Applicant(s) Phone No.
Address Mailing Address
Where on the property does the dumpster sit?
Please describe how the dumpster is screened from view of the street?
What surface is the dumpster placed on:
Asphalt Pad
Concrete Pad
I understand that I am responsible for the terms subject to this permit in accordance with the provisions of The Keenesburg Municipal Code, Section 7-1-40 (please refer to the back page for additional information) as is may be revised from time to time.
Applicant SignatureDate
Office Use Only
Inspected By Date
Approved By Date
Additional Comments
Sec. 7-1-40 Collection and disposal of refuse and rubbish and location of trash containers.
(a)Each occupant and owner of any premises wherein refuse and rubbish is produced or accumulated shall be jointly and severally responsible to provide for collection and removal of refuse and rubbish in compliance with the requirements of this Article to maintain the premises in a clean and orderly condition.
(b)No trash containers of any type may be stored on any street, alley or public right-of-way, and shall be placed only on private property for storage.
(c)No dumpsters or dumpster type waste containers having a capacity of more than 96 gallons shall be allowed in an R-1 zone district or on a property within any zone district upon which a single-family dwelling is located (an “R-1 use”), except estate zoning of one acre or more. Any existing dumpster that is in compliance with Section 7-1-40 at the time this ordinance becomes effective may remain in use subject to a permit being issued by the Town Clerk, which permit shall be renewed annually upon the property owner or occupant demonstrating continued compliance with such requirements and any conditions of the permit. Any dumpsters located in an R-1 zone or R-1 use for which the permit has expired, or for which the property owner or occupant has not demonstrated continued compliance with all requirements, shall be unlawful and shall be permanently removed by the property owner or occupant upon notice by the Town. Refuse containers shall remain covered at all times, secured and placed where they are protected from spillage by animals, wind or other elements and concealed from public view, except on collection day and then only for a maximum of twelve (12) hours before and twelve (12) hours after the scheduled time of collection.
(d)In estate and agricultural zone districts of one acre or more, dumpsters or other waste containers must be located behind the primary structure and shall be concealed from public view except on collection day and then only for a maximum of twelve (12) hours before and twelve (12) hours after the schedule time of collection. All dumpsters must be placed on a concrete or asphalt pad.
(e)Alley locations of dumpsters and other waste containers in all other zone districts shall be kept upon a concrete or asphalt pad. Dumpsters and other waste containers must be located behind the primary structure on the property and in the case of a corner lot shall be located behind the back line of the primary structure and shall remain covered at all times and kept in a clean and sanitary condition.
(f)For multifamily dwellings or business premises that have no place for storage of trash containers behind the primary structure, or for multifamily dwellings or business premises where trash haulers cannot access dumpsters in the rear of the property, the property owner or lessee may apply for a permit from the Town to allow a screened front setback placement of dumpsters or other trash containers, such permit to be issued by the Town Clerk or his or her designee. This section does not apply to trash containers placed with approval of the Town in parks and on the downtown sidewalks for public use.
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