Urgent notes on Portas Pilots ahead of interview with Retail Week
From: MP2
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 1:07 PM
To: Cathy Francis; DCLG18
Subject: Urgent notes on Portas Pilots ahead of interview with Retail Week
Dear Cathy,
I understand you are unable to attend this evenings Portas pilot project board meeting. I have cancelled this and will reschedule it (hopefully!).
On a separate note I am very concerned about the attached note which DCLG6 prepared ahead of Mary’s (4hr!) interview with the editor of retail week. I spoke to DCLG6 and DCLG1 about this at the beginning of the week and was looking forward to an update, including recent PN’s covering Mark Prisk’s announcement on the X fund etc and his interview with Retail Week. DCLG6 explained that he was (understandably) unable to send through full updates on all 27 Pilot Towns, but that he would send through some decent details on half a dozen or so.
I’m very worried as the attached is not enough content for Mary to speak about at length, or give any real insight into what the towns are getting up to!MP1 and I thought that part of XXXX remit from you was to keep in regular contact with the pilot towns and that they would be able provide this information. Is this not the case?
Please do give me, or MP1 a call as soon as you can as we are getting quite worried now about this interview tomorrow morning.
Re: Telephone call tomorrow (19th Sept) afternoon with Cathy
From: MP2
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2012 3:10 PM
To: MP7; MP1
Subject: Re: Telephone call tomorrow (19th Sept) afternoon with Cathy
I've just left you a voicemail.
Great if you can give me a quick call on XXXXXXXXXX.
Basically, and I am so sorry to be re-jigging at such short notice, I'm hoping to make a few changes to the running order tomorrow. Nothing Drastic, just the order for Liskeard and when exactly Mary's speaking session is.
Thank you.
From: MP1
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 5:23 PM
Cc: MP2
Subject: Re: Telephone call tomorrow (19th Sept) afternoon with Cathy
4pm better for me if that's ok as am on the move going to the airport..
From: DCLG7
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 05:12 PM
To: MP1
Cc: MP2
Subject: Telephone call tomorrow (19th Sept) afternoon with Cathy
Hi MP1
Would you be available about 2.30pm tomorrow afternoon to speak to Cathy?
Best regards
RE: new agenda for Thursday
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 11:14 AM
Cc:DCLG2; Cathy Francis; DCLG3; DCLG10; DCLG8
Subject: RE: new agenda for Thursday
Hi MP2
Many thanks for trying and for letting me know.
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 11:09 AM
Cc:DCLG2; Cathy Francis; DCLG3; DCLG10; DCLG8
Subject: RE: new agenda for Thursday
Hi DCLG7, I’ve just heard back from []– unfortunately she is unable to attend.
Sent: 17 September 2012 10:43
Cc:DCLG2; Cathy Francis; DCLG3; DCLG10; DCLG8
Subject: RE: new agenda for Thursday
Hi MP2
No the agenda has not gone out yet, it will today. I have attached the latest agenda with Mary's time revised.
I have been unable to contact []to see if she is ok sitting in on the []workshop.MP1’s idea was that she could give5 mins explaining about Our Town First and the ribbons. Is there any chance of seeing if you can speak to her?
I am afraid we nevershare briefing prepared for our Ministers, but you should have the Croydon Application Form, which I could forward again if that would help.
One last point, is Mary's website going to be accessiblefor the Rd 2 pilots. At the moment it only reflects the first 12?
Best regards
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 8:41 AM
Cc:DCLG2; Cathy Francis; DCLG3; DCLG10; DCLG8
Subject: RE: new agenda for Thursday
Thank you very much for this. Did the agenda go out last Friday? If not, I’d be grateful if the length of time for Mary to speak could be shortened to 10 minutes.
Mary has also asked if it is possible for you to share any briefing you are preparing for the Minister on Croydon with her- please let me know if that will be a problem.
Best wishes.
