Blunston licenses were warrants for what was not yet legal land, it being in territory not yet ceded by treaty with the natives. A ferry across the Susquehanna existed by 1712, operated by John Harris at the future site of Harrisburg, where he had established a thriving trading post. This ferry served Indian traders from both sides of the Susquehanna, and occasionally French traders travelling the river's banks, and illegal settlers were already present west of the Susquehanna long before the Blunston licenses began to be issued in 1734. The Penn’s, recognizing there was no profit in this illegal settlement, issued about 280 licenses for about 74,000 acres in the future York County, much of which would become the future counties of Cumberland and Franklin, and a small portion of which pertained to the future Adams County. The Penn’s "authorized Samuel Blunston, a Lancaster County surveyor and public official, to issue what were call licenses to persons wishing to take up land west of the Susquehanna River.
Most of the Blunston licenses were granted to Scotch-Irish immigrants for tracts in the Cumberland Valley, in what are now called Cumberland and Franklin Counties, along the Conodoquinet, Yellow Breeches, and Conococheague Creeks. A much smaller number were for land in what is now York County along the Codorus and Conewago Creeks. About twenty licenses were issued, most of them in early 1735, for about 8000 acres of land along the upper reaches of the Conewago Creek, and itís tributaries, in the northern part of what is now Adams County. Two were issued, both on April 8, 1735, for a total of 600 acres of land among the branches of Marsh Creek.
Land: The Blunston Licenses, 1733/34: Lancaster (now Cumberland) County, PA
The Blunston Licenses, named for the person who kept the records, Samuel Blunston, were granted toindividuals who lived west of the Susquehanna river in the area that is now mostly Cumberland County. These were primarily persons who had settled and improved their lands, some of whom arrived as early as 1727.
The Blunston License Book
[Page 1]1733/4
January 24th, Robert Miller, 200 acres. No Survery returned.
At the head of Letorts Spring
January 24th, Saml. Chambers, 200 acres.
At the head of Letorts Spring.
Z B 200
January 30th, Robert Millikin, 250 acres. No Survery returned.
Joyning upon the River a little Below the Mountain & and Include an Island
opposite the Same.
February 19th, James Hendricks, 200 acres. No Survery returned.
About a mile above the mouth of the Codorus Creek to be bounded on the upper
side with a tract Granted to James Mitchell and and the natural Course of a
Spring on the front with the River and on the Back with the Barrens.
February 21st, Daniel Williams, 200 acres. No Survery returned.
On the South side of the Conedogwainet Creek at the Limestone Springe to be
bounded on Westerly with John Parkers and John McFarlan Tracts.
February 21st, John Parker, 200 acres.
Z B 270
Also 150 acres.
At the Limestone Spring to be Bounded on the South East with Daniel Wiliams
tract on the North side of the Conedogwainet opposite William Dunbars tract.
February 21st, John McFarlan, 200 acres. No Survery returned.
To be bounded to the Southwd and Eastwd John Parker and Danie Williams Tract.
February 21st, John Davis, 200 acres. No survey returned.
Between Daniel Williams Tract to be laid out for the use of a---
February 21st, Conrad Ecket, 100 acres. No Survery returned.
About hlf a mile to the west Creek.
[Page 2]
February 21st, William Dunbar, 200 acres. No Survery returned.
Upon Conedogwaint Creek about a mile above Danl. Williams Tract.
February 25th, John Gass, 250 acres. No Survery returned.
On the South side of the Conedogwainet about three miles above the Mouth of
Letort Spring.
March 2nd, for the use of Minister, 300 acres. No Survery returned.
Between the tracts of John Gass and John Davis.
March 4th, Isaac Davenport, 200 acres (NB this tract was since assigned to Edward Shippen).
No Survery returned.
Upon the Branches of Conedogwainet about two mile to the Westwd of John
Lawrences tract.
March 4th, John Lawrence, 200 acres.
Upon the Middle Branch in the forks of Conedogwainet about two miles to the
South west of the Mountain.
March 9th, James Leper for himself and his children 500(?) acres.
No Survery returned.
Lying on the South Side of Great Spring.
March 9th, Wiliam McMullen, 250 acres. (NB this tract is since assigned to John White).
No survey returned.
To Joyn the land of James Leper.
March 9th, Hugh McMullen, 250 acres. No survey returned.
To be taken where the same shall be found Vacant on the Westside Sasquenhanah
River Without the bounds of pexton Mannors, and to Return to Acct of the
Bounds. (NB the Bounds are not returned).
March 11th, John Gass, 150 acres, Assigned to Wm. Miller). No survey returned.
