Township of Bloomfield
Planning Board Minutes
Regular/Organization Meeting
February 7, 2012
The second regular/organization meeting of the Planning Board of the Township of Bloomfield was held on Tuesday February 7, 2012 with a start time of 7:32 p.m. Chairman LaQuaglia read the following statement:
“Notice of the time, date, location and agenda of this meeting, to the extent then known, was provided at least ten (10) days prior to the commencement of this meeting, in the following manner, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 231 of the Law of 1975 (The Open Public Meetings Act):
1.) By posting such notice on the bulletin board of the municipal building and
2.) By mailing such notice to the office of the Independent Press, Bloomfield
Life, Herald News and the Star Ledger.”
Roll call showed the following members present:
Mr. McGonigle, Dr. Ophori, Mr. Pietrykoski, Dr. Sotillo, Mr. Zimmerman, Mr. Stephan, Mr. Lasek, Mr. Zitka, Mayor McCarthy and Chairman LaQuaglia. Also present was Nicole Brennan, Secretary to the Boards, Anthony Marucci, Consulting Engineer to the Board and Michael Rubin, Consulting Attorney to the Board.
Roll call showed the following members absent:
Councilman Hamilton.
Any and all discussion was recorded on audio tapes through the municipality and also through the Bloomfield Township Public Access TV Channel 35.
Minutes were passed: 9/13/11, 10/4/11 and 12/6/11 all moved by Chairman LaQuaglia, seconded by Dr. Sotillo.
Resolutions were passed: 2012 Amending Ordinance for Block 220 & Block 228-moved by Mayor McCarthy, seconded by Dr. Sotillo and 2012 Amending Ordinance for Chapter 112-moved my Mr. Lasek, seconded by Mayor McCarthy.
2012 Appointments were done:
Michael Rubin-Consulting Attorney-moved by Chairman LaQuaglia, seconded by Mayor McCarthy.
Anthony Marucci-Consulting Engineer-moved by Chairman LaQuaglia, seconded by Mr. Pietrykoski.
Nishuane Group-Consulting Planner-moved by Mr. McGonigle, seconded by Chairman LaQuaglia.
Nicole Brennan-Secretary to the Boards-moved by Mayor McCarthy, seconded by Chairman LaQuaglia.
Alan LaQuaglia-Chairman-moved by Mr. McGonigle, seconded by Mayor McCarthy.
Daniel McGonigle-Vice Chairman-moved by Mr. Stephan, seconded by Chairman LaQuaglia.
Application of Vineland 86 Associates as Applicant and Owner for minor site plan approval and any such other relief as may be required from the Zoning Ordinance of the Township of Bloomfield to install new lighting in a residential one (1)-family R-1A zone on premises known as Map 12, Block 282, Lot 16 better known as 55 Monroe Place.
Testimony and discussion followed.
Simona Brinkman-Goldberg Realty Property Manager and Michael Vaughan-Electrician.
A motion was made to approve this application with stipulations by Mr.
Lasek, seconded by Mayor McCarthy. All voting members voted yes on the motion and
this application was approved with stipulations.
Discussion on 2 proposed amendments to ordinances sent from the Mayor and Council.
Discussion followed.
A motion was made by Mayor McCarthy to approve amendments and
send back to the Mayor and Council, seconded by Mr. Lasek. All voting members voted
yes on the motion and these amendments were sent back to the Mayor and Council.
Discussion on project at Memorial Park for the Senior baseball field.
Discussion followed.
Sarah Block-Grant Writer for Millennium Strategies.
A motion was made by Mayor McCarthy to support Millennium Strategies
through a written letter from the Board, seconded by Mr. Pietrykoski. All voting
members voted yes on the motion and a letter of support for the grant will be sent from
the Planning Board.
Respectfully Submitted,
Nicole Brennan
Secretary to the Boards