.6 ft/sec. This descent speed controlmechanismshall limit the maximum speed regardless ofthe operating environmentor strengthand size ofthe operator.
1.3 Rubber Track Design
The emergency evacuation chair shall have rubber crawler tracksto grip thestairnoses. The tracks shall have lugs or teethto ensurepositive traction with thestair noses.The rubber crawler tracks shall have integrated steel wires thatminimize the likelihood of
stretchingor breakage.
1.4 Carrying Capacity andStairAngle
The emergency evacuation chair shall be ableto carry passengers weighingupto300 lbs (136kg) and capable of stopping onthe stairway atfull weight capacity.Thedevice should be capable of operating on astair slope of upto 40 degrees.
1.5 PassengerSize Accommodation
The emergency evacuation chair shall be designed tonotunduly limitthephysical dimensions of passengers thatcanbe carried. The seatingsling shall be open onthe sides and shall not be designed withbars that surroundor restrict the seating area.
1.6 PassengerRestrainingStraps
The emergency evacuation chairshall be equipped with three (3) safety strapstoensure the passenger will be securelyrestrained in thechair. Thesafety straps shall secure the
passenger’slegs, mid-section, andchest and arms.
1.7 Parking Brakeand Stabilityon FlatSurfaces
When occupied by a passenger,theevacuationchair mustbeable to remainstable and stationary when left unattended onflat surfaces. The evacuation chair shall include a brake
system that will preventitfrom rolling when unattended inthe parked position.
1.8 Emergency Brake and Stability on Stairs
The emergency evacuation chair shall be equipped with a secondary, fail-safe, emergency braking system, in addition to themain speedcontrol system. While a passengeroccupies it, thechair must be able to come to a complete stop on the stairway without any special effort being exerted bythe operator. Thebrake must operator in a failsafe manner, activating ifthe operator wasto accidentallylet go of thehandle. Itshall be capable of remaining in the stopped position unattended(if required). The evacuation chair shall be able to go from a speed of 3.6-ftper/sec (1.1m/sec) toa complete stop within 1second, without assistancefrom the operator.
1.9 Ease of Transfer
The emergency evacuation chair mustbe designedsothatinthe majority of instances, one person trained in proper transferring procedures can single-handedlytransfer thepassenger into itfroma wheelchair. Theevacuation chair's seating position shall not be higher than 12 inches fromthefloor to the lowestpoint oftheseat sling.The evacuation chair shall be designed with open-sides (withoutsidebars)to make the transfer of the passenger easy.
1.10Usability and OperatorSize / Strength Requirements
The emergency evacuation chair shall be operable, downstairs and across landings with a passenger in place, byone personwhohas a smaller physical size thanthe passenger. Size and strengthof theoperator shall not be afactor insafe operation ofthe chair.
1.11 Weight of EvacuationDevice
Theweight ofthe chair shallnot exceed 46 lbs(20.7kgs).
1.12Seating Material
The seating material shall be composed of fireretardant fabric.
1.13Storage Cabinet(Optional)
Each evacuation chair shall besupplied with asteel cabinet thatwill be usedtostore the evacuation chair when notin use.The storage cabinetshallinclude labeling identifying the contents.The storagecabinet shall be 45.3inches (1151mm) high,20 inches(508 mm) wide, and 11 inches(279 mm) deep.
1.14 Warranty
Product shall be warranted againstdefects indesign and workmanshipfor a period of fifteen years from the date of delivery and installationinthe facility.
This specification has been prepared by Garaventa Lift toprovide designand operational criteria for emergencyevacuationchairs.
Please address any questions or comments to: Trevor De Jaray
Trac Product Sales Representative
Garaventa Lift
P.O. Box 1769, Blaine, WA98231-1769
Toll Free: (866) 824-8314 (withinthe USAand Canada) Email: