July 2001 Acronyms


3RResurfacing, Restoration, Rehabilitation

AASHTOAmerican Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

AQCCAir Quality Control Commission

AQCMAir Quality Congestion Mitigation

ADAAmericans with Disabilities Act

ADTAverage Daily Traffic

BAMSBid Analysis and Management System

BLMBureau of Land Management

CBCConcrete Box Culvert

CDOTColorado Department of Transportation

CFRCode of Federal Regulations

COFRSColorado Financial Reporting System

CRSColorado Revised Statutes

DBEDisadvantaged Business Enterprise

DHVDesign Hour Volume

DORDesign Office Review

DOWDivision of Wildlife (Colorado)

DRCOGDenver Regional Council of Governments

DSRDesign Scoping Review

DTDDivision of Transportation Development

EAEnvironmental Assessment

EEOEqual Employment Opportunity

EISEnvironmental Impact Statement

EPAEnvironmental Protection Agency

ESALEquivalent Single Axle Load

FAAFederal Aviation Administration

FAPGFederal Aid Policy Guide

FHWAFederal Highway Administration


FIRField Inspection Review

FMVFair Market Value

FONSIFinding of No Significant Impact

FORFinal Office Review

FTAFederal Transit Administration

HAZMATHazardous Materials

HCMHighway Capacity Manual

HESHazard Elimination System

HOVHigh-Occupancy Vehicle

HTFHighway Trust Fund (Federal)

HUTFHighway Users Tax Fund (State)

IGAInter-Governmental Agreement

IRISInventory Road Information System

ISAInitial Site Assessment

ISTEAIntermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act

IVHSIntelligent Vehicle Highway System

JBCJoint Budget Committee

MHTMethod of Handling Traffic

MMSMaintenance Management System

MOAMemorandum of Agreement

MOUMemorandum of Understanding

MPOMetropolitan Planning Organization

MUTCDManual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices

NCHRPNational Cooperative Highway Research Program

NEPANational Environmental Policy Act

NHSNational Highway System

NPDESNational Pollutant Discharge Elimination System

OFMBOffice of Financial Management and Budget

OJTOn-the-Job Trainee

PPPPProject Priority Programming Process

ProMISProject Management Information System

PS&EPlans, Specifications and Estimate

PSIPreliminary Site Investigation

PUCPublic Utilities Commission

RODRecord of Decision

ROWRight of Way

RTDRegion Transportation Director

SHPOState Historic Preservation Office

STIPStatewide Transportation Improvement Program

TCPTraffic Control Plan

TEA-21Transportation and Efficiency Act for the 21st Century

TIPTransportation Improvement Program

TPRTransportation Planning Region

UDBEUnderutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprises

UMTAUrban Mass Transportation Administration

USCU. S. Code

USDAU. S. Department of Agriculture

USDOTU. S. Department of Transportation

USFWSU. S. Fish and Wildlife Service

VMTVehicle Miles Traveled

WASHTOWashington Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials