Audiovisual (AV) Library
How do I get to the Library Web page and Online Catalog?
The College web page ( can be accessed from home. Log into the Student portal. To get to the Library home page, click on red “Library” button at the top of the page on right. To get to the AV Library, click on “Find Books and AV” square and “Find AV Only” tab.
How do I find items on the shelves?
AV items are arranged on the shelves in three different ways:
- Educational/Documentary DVDs are arranged bysubject in the Library of Congress Classification, just like the book library. With this system, DVDs on similar subjects can be found together on the shelves.
- Movies on DVD are arranged by type of movie orGenre: Action (ACT), Childrens’ (CHI), Comedy (COM), Drama (DRA), Foreign (FOR), Horror (HOR), Musicals (MUS), Sci-Fi (SCI), and Television Series (TVS). Then within each Genre, by title.
- The rest of the collection is arranged bytype of material and then numerically by a number assigned when they are added to the collection. You can have an Audiobook 500, a Compact Disc 500, or a Videotape 500. Use of the online catalog is critical in locating AV items other than DVDs because they are not arranged by subject.
Items can be searched in the catalog by subject, title, and author. Please ask for assistance at the AV office when trying to locate items.
What does the AV Library have?
Films on Demand Videostreaming – From the Library home page:
- Click on “Find Books and AV” square.
- Click on “Find AV Only” tab.
- Click on “Films on Demand” in the red box below the search screen.
- Click on the Films on Demandlink and then type in the username and password, both of which are “montgomery.” This brings you to the screen from which you can search and view over 12,000streamed educational video programs.
DVDs-- Educational programs as well as classic, popular and foreign movies make up this growing collection. (nearly 5000). Topics include most of the subjects taught at the College.
Videos– We are maintaining a collection of videotapeswhich have not been transferred to DVD or other digital format.
CDs– Musical CDs featuring many genres including classical, jazz, rock, folk, and rap. (over 2000 items).
CD-ROMs – Small collection of math materials.
Kits– Items that contain a combination of two or more media such as a CD and book or DVD and book. Many ESL items are kits.
Audiobooks– Fictionand non-fiction titles on CD.
How long can I borrow materials?
Videos,DVDs, and CD-ROMs (a limit of 3 of each type) may be borrowed for one week. CDs, kits, and audiobooks may be checked out for three weeks. There is a fine of $1.00 per day for each overdue video, DVD, and CD-ROM and $.10 per day for other materials.
Can I watch programs in the AV Library?
The AV Library is equipped DVD and Videotape players, andcomputers which will play CD-ROMs, and CDs. Headsets for quiet listening and viewing are available at the main circulation desk.
Library Hours:Monday – Thursday 7: 30 – 9:30 p.m.
Friday 7: 30 -- 5:00 p.m.
Saturday 10:00 -- 4:00 p.m.
Sunday 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Closed Sundays all summer.
Phone number: 215-641-6596