Nuts and Bolts and a Few Loose Screws
Tools for Your Congregational Toolbox
- SATURDAY, MARCH 17th 2018
- 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
- Zion Lutheran Church
- 2901 South Highway 169
- Grand Rapids, Minnesota
This event is sponsored by the:
Northeastern Minnesota Synod, ELCA
Nuts and Bolts and a Few Loose Screws
Workshops to fill your toolbox
- Creative Disarray:Models for ministry in changing times:
Presented by Assistants to the Bishop,
Pastor Amy Odgren, DEM and Deacon Brenda Tibbetts
Worries over declining membership, dwindling financial resources, and a need for clear missional direction may seem overwhelming and make it difficult for a vibrant congregational future.Some congregations have found new life in forming ministry partnerships, multi-point parishes, and shared ministry cooperatives as a way to regain a sense of mission and purpose. Come and wrestle with questions of how God might lead us in redirecting energy from competition to cooperation. Imagine creative leadership opportunities for both rostered and lay leaders. Discuss nimble options in the call process. Learn how shared ministry can release new potential for congregations.
- What Is the ELCA? Presented by Mrs. Brenda Wagner, SAM and Synod Vice-President
Do you know the "three expressions of the ELCA?" If you are scratching your head, this is the workshop for you. Come and learn how congregations, the synod, and the national ELCA churchwide organization work together for shared ministry and learn about the many resources for you and your congregation to draw upon.
- Effective Leadership & Managing Meetings:Presented by Pastor Mark Wagner,
Tri-United Parish, Bovey, Warba, Jacobson
Are you bogged down in unproductive meetings that drag on forever? Come and get some tips andtechniques for setting agendas, leading meetings, and improving efficiency.
- Where is our Constitution? Presented by: PastorRollieBockbrader, Synod Secretary
Chances are, if you don't know where your congregation's constitution and bylaws are, you haven't looked at them recently!Perhaps it's time to find a copy, dust it off, and check if it is up to date with the ELCA Model Constitution for Congregations and if it is meeting the needs of your congregation today. This workshop will look at what it takes to bring your constitution and bylaws up to date; and in particular, the most recent2016 changes to the model constitution.
- Confirmation Conversations:Presented by Catherine Anderson,
Synod Coordinator of Youth Ministry
What model should we use? How does confirmation fit within the ministry of the congregation? What do we do when we only have 2 youth? Why do kids disappear after confirmation? Questions around confirmation can leave us wondering if it’s worth it. (Spoiler: it is!) Recent research explored over 2000 congregations that are using fruitful strategies for faith formation in confirmation. We will hear insights and key learnings, and discuss how these might apply in our contexts.
- FinancialMatters: Presented byKathy Wimer, Synod Office Administrator
This workshop is for treasurers,financialsecretaries, money handlers, both new and experienced, to help you in your work. Expect helpful resources, tips and important information aboutfinancialwork and record keeping .Bring your questions and receive answers.
- Portico Benefits: Presented by Deacon Terri Endres, Portico Regional Representative
Hear new and important news from Portico about health benefits and retirement. Are you wondering how to do your Minister’s Health and Pension benefits? Do you have questions about Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze levels for health care? Why Portico Benefits?