On the North side of the Conedogwainet to be bounded to the Westwd with John
March 11th, Samuel Chambers, 200 acres. No survey returned.
On the South side of Conedogwainet to be bounded on the East by the Pexton
Mannors and on the West by the James Tremble Tract.
[Page 3]
March 18th, James Say, 200 acres.
ZB 171
To be Bounded to the Eastwd. by Wm. Walker tract, and to include a Spring on
which said James is settled.
March 18th, Wiliam Walker, 400 acres.
ZB 354.
On the South side of Conedogwt about three miles above pexton Mannor where
had liberty from the Honble Propietary to Settle in October last.
March 18th, William Anderson, 500 acres. No Survey returned.
To be taken wherer the same shal be found vacant and Return the Bounds (NB the
Bounds are not Returned).
March 18th, John McCowen, 200 acres. No Survey Returned.
To be taken where the same shal be Vacant. (NB this tract I think is not taken up
The person having settled at Suataro Creek on this side of the Susquehannah).
March 28th, James and William Patton, 400 acres. No survey returned.
On the South side of the Conedogwt to Joyn on the Westwd with Randle
Chamber's tract.
March 28th, Henry Quigly, 100 acres. No Survey returned.
On the north side of Conodogwt opposite William Dunbars tract.
March 30th Thomas ffisher, 400 acres.
ZB 400
In the Barrens by the Indian path leading from William Walkers to Peter Alen and
Joyning on the East with John McCormac.
March 30th, Samuel ffisher, 300 acres.
ZB 230
On the North side of Conedogwt on the Back of James Carthey and James
McConnels tract. (NB By virtue of a warrant Bearing date the 4th of June 1737.
Returned into the Secretary office this and the above tract were surveyed to
Thomas ffisher as by the Surveyers return wil appear).
March 30th, Benjamin Chambers, 400 acres.
At the falling Spring (Joyning to the Long Meadow) to be laid on both sides of
said Spring for the convenience of a Mill for said Spring or Creek supp? to ____ of
[Page 4]
March 30th Sam'l Chambers 200 acres. (No) Survey returned.
To be taken where the same may be found Vacant and return the Bounds. (NB No
Bounds returned).
March 30th, Robert Chambers, 200 acres. No Survey returned.
To be taken where the same may be found Vacant and return the Bound. (NB
Returned that the same is taken Joyning on the River at a place called Rock Run
between John Harris's and Robert Millikens tract opposite a little Island.
March 30th John McCormac, 300 acres.
ZB 200
On the North side of the Conedogwaint Creek on the Back side of James Carthey's
tract Bounded to the East by Sam ffishers tract.
April 6th, Michael Springle, 500 acres. No Survey returned.
On the West Branch of Codorus Creek about two miles above the fork upon an
Improvemt be purchased of Peter young blood.
April 9th, James Carthey, 200 acres. No Survey returned.
In the South side of Conedogwt Joyning to the west side of the Dry Spring.
April 9th, William Carthey, 250 acres. No Survey returned in the Names of Wm. Carthey ZB
has returned 212 surveyed to George Carthey.
On the North Side of Conedogwt a little above William Walkers (this tract is now
in possession of George Carthey.)
April 9th James Micheltree, 250 acres. No Survey returned.
On the North of Conedogwt four miles above the mouth of Letorts Spring.
April 9th Alexr Carthey, 150 acres. No survey returned.
On the North side of Conedogwt Opposite the Dry Spring.
April 9th, Gilbert Campbel, 400 acres. No survey returned.
On the South side of Conedogwt Joyning to the Lower side of John Calens tract.
Apri 9th, Samuel Given, 200 acres. No survey returned.
On the South side of Conedogwt Joyning to the Lower side of John Callens tract.
April 9th, Robt. Buchannon, 500 acres. No survey returned. Charged to Archd McAlister.
On Conedogwt from the Mouth of the Dry Spring upwards as far as may be necessary.
[Page 5]
April 9th, John Callen, 200 acres. No survey returned.
On the South side of Conedogwt Joyning to upper side of Saml Givens tract.
April 9th, James fforster, 200 acres. No survey returned.
On the South Side of Conedogwt Joyning to James Patten, about one mile & a half
Below the mouth of Letorts Spring.
April 9th, John Lee, 200 acres. No survey returned.
Joyning to John Callens Tract being first taken up be James Berry.
April 10th, Saml Hendricks, 150 acres. No survey returned.
Joyning on Susquehannah opposite to the Connoy town & to the upper side of a
tract now belonging to John Wogan.
April 20th, ffrancis Somefield, 200 acres. No survey returned.
