Welcome to English 9
Mr. Coogan
Room 602
Hello. My name is Mr. Coogan and I will be your English 9 teacher this year. My class is not set up for you to fail but if you refuse to show up regularly, or your work is continuously missing, you may fail.
All students are expected to bring necessary materials to class every day. These include: a notebook large enough to hold work and, writing utensils including at least one blue or black pen, at least one white board marker, lined notebook paper, and anyrequired texts/assignments.
Grades will be computed using a standard point and percentage system. Outstanding work will receive between 90-100% of the points possible on the assignment, above average work will receive 80-89%, average work will receive 70-79%, below average 60-69%, and poor work will receive 0-59% of the points possible. Overall class grades will be computed using the following categories: Major Papers 100 pts., Quizzes 10-15 pts, In-class and homework 10-50 pts.,and Midterm/Final Exam around 100 pts. In the interest of fairness for all concerned, all deadlines given in advance must be met, even if a student is absent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, if you fail to turn in a paper, you have until the next paper is due to get the late paper in for a lower score.
Make-up Work
Students are responsible for all information presented in class, and it will be extremely difficult for a student to keep up if absences are frequent. When an absence does occur, students are required to know about all assignments, notes, and announcements by going to my website located on the EHS website. When a day is missed, students have as many days as they were absent to obtain and complete make-up work, for excused absences only. I may ask for proof that an absence has been cleared before grading any make-up work. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what he or she missed during an absence and to complete iton time; if a student does not, he or she has forfeited the opportunity to make up the work.
Food and Drink
I don’t care if you eat or drink in my class, but if there is any on my floors after the class, I will not allow any students to eat or drink in class for an entire week.
Classroom Rules
In addition to following all school rules, all students in this class will be expected to follow my one basic rule: Respect Every Student’s Right to Learn and My Right to Teach. I am here to do a job, which I enjoy very much and take very seriously. You are presumably here to get an education, as are all your classmates. These things cannot happen if students act and/or speak in a disruptive or inappropriate manner. If we all remember this, few problems should occur in the classroom.
Of course, we all have bad days, so the following steps will be taken if a student is acting in a way that inhibits anyone’s right to learn and/or my right to teach:
Verbal warning/private student-teacher conference
Parent contact/possible detention
Referral to office
Severe disruptions will, of course, result in immediate removal from the classroom.
Parents and/or Guardians:
This class is a college preparatory course that will meet the educational needs of both those who are planning to attend college and those who are not. It is a required course for graduation, so it is important that you read and discuss these guidelines with your student so that both of you understand what is necessary to be successful in this class. I may be contacted by calling the school office (951) 253-7200 ext. 3602; you may leave a message at any other time and I will return your call as soon as possible. I can be reached more easily and quickly by email, if this is an option available to you. My email address is: . Please retain the top portion of this letter for your records and return the completed bottom portion indicating that you and your student have read and understand these guidelines. Thank you.
I have read and understand the guidelines for this class.
Printed name of studentPeriod
Student signatureDate
I/We have received, read, and discussed these guidelines with my/our student (only one need sign).
Name (please print) Date