UNIDAD DIDÁCTICA “Flora and Fauna”
1. Introduction
This lesson teaches students to recognize biodiversity en their own area. Besides this, they will be able to appreciate the protection of flora and fauna as a duty of our society.
2. Didactic aims
Students should be able to:
· Identify basic plant features and basic animal features
· Describe basic plant features and basic animal features
· Observe and identify different kinds of animals (fauna) and plants (flora) in their school area
· Present their findings using a presentation tool
3. Contents
· The plant kingdom: 1.Basic features 2.Classification of Plants: a. Non flowering plants b. Flowering plants.
· The animal kingdom: 1. Basic features 2. Invertebrates: Classification.3 vertebrates: Classification
4.Sequence or learning activities
Day 1:
· Elicit meaning of flora and fauna from the pupils.
· In pairs (each partner will have 2 minutes to talk and listen), they will be asked to talk about the flora and fauna which are found in their habitat.( social and listening skills}
· Random feedback will be taken.
· They will work in five main groups (A, B, C, D, E) 5 or 6 members in each group. Different school areas will be allotted to each group to explore flora and fauna. They will capture their photographs using their cell phones and digital camera.( team work)
· They will be asked to upload their pictures on computers in the computer room
Day 2:
Activity 1.
· Teacher will provide a worksheet with basic plant features and basic animal features.
· Students will be divided into pairs or group of three in order to identify basic features in their pictures uploaded in the computers.
· They will present their work to the rest of the students
Activity 2
· Teacher will provide pictures of plants and worksheet with a plant classification schedule.
· Students will cut basic features of each type of plants and they will steak to the right picture.
· Each group will present their work to the class
· A correction will be done by the teacher and students.
Day 3:
Activity 1
· Teacher will provide pictures of animal and worksheet with an animal classification schedule.
· Students will cut basic features of each type of animals and they will steak to the right picture.
· Each group will present their work to the class
· A correction will be done by the teacher and students.
Activity 2(will be finish on day 4)
On computer:
· Recap of the previous lesson. Pupils will be divided into pairs or group of three. They will be given task to make presentation of their findings about flora and fauna using their picture taken by them on Movie Maker.Further information will be found on the internet to be use in their presentation.
· They will use Movie Maker first time so I will provide them a word processed handout to use movie maker or they can use ‘Help” option in ‘Movie Maker’. (thinking, and literacy skills)
· They will complete their task using picture from the desktop. They will upload their work on YouTube or their wiki.
Day 5
Activity 1
· They will present their presentation in front of the class.
· Students will be asked by their partner about the presentation.
5. Didactic Resources and materials:
· Different habitats in the school area
· Digital Camera
· Computer room
· Handout on basic plant features
· Handout on basic animal features
· Handout on plant classification
· Handout on animal classification
· Handout on how to use Movie Maker
· Movie Maker
· Internet connection
· Links: National Geographic: Animals Guide, National Geographic: Creature Feature, http://www.biology4kids.com/files/plants_main.html
6. Space and time organization
· Space : Computer room, classroom, School garden
· Time organization: five or six lessons
7. Assesment
Students will be assessed on their ability to:
· Identify basic plant features and basic animal features
· Describe basic plant features and basic animal features
· Identify flora and fauna in the provided area and capture relevant picture in their own groups.
· Classify local flora
· Classify local fauna
· Use the pictures of flora and fauna to make presentation on Movie Maker independently using word processed handout or help option in Movie Make