EAACK—A Secure Intrusion-DetectionSystem forMANETs


The migration to wireless network from wired networkhas been a global trend in the past few decades. The mobilityand scalability brought by wireless network made it possible inmany applications. Among all the contemporary wireless networks,Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET) is one of the mostimportant and unique applications. On the contrary to traditionalnetwork architecture, MANET does not require a fixed networkinfrastructure; every single node works as both a transmitter anda receiver. Nodes communicate directly with each other when theyare both within the same communication range. Otherwise, theyrely on their neighbors to relay messages. The self-configuringability of nodes inMANETmade it popular among criticalmissionapplications like military use or emergency recovery. However,the open medium and wide distribution of nodes make MANETvulnerable to malicious attackers. In this case, it is crucial todevelop efficient intrusion-detection mechanisms to protectMANET from attacks. With the improvements of the technologyand cut in hardware costs, we are witnessing a current trend ofexpanding MANETs into industrial applications. To adjust to suchtrend, we strongly believe that it is vital to address its potentialsecurity issues. In this paper, we propose and implement a newintrusion-detection system named Enhanced Adaptive ACKnowledgment(EAACK) specially designed for MANETs. Comparedto contemporary approaches, EAACK demonstrates higher malicious-behavior-detection rates in certain circumstances while doesnot greatly affect the network performances.


By definition, Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET) is acollection of mobile nodes equipped with both a wirelesstransmitter and a receiver that communicate with each othervia bidirectional wireless links either directly or indirectly.Unfortunately, the open medium and remotedistribution of MANET make it vulnerable to various types ofattacks. For example, due to the nodes’ lack of physical protection,malicious attackers can easily capture and compromisenodes to achieve attacks. In particular, considering the fact thatmost routing protocols in MANETs assume that every nodein the network behaves cooperatively with other nodes andpresumably not malicious, attackers can easily compromiseMANETs by inserting malicious or noncooperative nodes intothe network. Furthermore, because of MANET’s distributedarchitecture and changing topology, a traditional centralizedmonitoring technique is no longer feasible in MANETs. In suchcase, it is crucial to develop an intrusion-detection system (IDS)specially designed for MANETs.


Watchdogscheme fails to detect malicious misbehaviors with the presenceof the following: 1) ambiguous collisions; 2) receiver collisions;3) limited transmission power; 4) false misbehavior report;5) collusion; and 6) partial dropping.

The TWOACK scheme successfully solves the receivercollision and limited transmission power problems posed byWatchdog. However, the acknowledgment process required inevery packet transmission process added a significant amount ofunwanted network overhead. Due to the limited battery powernature of MANETs, such redundant transmission process caneasily degrade the life span of the entire network.

The concept of adopting a hybridscheme in AACK greatly reduces the network overhead, butboth TWOACK and AACK still suffer from the problem thatthey fail to detect malicious nodes with the presence of falsemisbehavior report and forged acknowledgment packets.


In fact, many of the existing IDSs in MANETs adoptan acknowledgment-based scheme, including TWOACK andAACK. The functions of such detection schemes all largelydepend on the acknowledgment packets. Hence, it is crucialto guarantee that the acknowledgment packets are valid andauthentic. To address this concern, we adopt a digital signaturein our proposed scheme named Enhanced AACK (EAACK).


Our proposed approach EAACK is designed to tackle threeof the six weaknesses of Watchdog scheme, namely, falsemisbehavior, limited transmission power, and receiver collision.



Processor-Pentium –IV

Speed- 1.1 Ghz

RAM- 256 MB(min)

Hard Disk- 20 GB

Key Board- Standard Windows Keyboard

Mouse- Two or Three Button Mouse

Monitor- SVGA


Operating System: LINUX

Tool: Network Simulator-2

Front End: OTCL (Object Oriented Tool Command Language)


Elhadi M. Shakshuki, Senior Member, IEEE, Nan Kang, and Tarek R. Sheltami, Member, IEEE, “EAACK—A Secure Intrusion-DetectionSystem for MANETs”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 60, NO.3, MARCH 2013.