Mental Health Matters Awareness Training
for Community Leaders
Partnership Project with Mental Health Ireland, Westmeath Community Development Ltd. & Westmeath County Development Board
Facilitators: Finola Colgan and Linda Thorpe Development Officers MHI
Date: Wednesday 16th April 10/00am to 4.00pm
Venue:Annebrook Hotel, Mullingar
Further Information: LindaJo Quinn Co-ordinator WCD 09064 94555
“There is an Indian proverb that says that everyone is a house with four rooms, a physical, a mental, an emotional, and a spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time but unless we go into every room every day, even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person.”
Rumer Godden
The over all objective of providing training on Mental Health Matters is to up skill participants on the use of the MHM Resource Pack within their own organisation/community contacts. The training is provided over a one-dayworkshop that is co facilitated by Mental Health Ireland Development Officers. The training programme includes:
- Over View of the Mental Health Matters Resource Pack
- Introduction and Step by Step Guide to Units 1-6
- Guidelines for delivery
Exploration of Mental Health/Mental Illness – What are the Differences?
- Introduction to facilitation skills and group work
- Delivering Mental Health Matters – preparation and presentation
- Discussion and Feedback
- Tips for Building Resilience and Positive Mental Health
Mental Health Matters:From time to time a person’s mental health may come under strain as part of normal everyday living. Developing positive coping mechanisms can improve significantly the quality of life particularly when times are difficult.This programme places mental health within the broad spectrum of physical, emotional and spiritual health
Aim: The Mental Health Matters programme seeks to empower participants to understand the clear link between mental and physical health and to be proactive in looking after their mental health.There is anemphasis within the Programme on strategies aimed at promotingpositive mental health coping strategies.
- Address the issue of mental health in a realistic and relevant
- Present mental health as a distinct concept integral to
daily life, the maintenance of which is vital to holistic health
- Explore the differences between mental health and mental illness
- Review and challenge existing attitudes and misconceptions
aroundmental health and mental illness – which can be a barrier towards seeking help
- Raise awareness of locally based mental health services and
community supports available both statutory and voluntary.
- Provide resource materials that are informative and useful
within group settings.
Methodologies Used in Delivery of Mental Health Matters
Team work and team learning is core to understanding how best to deliver this programme in the community setting. Methodologies Include:
- Team Building exercises. Group work and discussion
- Questionnaire/ survey/ discussion statements Vignettes DVD/You
Tube Visual aids and Hand Outs
- Self Reflection Mind Gyms
- EvaluationImpact evaluation is built into the programme through
questionnaire and discussion and general feedback
Participants are presented with a Certificate of Participation
Mental Health Matters Programme StructureContent
It is set out in six units, each of which explores a specific theme through using various facilitation/teaching methodologies. There is also additional information and support materials contained in a learning resource section for MHM Facilitators.
Unit One: Health – Physical and Mental
This unit describes the link that exists between physical and mental health and showing that health is more than just the physical. Attitudes to health and mental health are discussed and explored It is important to do this at the outset to create awareness around the language associated with mental health. This is an important as part of reducing stigma that may exist thereby creating opportunities
Unit Two: Mental- Ill health
Looks at mental ill health by giving an explanation of the term and builds on the information and awareness gained in unit one. It explores some common everyday situations that can be problematic in a young person life such as relationships, family, substance misuse and bullying and alcohol abuse through a serious of vignettes. These scenarios are designed to illustrate how people deal and learn to cope with such experiences. It also encourages exchange
of participants view points and possible life experiences in similar circumstances.
Unit Three and Unit Four: Mental Illness, Treatment, Care and RecoveryThese units look at developing greater understanding about mental illness and promote help seeking behavior. They also emphasis the importance of recovery and that people can and do become well again after a mental illness like any other illness. The units explore different mental illnesses and the types of treatments/therapies available such as depression, eating disorders, and schizophrenia.
Unit Five: Society and Mental Health Attitudes
This unit looks at society and mental health attitudes. It explores attitudes in Ireland today and how they have changed over the years. It explores the impact of the media in shaping public opinion and attitudes about mental health and mental illness. Participants are encouraged to explore their own attitudes, the attitude of community to mental health or those who may have mental health problems.
Unit Six: Mental Health and You
This unit is about application of what has been learnt, explored and the importance of making choices for positive mental health and wellbeing. It provides tips and guidelines for participants to develop their own personal mental health strategy.
Finola Colgan
Development Officer
Mental Health Ireland – Midlands