Policy: / Leave PolicyApproved by which board (or Chief Officer) and date: / Business Board 16/03/2015
Owner / Head of Human Resources (HR)
For release under Freedom of Information? / Yes
Supporting procedures / Leave Procedure & Guidance
Contact for advice / HR Department
Review date
If changes have been made to an existing policy, you must complete the boxes below
Amendments made / Policy updated to reflect changes in procedures and Police Regulations and ensure effective management of LeaveDate and Version Number / V2
Not Protectively Marked
What is the potential impact in relation to the General Duty of this proposal on each of the protected groups below?
Protectedcharacteristics / Positive Impact
Does the proposal: / Negative Impact (provide details and mitigating actions taken or proposed) / No
eliminate unlawful discrimination
(provide details) / advance equality of opportunity
(provide details) / Foster good relations
(provide details) / Other positive impact (provide details)
Age / We are eliminating discrimination as we consider all ages of dependents when applying for dependents leave which is mentioned in the policy / All ages would be considered for all the types of leave therefore advancing equality of opportunity / By having a policy that sets down all types of leave for all protected characteristics, we are fostering good relations
Disability / We are eliminating discrimination as we consider all disabilities of dependents when applying dependents leave which is mentioned in the policy / All protected characteristics would be considered for all the types of leave therefore advancing equality of opportunity / By having a policy that sets down all types of leave for all protected characteristics, we are fostering good relations
Sex / We are eliminating discrimination as we consider all genders of dependents when applying dependents leave or any other type of leave which is mentioned in the policy / All protected characteristics would be considered for all the types of leave therefore advancing equality of opportunity / By having a policy that sets down all types of leave for all protected characteristics, we are fostering good relations
Sexual orientation / We are eliminating discrimination as we consider all sexual orientations of dependents when applying dependents leave or any other type of leave which is mentioned in the policy / All protected characteristics would be considered for all the types of leave therefore advancing equality of opportunity / By having a policy that sets down all types of leave for all protected characteristics, we are fostering good relations
Gender reassignment / We are eliminating discrimination as we consider all genders of dependents when applying dependents leave or any other type of leave which is mentioned in the policy / All protected characteristics would be considered for all the types of leave therefore advancing equality of opportunity / By having a policy that sets down all types of leave for all protected characteristics, we are fostering good relations
Marriage and civil partnership / No Impact
Pregnancy and maternity / We are eliminating discrimination as we consider all categories e.g. IVF leave or any other type of leave which is mentioned in the policy / All protected characteristics would be considered for all the types of leave therefore advancing equality of opportunity / By having a policy that sets down all types of leave for all protected characteristics, we are fostering good relations
Race / We have considered the changing of public holidays dependent on culture. This applies to all leave considerations. Time may also be given to staff for religious observance. / All protected characteristics would be considered for all the types of leave therefore advancing equality of opportunity / By having a policy that sets down all types of leave for all protected characteristics, we are fostering good relations
Religion and belief including non-belief / We have considered the changing of public holidays dependent on religious belief and no belief. This applies to all leave consideration. Time may also be given to staff for religious observance. / All protected characteristics would be considered for all the types of leave therefore advancing equality of opportunity / By having a policy that sets down all types of leave for all protected characteristics, we are fostering good relations
If there is no potential impact (positive or negative) please provide a brief explanation why this is the case, e.g. the data utilised in arriving at the decision, summary of responses to consultation etc.
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This Policy will assist Line Managers in the efficient and effective management of planned and un-planned absence from work. It encompasses both statutory and contractual entitlements, providing relevant information on the range of leave available.
Entitlements to leave are provided through PoliceRegulations 2012 and associated Determinations(Police Officers), Police Staff Terms and Conditions of Employment (Police Staff) and relevant Constabulary Policy.
The Policy aims to ensure that there is clarity, consistency and fairness in the provision of, and arrangements for, leave entitlements and the circumstances under which they can be taken. It also aims to ensure reasonable staffing levels are maintained in order to efficiently and effectively meet the service needs of the organisation.
3.Application and Enforcement
Line Managers will be required to ensure all individuals for whom they are responsible are aware of the arrangements for leave as set out in this Policy. Line Managers will be required to monitor and enforce the application of the Policy in a consistent manner. Guidance can be sought from the HR Department.
4.The Policy
4.1 This policy applies to all Police Officers and Police Staff of Cumbria Constabulary, covering the wide range of entitlements and the circumstances in which leavemay be taken.
4.2 Entitlements may not be the same for all personnel and may differ depending on individual circumstances. Some types of leave will need to be or could be planned in advance whilst other types will be unforeseen and arise from emergency situations. Some entitlements will be paid whilst others will be unpaid.
4.3 Line Managers will be required to ensure that wherever unpaid absence occurs the HR Department are informed so that the necessary instruction can be progressed to inform CSD Employee Services in relation to salary adjustments.
4.4 All Bank and Public Holidays will be referred to as Public Holidays.
4.5 For system purposes annual leave is considered in hours rather than days:
Leave Day/Week / Hours per day / A Week / Working DayPolice Officers / 40hpw / 8hrs / Monday to Monday / 0700hrs to 0659hrs
Police Staff / 37hpw / 7hrs 24mins / Monday to Sunday / 0000hrs to 2359hrs
This is calculated pro rata for individuals working part time.
4.6 Reasonable staffing requirements will be set as appropriate to the Department. They will take into account the operational needs of the Department, the resources available and any abstraction factor (including Rest Days, court appearance, training, sickness, unforeseen absence etc). Consequently the arrangements which are made from department to department and section to section may vary, without creating precedents and affecting the overall fairness of the policy or the application of the procedure and guidance for groups and individuals, who may be treated differently according to circumstances.These staffing levels may be amended in relation to Public Holidays.
5.Supporting Information
- Procedure & Guidance Notes – Leave Policy
6.Monitoring and Reviewing
In accordance with the Constabulary’s respective Equality and Diversity Strategy, this Policy will be monitored by the Policy Owner on an on-going basis for implementation issues, consistency of application and the potential for discrimination.
Initially the policy will be reviewed after 12 months. Thereafter it will be reviewed in line with the published review schedule, normally after 3 years. The policy will also be reviewed whenever new legislation/guidance which may have an impact is introduced.
The monitoring of this policy will be done by:
- Reviewing the policy and associated documentation to ensure the policy is still relevant.
- Reviewing the implementation of the policy by consultation with key personnel responsible for implementation of and adherence to it.
- Reviewing the relevant data in relation to any related matters pursued in accordance with the Fairness at Work policy.
- Consideration of any changes in legislation that need to be accommodated.
- Consideration of any other feedback that has been received.
In the event that an individual feels disadvantaged by the requirements of a policy or procedure or where they perceive there to be an impact which is intentionally or unintentionally unfair, the matter should be dealt with in accordance with the Policy and Procedure Review Process / Selection Processes Appeals Procedure contained within the Fairness At Work (Grievance Resolution) Policy and Procedure. This information will also be monitored and considered when reviewing the policy.
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