Programme Specification
Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she passes the programme. More detailed information on the learning outcomes, content and teaching, learning and assessment methods of each module can be found in the programme handbook. The accuracy of the information contained in this specification is reviewed by the University and may be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education.BSc (Hons) Social Sciences
1. Awarding Institution/Body / University of Kent2. Teaching Institution / University of Kent at Medway
3. Teaching Site / Medway Campus
4. Programme accredited by: / Not Relevant
5. Final Award / BSc (Hons) Social Sciences
6. Programme / Social Sciences
7. UCAS Code (or other code) / L340:K
8. Relevant QAA subject benchmarking group(s) / Sociology, Social policy and Administration, History and Psychology
9. Date of production/revision / June 2002 and September 2010
10. Applicable cohort(s) / 2010 Entry
11. Educational Aims of the Programme
The programme aims to:
1. To provide knowledge and understanding of key areas of social sciences
2. To develop students critical, analytical and interpretative skills so they can engage with the principal debates in the field
3. To provide opportunities for a wide range of students from different educational backgrounds to enhance their intellectual development
4. To enable students to specialise in areas of social sciences that interest them and provide the opportunity for them to develop research techniques through a research dissertation
5. To equip students with transferable knowledge and skills which will enable them to succeed in the employment market
6. To encourage widening participation in the Medway area
7. To produce graduates who will be of value to the Medway region and enhance the economic and cultural development of the area
12. Programme Outcomes
The programme provides opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, qualities, skills and other attributes in the following areas. The programme outcomes have references to the subject benchmarking statement for Sociology (QAA 2007), referred to as SB in the following pages. There are also references to benchmarking statements for Social Policy and Administration (QAA 2007), referred to as SPB, Psychology (QAA 2007), referred to as PB, and History (QAA 2007) referred to as HB.
Knowledge and Understanding / Teaching/learning and assessment methods and strategies used to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated
A. Knowledge and Understanding of:
1. Knowledge and understanding of the key issues and debates in the social sciences within the disciplines the students choose SB6.6; SPB5.3; PB7.4; HB4.1-4.6 / All the learning outcomes listed below are taught and assessed by a mix of methods including: lectures, seminars, assessed and unassessed coursework, individual and group presentations, projects, compulsory dissertations, essays, assignments, seminar presentations and participation, and unseen written examinations.
2.Knowledge of the key concepts of the social sciences SB6.6; SPB5.4; PB7.4; HB4.1-4.6
3.Knowledge of the methodology of the social sciences and how to critically evaluate research into issues and problems in the social sciences SB6.9; SPB5.8; PB7.7; HB3.1-3.3; 4.4-4.7
4.Knowledge of how to conduct research into a problem in social sciences SB6.9; SPB5.8; PB7.7; HB3.1-3.3; 4.4-4.7
5.An understanding of the key concepts and theories used to analyse society SB6.6; SPB5.4; PB7.4; HB3.1-3.3; 4.1-4.6
6.Knowledge of the main sources of data used in social sciences and a critical understanding of how data is collected and analysed SB6.8; SPB5.5; PB7.5; HB3.1-3.3; 4.1-4.6
7.Understanding of interdisciplinary approaches to social science issues SB6.6; SPB5.3; PB7.4; HB3.1-3.3; 4.5
Skills and Other Attributes
B. Intellectual Skills:
8.Problem solving skills and the ability to provide strategies to social science problems SB6.9; SPB5.8; PB7.7; HB3.1-3.3; 4.4 / Intellectual skills are developed through the teaching and learning programme outlined below. Each module involves critical reflections of key themes, seminar discussions and written analyses and interpretations. Students are introduced to ways in which different perspectives can be employed to interpret a range of social issues. Lectures encourage a critical awareness of the social world and an appreciation of the diverse ways of interpreting social phenomena. Seminar presentations, participation and written work allow students to demonstrate sustained ability.
9.Research skills, including the ability to analyse problems and issues SB6.9; SPB5.8; PB7.7; HB3.1-3.3; 4.6
10.The ability to collect and interpret data SB6.7; 6.9; SPB5.8; PB7.7; HB3.1-3.3
11.Sensitivy to the needs and values of others SB6.9; SPB5.8; PB7.5; HB3.1-3.3
12. Critical and evaluative skills SB6.7; 5.7; PB7.5; HB3.1-3.3
13. Ability to assess the implications of policy outcomes SB6.9; SPB5.4; PB7.5; HB3.1-3.3
14.Ability to argue logically and spot flaws in arguments in written documents and the spoken word SB6.7; SPB5.5; PB7.7; HB3.1-3.3; 4.7
15.Ability to use the internet to research issues in the social sciences SB6.7; SPB5.4; PB7.5; HB3.1-3.3
C. Subject-specific Skills:
16. Identify and use relevant concepts and theories to analyse issues in the social sciences SB6.6; SPB5.4; PB7.5; HB3.1-3.3; 4.1-4.6 / Students receive initial guidance on how to identify, locate and use material available in the library and online resources. Comprehensive reading lists are provided for each module. Guidelines are offered for the production of essays and presentations. Discussions of theoretical and conceptual issues are integrated into all modules. Students are encouraged to be interdisciplinary, and to understand society in a multi-perspective manner.