Sent: 14 September 2012 07:37
Cc:DCLG2; Cathy Francis; DCLG3; DCLG10; DCLG8
Subject: FW: new agenda for Thursday
Importance: High
Hi MP2
Here is the agenda; timings now reflect the changes discussedlast week. Just so you are aware, our new Minister Mark Prisk MP is able to do the welcome and watch the spotlight presentations but cannot stay after that due to other commitments.
I hope to send the agendaout to delegates by close today.
Best regards
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2012 5:38 PM
Subject: FW: new agenda for Thursday
Importance: High
DCLG7 can you reply to MP2, thanks!
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2012 5:35 PM
Subject: new agenda for Thursday
I understand the agenda and timings have changed – would be great if you could send through the new one to me so that I can check it is still ok for Mary.
RE: Letters to the next 15 pilot towns
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 10:25 AM
Subject: RE: Letters to the next 15 pilot towns
I will see what I can do but up to my eyeballs with 20th Sept arrangements. If I fail what about a letter post 20th Sept?
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 10:17 AM
Subject: RE: Letters to the next 15 pilot towns
Great, are you able to prepare drafts as originally discussed with details of their bids etc? I will then get Mary to clear and send out.
Sent: 17 September 2012 10:16
Subject: RE: Letters to the next 15 pilot towns
Hi MP2
That is a good idea! I think they would appreciate it..
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 10:12 AM
Subject: RE: Letters to the next 15 pilot towns
Ahha! I thought it was. I was just thinking about whether it would be worth sending a note to them in advance of Thursday, congratulating them, but also adding on that Mary was looking forward to seeing them then.
What do you think?
Sent: 17 September 2012 10:12
Subject: RE: Letters to the next 15 pilot towns
Hi MP2
Yes that was me! Did you want to discuss? Or would it be simplerhaving a quick chat with Loughborough on Thursday to get their idea from the horses mouth?
Best regards
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 10:07 AM
Subject: Letters to the next 15 pilot towns
Hi Mark,
Hope you had a good weekend.
Quick question, was it you I spoke to about Mary sending a note through to the ‘next 15’, particularly in reference to Loughborough?
RE: Project Board Steering Group - 23rd August - draft agenda
-----Original Message-----
From: MP2
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2012 1:45 PM
To: []; DCLG32; Cathy Francis; [];[]
Subject: RE: Project Board Steering Group - 23rd August - draft agenda
Hi All,
Looking forward to seeing you all later. Agenda looks fine to us - I've added in MP3 who will also be attending.
[]- hope you've had a celebratory day!
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: 22 August 2012 10:04
To: MP2; []; DCLG32; Cathy Francis; [];[]
Subject: RE: Project Board Steering Group - 23rd August - draft agenda
Hello all
Here's a further draft with my thoughts added. Do let me know if you'd like me to add anything else.
Look forward to seeing you tomorrow at 6 pm (hopefully after positive GCSE results for my son:-))
-----Original Message-----
From: DCLG32
Sent: 21 August 2012 16:28
To: []; Cathy Francis; MP2; [];[]
Subject: Project Board Steering Group - 23rd August - draft agenda
Dear all - further to the below - please find attached a (very) draft agenda for this Thursday's support package steering group meeting.
Cathy as some of you now know will not be able to attend and Philip Cox also is away. []has very kindly offered to chair this meeting and []also will take the notes.
DCLG2 will represent DCLG.
Please do add and amend the draft and copy back to []. I understand Yellow Door happy to host - so this will be at 18.00 at
[] (MP2/MP1 do shout if not)
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 10:02 AM
To: Cathy Francis; MP2; []; DCLG32; []
Subject: Re: Project Board Meeting on 8th August
Yep from me.
----- Original Message -----
From: DCLG31
To: MP2; []; Cathy Francis; []; DCLG32; []
Sent: Thu Aug 09 09:52:37 2012
Subject: RE: Project Board Meeting on 8th August
That is fine for Cathy, does everyone agree?