To joyn on the River and upper side of Codorus Creek and to Include an Island at
the Creeks mouth.
April 22nd, Robert Chambers, 200 acres. No survey returned.
On the head Branch of Conedogwt about half a mile Below Thomas Eastlands at a
place where tow Springs meet convenient for a mill.
April 23rd, Archie Carthey, 250 acres. No survey.
On the North side of Conedogwt oppsite to pexton Mannor line Bounded on the
West with James Woods.
April 26th, Allen Killough, 100 acres.
On the North side of Conedogwt opposite to John Yong and Cha Killgore, 200
acres. On the South side of sd Creek to the Eastwd of the Mouth of Robert
Dunnings Run.
April 26th, John Killogh, 200 acres.
On the South Side of Conedogwt next to Gilbert Campbels.
May 2nd, David Priest, 200 acres.
ZB 232
To be bounded on the East with the River on the North with Yellow Britches
Creek to the West with Richard Ashtons Tract.
May 2nd, Richard Ashton, 300 acres. No survey returned.
On the South Side of Yellow Britches to be Bounded on the Eastwd with David
Priest tract.
May 25th, John Harris, 200 acres.
ZB 1025 200, 300
To be Bounded on the East with the River and on the South with Conedogwainet.
[Page 6]
May 27th, Morgan Morgan, 200 acres. No survey.
On the Spring running into Yellow Britches creek about two miles above pexton
Manor line.
May 27th, John Morgan, 200 acres. No Survey.
Upon a Large Run, a Branch of Yellow Britches Creek near Old Potowmac road.
June 10th, Thomas Brown, 400 acres. No Survey.
On the South East branch of Congoechege upon an Improvment he Bot of
Willough by Winchester.
June 10th, Gordon Howard, 400 acres. No Survey.
On a South East Branch of Congochege about two miles Southerly of a place
called the Bulls purchase.
June 25th, John Harris, 300 acres.
Joyning upon the River next below David Priest Including an Improvmt he Bought
of John Garner. (NB On this Grant is Surveyed upwards of Seven hundred Acres
to John Harris.
June 25th, Abraham Endless, 250 acres.
Near the foot of Blew Mountain On a Branch of Conedogwt Between Isaac
Davenports and a place settled by One Thrasher.
June 25th, William Nugent, 300 acres. No Survey.
On a head Branch of Conedogwt Between Thomas Eastland and Isaac Davenport
Including an Improvmt first made by Endless and a meadow adjoyning. (NB
Assigned to Benjamin Chambers).
June 25th, Joseph Walker, 200 acres. No Survey.
On the Afsd Branch opposite Nugent and Davenport.
June 25th, James Martin, 1000 acres. No Survey.
Where the Same may be found Vacant. (NB No Bounds returned nor Acct that the
Land is taken up).
July 2nd, John Swaney, 200 acres. No Survey.
At the head of a Run Deviding the Settlement of James Wood and Jno. Carthey On
the North Side of Conedogwainet.
[Page 7]
July 19th, John Cosney, 200 acres. No Survey.
On the South side of Conewaago about a mile west from the River Joyning on the
Branch of Dry Inlet.
July 19th, Eliakim Garrison, 200 acres. No Survey.
In the fork of Conewago about two miles west from the River.
Juy 19th, ffrancis Heron, 200 acres. No Survey.
On a Branch of Conegochege on the south Side of Edward Nichols.
July 19th, David Heron, 200 acres. No Survey.
As near the Setlement of his ffather ffrancis as the same can conveniently be had.
July 19th, James Heron, 200 acres. No Survey.
As near the Setlement of his ffather and Brother as the same can conveniently be
July 20th, Nathan Hussy, 200 acres. No Survey.
Joyning upon the River above a mile Below Conewaago falls.
Bounded on the South with the Mountain also to Include an Island of about fifty
acres lying in the River opposite thereto.
July 20th, John Day, 200 acres. No Survey.
Joyning upon the River Bounded on the ower side with Nathan Hussy on the
upper side with the Mountain.
July 20th, John Garrison, 200 acres. No Survey.
In the forks of Conewaago on the South side of the Big Creek Joyning on the East
with Eliakim Garrison.
July 20th, William Garrison, 200 acres.
On the North Side of Big Connewaago a little above the fork.
July 20th, John Hussy, 200 acres. No Survey.
On the North side of Little Connewaago a little above the fork.
July 29th, John Patten, 200 acres. No Survey.
On the South East Side of Conegochege at a place called the pleasant Spring lying
Between Gordon Howards and the Bulls purchase.
July 31st, Arthur Irwin, 200 acres. No Survey.