17.Find and use statistical data relevant to the social sciences SB6.6; SPB5.4; PB7.5; HB3.1-3.3
18.Undertake an investigation, involving primary research SB6.9; SPB5.8; PB7.7; HB3.1-3.3; 4.7
19.Distinguish between positive, normative, moral and political issues and questions SB6.7; SPB5.7; PB7.5; HB3.1
D. Transferable Skills:
20.Communicate effectively, showing the ability to develop and strong line of argument to others in written and verbal form SB6.9; SPB5.8; PB7.7; HB3.1-3.3; 4.7 / All modules require regular written work and regular feedback on this is given to the students to help develop their power of presentation, analysis and communication. Management of time is learnt as they meet deadlines and in planning projects.
21 Plan ahead and manage time to meet deadlines SB6.9; SPB5.8; PB7.7; HB3.1-3.3
22.Work as a member of a team to produce work of the required standard SB6.7; SPB5.8; PB7.7; HB3.3
23.Listen to others and understand their point of view SB6.7; SPB5.8; PB7.7; HB3.3
24.Analyse questions and write reports and essays setting out options and alternatives SB6.7; SPB 5.8; PB7.7; HB3.1-3.3; 4.7
25. Reference material in accordance with accepted conventions SB6.7; SPB5.8; PB7.7; HB3.1-3.3; 4.4
26.Use Internet and Library resources to study independently SB6.7; SPB5.8; PB7.7; HB3.1-3.3; 4.4
27.Make clear and effective presentations to colleagues and staff SB6.7; SPB5.8; PB7.7; HB3.1-3.3
28.Have a critical and reflective approach to study and work SB6.9; SPB5.8; PB7.7; HB3.1-3.3; 4.5
29. Compare and contrast the strength and weaknesses in the arguments and opinions of others SB6.9; SPB5.8; PB7.5; HB3.1-3.3
For more information on which modules provide which skills, see the module mapping
13. Programme Structures and Requirements, Levels, Modules, Credits and Awards
Code / Title / Level / Credits / Term(s)
Year 1
Required Modules
SA310 / Methods of Social Research / C / 30 / 1 2
Optional Modules
SA311 / Social Problems and Social Policy / C / 30 / 1 2
SO306 / Introduction to Sociology / C / 30 / 1 2
SP310 / Introduction to Psychology / C / 30 / 1 2
SO326 / Introduction to Contemporary Britain / C / 30 / 1 2
Year 2
Required Modules
SO646 / Psychology Research Methods & Data Analysis / I / 15 / 1
SO647 / Sociological Research Methods / I / 15 / 1
SO648 / Theory and Method in Historical Research / I / 15 / 2
Option Modules
SO617 / Britain on Film 1930-1960 / I & H / 15 / 1
SO686 / Social Justice Practice / I & H / 30 / 1 2
SO685 / Doing Visual Sociology / I & H / 15 / 2
SA553 / Health Policy in Britain / I & H / 30 / 1 2
SO550 / Principles and Practice of Social Policy / I / 30 / 1 2
SO556 / Social Ethics / I & H / 15 /
1 2
SO553 / Politics and Society / I & H / 30 / 1 2SP621 / Applied Social Psychology / I & H / 15 / 2
SP625 / Human Cognition / I & H / 15 / 1
SP626 / Psychology of Group Behaviour / I & H / 15 / 1
SP629 / Developmental Psychology / I & H / 15 / 1
SP630 / Applied Cognitive Psychology / I & H / 15 / 2
SP631 / Psychology of Social Cognition / I & H / 15 / 2
Year 3
Required Modules
SO551 / Dissertation / H / 30 / 1 2
Optional Modules
SA551 / Key Welfare
Issues / H / 30 /
1 2
SO650 / Youth, Crime and Criminal Justice / I & H / 15 / 2SO675 / History of the Police and Policing / I & H / 15 / 2
SO618 / Women, Crime & Justice / I & H / 15 / 1
SO628 / Drugs: Production and Use / I & H / 15 / 1
SA552 / Crime, Punishment & Penal Policy / H / 30 / 1 & 2
SO654 / Drugs, Crime and the Criminal Justice System / I & H / 15 / 2
SO681 / Restorative Justice: Concepts, Issues and Debates / I & H / 15 / 1
14. Support for Students and their Learning
· Accessible, friendly and well qualified staff
· Helpful and efficient administrative staff
· Orientation at the start of the academic year
· Programme Handbook with information for undergraduate students
· Weekly lectures and seminars
· Personal Tutorial System and Student Support Officer support students on academic, personal and care issues and problems
· Individual supervision for dissertations
· Essay evaluation/feedback form with assessment grid and detailed comments
· Access to libraries at Drill Hall and Templeman Libraries
· Training and support in the use of IT
· Individual email account with access to Moodle
· Support of the Unit for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (UELT) and Student Learning Advisory Service (SLAS)
· Access to University support services such as the Counselling Service, the Students Union and the Careers Service
15. Entry Profile
Entry Route
For fuller information, please refer to the University prospectus
· A level 280 points (3.0 A level equivalents) inc either BC at A level or BC in 12-unit VCE A level, , IB Diploma 33 points or 14 points at Higher
· BTEC National Diploma/Certificate with Distinction,Merit, Merit
· Successful completion of an Access course
· Successful completion of the University of Kent Certificate in Social Science
· Mature students may be accepted on the basis of motivation and experience. The School is committed to widening participation and has a long and successful tradition of admitting mature students
What does this programme have to offer?