-----Original Message-----
From: MP2
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 4:50 PM
To: []; Cathy Francis; []; DCLG32; []
Subject: RE: Project Board Meeting on 8th August
Sorry for the delay, I am in Liskeard with Mary and only just been able to look at MP1 and MP3's diaries.
Happy to change too, although on the first meeting 23 August we have a meeting which would be difficult to move, but any big problems elsewhere and I can try.
23 August - can we keep at 6 please?
2nd October (changed to 5pm)
25th October (changed to 5pm)
13th November (changed to 5pm)
4th December (changed to 5pm)
All the best.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: 08 August 2012 13:28
To: Cathy Francis; []; MP2; DCLG32; []
Subject: RE: Project Board Meeting on 8th August
Happy to fit with everyone else as I'm flexible.
From: DCLG31 On Behalf Of Cathy Francis
Sent: 08 August 2012 13:11
To: []; MP2; DCLG32; []; Cathy Francis; []
Subject: RE: Project Board Meeting on 8th August
That would be fine for Cathy. How does everyone else feel about that?
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 11:20 AM
To: MP2; DCLG32; []; Cathy Francis; []
Subject: RE: Project Board Meeting on 8th August
That's fine with me.
And, just to throw a spanner in the works would anyone mind if they were slightly earlier - say 5? I understand if not but just thought I'd ask :-)
-----Original Message-----
From: MP2
Sent: 08 August 2012 10:56
To: []; DCLG32; []; ''; []
Subject: Re: Project Board Meeting on 8th August
If possible could the meetings continue to be at our offices?
----- Original Message -----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 10:55 AM
To: DCLG32; []; MP2; Cathy Francis; []
Subject: RE: Project Board Meeting on 8th August
Thanks DCLG32. We have put all these dates in the diary for project board meetings and will await a decision on the September date.
Can we assume that CLG will host?
We will send over our suggested agenda items in advance.
Kind regards.
-----Original Message-----
From: DCLG32
Sent: 07 August 2012 18:20
To: [];[]; MP2; Cathy Francis; []
Subject: Project Board Meeting on 8th August
Just to cut in - we had the 8th August (so tomorrow) pencilled in for what would have been the first of these steering group meetings - on balance and with the impact of various over the last week - Cathy will go ahead with the meeting with MP1 but just as a bilateral.
This means that
23rd August (6pm)
2nd October (6pm)
25th October (6pm)
13th November (6pm)
4th December (6pm)
+ the to be agreed September date will subject to everyone being happy be the formal steering group meetings for the support package.
Shout if this a problem.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2012 4:37 PM
To: []; MP2; Cathy Francis; []; DCLG32
Subject: RE: Project Board
Sorry will be speaking at the NABMA conference.
Did we try 19th?
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 07 August 2012 15:50
To: MP2; 'Cathy Francis'; [];[]; DCLG32
Subject: RE: Project Board
Yep - fine with me.
From: MP2
Sent: 07 August 2012 15:44
To: 'Cathy Francis'; [];[];[]; DCLG32
Subject: RE: Project Board
Is anyone else free at 9am on 18 September?
-----Original Message-----
From: DCLG31 On Behalf Of Cathy Francis
Sent: 07 August 2012 15:43
To: MP1; [];[];[]; DCLG32; Cathy Francis
Subject: RE: Project Board
Unfortunately Cathy is not working that day. However the morning of the 18th is clear?
-----Original Message-----
From: MP2
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2012 3:23 PM
To: DCLG31; [];[];[]; DCLG32; Cathy Francis
Subject: RE: Project Board
Apologies for the delay - is anyone available on 17 September for this meeting?
-----Original Message-----
From: MP2
Sent: 06 August 2012 11:00
To: 'DCLG31'; []; []; []; DCLG32; Cathy Francis
Subject: RE: Project Board
Hi DCLG31,
Sorry for the delay, neither MP1 or MP3 can make the 14 September. Unfortunately MP1 is on holiday and MP3 is with one of our clients in Australia. I'm just looking for some alternative options and will send them through.