At the Walnut Bottom on the Road from pextan to potowame about two miles
from Robert Dunnings.
[Page 8]
July 31st, Charles Campbell, 200 acres. No Survey.
At the head of a Spring which runs thro John Macfarlans tract.
July 31st, James Campbel, 200 acres. No Survey.
Joyning to his Brother Charles Campbel.
August 16th, Thomas Young. No Survey.
On the North Side of Conewaago Creek to the westward of William Garrison.
August 24th, Robert Rutherford for himself and his grandson Robt. Wakely [Weakley]. No Survey.
On Letorts Spring Joyning to the West side of Saml Chambers.
August 24th, John Rutherford, 200 acres. No Survey.
On the South Side of Letort Spring Bounded to the westwd with William Craig.
August 24th, William Craig, 150 acres. No Survey.
On the side of Letorts Spring Bounded to the Eastwd by the land of John
August 24th, James Rutherford, 200 acres. No Survey.
At head of Letorts Spring.
August 24th ffrancis Grime, 200 acres. No survey.
At the Round Meadow on the north Side of Yellow Britches Creek.
August 24th, ffrancis Lawson, 200 acres. No Survey.
On the Northside of Yelow Britches Creek where the potowmac Road goes by the
turn of the Creek at the Indian Cabbin. (NB this Grant is not assigned to Robert
August 24th, John Boyd, 600 acres. No Survey.
On a Spring running into the South side of Conedogwt Creek at place first settled
by John Lawtence if so much can be had with Detriment to the Neighbors.
August 24th, William Thomson, 150 acres. No Survey.
At the Carrying place on the South Branch of Conedogwt Creek to Joyn on the
East with the William Lawson Tract.
August 24th, William Lawson, 200 acres. No Survey.
At the Carrying place on the South Branch of Conedogwt and Joyning on the west
with William Thomson tract.
[Page 9]
August 24th, John Hogshead, 200 acres. No Survey.
On the South side of Letorts Spring Opposite Robert Rutherford and Bounted on
the East by William Edmonston to be laid on Both sides the Barren hill.
August 24th, William Clark, 200 acres. No Survey.
Where the same may be found vacant (No Bounds are returned).
August 24th, William Wakely [Weakley], 150 acres. No Survey.
On the South Side of Letorts Spring and Joyning to the West side of William
August 24th, James Wakely [Weakley], 200 acres. No Survey.
Near the head of Letorts Spring on the West side Joyning on the west of James
August 24th, Robert Carter, 200 acres. No Survey.
Joyning to James Wakelys tract.
August 24th, William Davison, 200 acres. No Survey.
Where the Same may be found Vacant (No Bounds returned).
September 3rd, Andrew Dunlap for himself and Son Joseph Dunlap, 400 acres
(this place is in dispute with John Black).
On a Westely Branch of the Conegochege Called Clouds Branch about three miles
North East from Edward Parentls.
September 3rd, John Harris, 400 acres.
About half a mile Below Andrew Dunlap.
September 11th, Willoughby Winchester, 200 acres. No Survey.
On the South Side of Conegochege at a place called the two Spring Meadows
Between Edward Nichols and John Gosset (NB this tract was Before taken up by
Robt. Crunkleton and is now in his possession).
September 18th, Thomas M'Kee, 200 acres.
Joyning on the North side of Conedogwt (HE has a Wrrt for the Survey of this tract).
September 18th, Thomas Poa Junr, 200 acres. No Survey.
On the North Side of Little Conewaago about two miles above the fork.
400 Benjamin Moor, 400 acres.
ZB Surveyed.
Upon a Branch of Conegochege about 4M to the Westwd of Isaac Davenport near
the ____ of the great hill (His Grant is since assigned to Andrew Herse).
[Page 10]
Jesse Jewis, 200 acres. No Survey.
On a Branch of Conegochege Creek Joyning to the East side of Jahon Lawrences
Henry fflemond, 200 acres. No Survey.
On a Branch of Conedogwt Joyning to the west side of Isaac Devenport.
James fflemond, 200 acres. No Survey.
On a Branch of Conedogwt Joyning to the Improvmt of Thomas Eastland.
October 10th, Archibald McAlister, 200 acres. No Survey.
On the South side of Conedogwt Between John McFarlams on the North East and
Patric Campbel on the South West where the limestone spring sinks into the
October 31st, William Dougherty, 200 acres. No Survey.
On the North Side of Conedogwt bounded on the Lower side with James Forster.
October 31st, John Baxter, 300 acres, No Survey.
On the South side of Conedogwt to Joyn to John White's tract.