· Interesting and stimulating interdisciplinary degree programme with a wide range of options and choices
· Opportunity to develop key skills which will enhance career prospects
· Acquisition of a broad range of knowledge which will enable students to understand the main issues of debate in society
· Route to a wide range of careers in the public, private and voluntary sectors
· Located in School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research which has an international reputation in research
· Part of expanding developments at the University of Kent at Medway
Personal Profile
· Interest in society and social, historical, political, psychological and ethical issues
· Readiness to debate and discuss issues and controversies
· Motivation to succeed and enhance skills and knowledge
· Desire to understand and provide an interdisciplinary analysis to social developments and problems
· Ability to participate in lifelong learning
16. Methods for Evaluating and Enhancing the Quality and Standards of Teaching and Learning
Mechanisms for review and evaluation of teaching, learning, assessment, the curriculum and outcome standards
· Student evaluations and surveys of teaching modules
· Annual reports on programmes
· Discussion at subject group (programme) meetings of annual reports and teaching methods
· Staff-Student Consultative Committee which meets at least once a term
· External Examiners are responsible for the maintenance of academic standards
· Discussion of External Examiners’ reports at subject group meetings
· Annual appraisal of staff
· Periodic Programme Review
· Peer review and observation of teaching
Committees with responsibility for monitoring and evaluating quality and standards
· Board of Examiners for Social Sciences
· Board of Studies
· Staff/student Consultative Committee
· Subject Group Meetings
· School Learning and Teaching Committee
· School Staff Group Meetings
· Faculty Teaching and Learning Committee
Mechanisms for gaining student feedback on the quality of teaching and their learning experience
· Annual student evaluation surveys
· Staff-Student Consultative Committee
· Student representation on School Learning and Teaching Committee
Staff Development priorities include:
· Training of new staff via PGCHE
· Staff appraisal programmes
· School Staff meetings
· Enhancement of teaching skills at Staff Development sessions
· Subject Group meetings
· Regular seminars for staff and postgraduate students
· Conference presentations, publications advisory work, contributions to the media and research
17. Indicators of Quality and Standards
· Results of Periodic Programme Review for Social Sciences in June 2006
· External Examiners Reports
· Final year results which are above national average
· Value-added to students – some of whom do not start with conventional qualifications
· RAE in 2001 and 2008, the School gained the highest grade
The following reference points were used in creating these specifications:
· Benchmarking Statement for Sociology (QAA 2007)
· Benchmarking Statement for Social Policy and Administration(QAA 2007)
· Benchmarking Statement for History (QAA 2007)
· Benchmarking Statement for Psychology (QAA 2007)
· Periodic Programme Review for Social Sciences (2006)
Knowledge and Understanding
Programme Outcomes / Programme ModulesSA310 / SO646 / SO647 / SO648 / SO551
A1 / x / x / x / x / x
A2 / x / x / x / x / x
A3 / x / x / x / x / x
A4 / x / x / x / x / x
A5 / x / x
A6 / x / x / x / x / x
A7 / x / x
Skills and Other Attributes
Programme Outcomes / Programme ModulesSA310 / SO646 / SO647 / SO648 / SO551
B1 / x
B2 / x / x / x / x / x
B3 / x / x / x / x / x
B4 / x / x / x / x
B5 / x / x / x / x / x
B6 / x
B7 / x / x / x / x / x
B8 / x / x / x / x / x
Subject-Specific Skills