-----Original Message-----
From: DCLG31
Sent: 03 August 2012 16:17
To: []; []; MP2; []; DCLG32; Cathy Francis
Subject: RE: Project Board
How does the 14th look on your side?
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 12:44 PM
To: DCLG31; []; MP2; []; DCLG32; Cathy Francis
Subject: RE: Project Board
[]and I can both do 14th September, please let me know if this is a confirmed date.
-----Original Message-----
From: DCLG31
Sent: 02 August 2012 10:11
To: []; []; MP2; []; DCLG32; Cathy Francis
Subject: RE: Project Board
The 14th would be ok for Cathy too. Is that possible for everyone else?
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2012 9:25 PM
To: []; DCLG31; MP2; []; DCLG32; Cathy Francis
Subject: RE: Project Board
12th September is the BCSC Conference in Liverpool which I intend going to so would prefer the 13th or 14th September instead?
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: 01 August 2012 11:28
To: DCLG31; MP2; []; DCLG32; MP3; Cathy Francis
Cc: MP1; []; DCLG18
Subject: RE: Project Board
Fine by me
From: DCLG31
Sent: 01 August 2012 11:19
To: MP2; []; []; DCLG32; MP3; Cathy Francis
Cc: MP1; []; DCLG18
Subject: RE: Project Board
How about the afternoon of the 12th instead then?
-----Original Message-----
From: MP2
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2012 11:15 AM
To: '[]'; []; DCLG31; DCLG32; MP3; Cathy Francis
Cc: MP1; []; DCLG18
Subject: RE: Project Board
MP1 is unable to attend the 19 September and we have the 20th held for the next event too. Would it make sense for the project board to meet slightly further in advance of the national meeting? Otherwise happy to pencil in for 19th for MP3 to attend on her own.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: 01 August 2012 10:35
To: [];DCLG31; DCLG32; MP3; ''
Cc: MP1; MP2; []; DC:G18
Subject: RE: Project Board
Yes, 19th free for me too. I also had 20th down for the next Portas event.
From: []
Sent: 01 August 2012 10:31
To: 'DCLG31;DCLG32; MP3; ''
Cc: MP1; []; MP2; []; DCLG18
Subject: Re: Project Board
I am ok for the 19th in the afternoon.
The 20th is the date of the next Town Teams event I believe?
----- Original Message -----
From: DCLG31
To: DCLG32; MP3; Cathy Francis; []
Cc: MP1; []; MP2; []; DCLG18
Sent: Wed Aug 01 10:19:24 2012
Subject: RE: Project Board
The 19th and 20th of September are completely clear for Cathy from 12.00 onward. Would either of these dates be suitable?
-----Original Message-----
From: DCLG32
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 11:04 PM
To: MP3; Cathy Francis; []
Cc: MP1; []; MP2; []; DCLG31; DCLG18
Subject: Re: Project Board
MP3 - thanks for this - I think we will need a september date that works for all -DCLG31 copied will look at Cathy's diary and come back with some dates for those who could make.
----- Original Message -----
From: MP3
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 07:28 PM
To: Cathy Francis; []; DCLG32
Cc: MP1; [];[]; MP2
Subject: Re: Project Board
Hi All
The times we have in the diary at the moment are
8th August (4.30pm)
23rd August (6pm)
2nd October (6pm)
25th October (6pm)
13th November (6pm)
4th December (6pm)
Let us know if convenient
----- Original Message -----
From: Cathy Francis
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 06:35 PM
To: []; DCLG32 Cc: MP1; []; MP3; []
Subject: RE: Project Board
Very happy in principle - but the slots are late evening, typically 6.00pm, which suited me. If this works for everyone then we can use these...MP3 could you circulate these dates please.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 10:10 AM
To: Cathy Francis; DCLG32
Cc: MP1; []; MP3; []
Subject: Project Board
Hi Cathy
Following on from our chat last week we are keen to get the Project Board up and running asap. Speaking to MP1 yesterday I understand that there are regular dates in the diary already. If it would work it might make sense to use the some of the dates already diarised? We think a monthly meeting would be appropriate at this stage in the project.
