CALS FY09 TemporaryState Funds Request Form Instructions
All use of state personnel money (excluding wages) which was not encumbered in PSOS prior to the university-wide sweep of 10/17/08 must have college approval in advance.
In addition, all CALS FY09 state personnel salary saving dollars generated after 10/17/08 will be swept (>=$25 balance per dept/line/account after each biweekly payroll) by CALS. The use of these dollars will also require advance college approval.
You are not authorized to take advantage of loopholes in systems and processes to by-pass college approval of use of these state dollars.
Background info:
The Budget Office captured PSOS budget line balances on 10/16/08. On 10/17/08 they ran a sweep based on FRS state account personal services positive balances (excluding wages). The sweep transferred each account’s balance from PSOS budget line 913 to a university central admin line (creating a deficit in the department’s line 913). If an account’s wage balance was negative, the sweep amount was reduced to leave funds to cover the wage deficit. If the account’s sweep amount would have been < $100, it wasn’t swept. The Budget Office also adjusted some sweep amounts due to budget cut transactions still being processed. By sweeping at the account level and creating a deficit in line 913, no changes were made to the actual PSOS budget lines or their apparent balances. The intent was that the sum of the available balances in the individual PSOS budget lines and the deficit in line 913 would net to zero for each state account (in most cases).
Central administration then returned the amount swept from CALS by loading positive amounts in Non-Extension department 9978 and Extension department 9979. This return was accompanied by a list of stipulations on how these funds could be used. The Provost also instituted a reporting requirement on the use of these funds.
So, CALS units must now submit a “CALS FY09 Temporary State Funds Request Form” (along with all the normal paperwork for the transaction and relevant backup documentation) prior to using any state temporary personal services dollars (excluding wages). If your request is approved by the Dean or his delegate, the accompanying paperwork will be processed.
CALS Admin Services is working with the Budget Office and UITS to run a transaction file into PSOS that will move the positive state balances from PSOS budget lines into your department’s line 913. This will clear the deficit that was created in line 913 due to the way the university did their sweep. The tentative date for this run is 10/30/08.
Special situations that need immediate attention:
1. If any PSOS budget line in your unit has a deficit in a state account, that deficit must be cleared by November 7, 2008. If you can justify the return of swept state funds to clear the deficit, complete and submit the request form, along with any other necessary paperwork.
2. If state funds were swept inappropriately (reason code “e”), you must request the return of those funds by November 7, 2008. This reason may apply to employee budget lines that had pre-sweep positive balances because people weren’t funded for the whole year.
3. If your unit submitted personnel paperwork to CALS Admin Services since 10/16/08, it has probably been held up due to the sweep of state funds (all college-level funds were swept, too). CALS Admin Services will begin addressing these cases as soon as possible, and will contact your unit if more info or a request form is required.
4. Any special situations created by the PSOS transaction run to clear line 913 deficits, must be addressed by November 7, 2008.
Procedures for requesting FY09 temporary state personnel funds:
1. To use state dollars (non-wage) which were not encumbered on 10/16/08 or have been swept, you must first obtain pre-approval from CALS. The Provost has authorized college deans to approve only those uses that fall within established guidelines.
2. Complete a“CALS FY09 Temporary State Funds Request Form” for each separate requested use of funds. Additional copies of this form are available at
3. If you are claiming temporary commitment list funds, follow the normal procedure of contacting CALS Admin Services first to determine the available fund type. If the commitment will be funded with state dollars, complete the “CALS FY09 Temporary State Funds Request Form” and follow the new procedures.
4. A unit head (or delegate) signature is required on the request form. If a unit head’s signature is delegated, that unit head is still expected to be aware of the request.
5. Submit the form with all necessary paperwork and backup documentation to CALS Admin Services. Completed request forms with proper documentation may produce faster results.
6. If approved at the college level, you will be notified by CALS and your paperwork will be routed through normal university channels for processing.
7. If not approved at the college level, you will be notified by CALS.
In summary:
1. A “CALS FY09 Temporary State Funds Request Form” is now required prior to using previously unencumbered or swept state personnel funds (excluding wages).
2. This new procedure will also apply to state funded temporary commitments for personal services.
3. CALS Admin must send reports to the Provost on the use of temporary personal services state funds.
4. CALS Admin Services will oversee a PSOS transaction run to move balances from regular budget lines into line 913 to clear the deficit in 913 created by the university’s sweep.
5. CALS Admin Services will run a biweekly report identifying additional sources of college state personnel dollar sweeps. CALS Admin Services will prepare additional biweekly sweep paperwork.
6. These additional tracking, monitoring, and reporting requirements will increase paperwork processing time.