Let me know what you think then perhaps we could work out the details with DCLG32?
It would be great to be able to report progress on this on Monday 6th at our meeting with the businesses.
Kind regards.
From: Cathy Francis
Sent: 24 July 2012 06:58
To: DCLG32; []
Cc: Philip Cox
Subject: Re: Portas announcements
[], I am jumping in as was on leave on Monday. Philip will have mentioned time pressure here i.e that we are briefing out to media in the morning. When we spoke last week ministers had not indicated that they wanted to announce names. So apologies that things have moved on apace.
Essentially we need a few bullet points that reflect the discussions we had around project management / linking in pro bono business support - and it shd acknowledge tailores / bottom-up feel of Programme. If we think in terms of a narrative for the notes to editors this will suffice at this stage. We can flesh out the detail over a slightly longer time frame.
DCLG32 is right, probably good to speak initially so we can discuss the detail i.e size of envelope so you know what you are working with.
Sorry to put you under pressure - and you know we are committed to working with you on this - but this is a key hurdle to get over.
From: DCLG32
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2012 10:06 PM
To: []
Cc: Philip Cox; Cathy Francis
Subject: Re: Portas annoucements
Thanks [] - probably good if we spoke briefly early tuesday or I can speak to [] early further to your earlier discussion with philip.
My number diverts to my mobile so [] -i will return any call if you get voicemail .
From: []
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2012 08:51 PM
To: DCLG32
Cc: []; Philip Cox; Cathy Francis
Subject: Re: Portas annoucements
I'm not sure 9.30 is feasible. However, [] and I will revisit the proposals we have already sent over to you as I think these both outline our role.
Kind regards.
From: DCLG32
To: []
Cc: []; Philip Cox; Cathy Francis
Sent: Mon Jul 23 20:19:25 2012
Subject: Portas annoucements
Hi - glad you spoke to Philip - apologies for very tight initial turn around on all this and I know that things have moved on somewhat since your discussion with Cathy last week - (and this coming Thursday's meeting with Cathy and [] will allow time for proper discussion) - but it would be really good to have an initial draft light outline from your end first thing Tuesday am (say 9.30 am). This would allow for a proper reflection of []’s role in pre press briefing which is happening Tuesday morning (with Portas annoucement Wednesday)
Appreciate this may be a very challenging deadline to meet so do shout.
RE: 20th September National Portas Pilot event
From: MP2
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2012 12:19 PM
Subject: RE: 20th September National Portas Pilot event
Hi DCLG7 – that’s strange! I am sitting at my desk with my mobile and phone next to me. Direct line is []. Alternatively I can give you a call?
Sent: 23 August 2012 11:58
Subject: RE: 20th September National Portas Pilot event
Just tried to ring, but was told you are not around. Tried your mobile but it went straight to Voicemail!
Do you have a direct line I can use?
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2012 11:52 AM
Subject: RE: 20th September National Portas Pilot event
So sorry – I never received a message?
Please call whenever you are available. I have a meetings 1.30-2.30pm and 4.30-7pm but otherwise should be at my desk.
Sent: 23 August 2012 11:48
Subject: 20th September National Portas Pilot event
Hi MP2
I left a message for you earlier this week as I wanted to discuss the eventwith you Would it be possible to call you today? If so what would be a good time?
best wishes
RE: Draft Agenda for 20 Sept Portas Pilots event
From: MP1
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2012 2:39 PM
To:[]; DCLG2; MP2; [];[]; David Morris
Subject: RE: Draft Agenda for 20 Sept Portas Pilots event
Thanks so much []!
Sent: 04 September 2012 13:19
To: DCLG2; MP1; MP2; [];[]; David Morris
Subject: RE: Draft Agenda for 20 Sept Portas Pilots event