Dates for your diary

27th Jan ~ Messy Church – Messy Christingle

30th Jan ~ 12.30 pm ~ Funeral of Ron Dennis – Chalgrave

w/c 30th January ~ repair work starts on the roofs.

Vacancy Update

On the 9th January, PCC’s met with Bishop Richard and the Archdeacon to discuss the next steps in our vacancy. Bishop Richard confirmed that neither Church will close and we will remain as a Benefice. However, due to congregation numbers and finances, it was not possible to provide a full time priest cover. The intention is that we will move to a half share interim ministry which will not be a permanent position and could change back to full time in the future The Bishop will now identify suitable candidates and then the PCC representatives will meet them. We will continue to keep you updated. Please take this time to pray for this process, the candidates and our benefice.

URGENT roof update

We are pleased to advise that work on the roofs will commence from week commencing 30th Jan 2017 (after the funeral of Ron Dennis) Work will take approx. 10 weeks for completion and will involve scaffolding and a tin covering over the whole Church to protect the workforce and roof itself.

During this time it is essential that all members of the Church are extra vigilant when accessing the Church for services etc. The Church will be classified as a building site and we must insist that no entry to the Church take place other than scheduled services or by previous appointment via the Churchwardens. If you have children, please ensure that they do not go near or try to gain access to the scaffolding.

This is tremendous news and with any luck (and lots of prayer) we could be finished before Easter!

All Saints Parish Church, Chalgrave

Celebrant – Revd Ian Ogilve

22nd January 2017

3rd Sunday of Epiphany

Collect: Almighty God, whose Son revealed in signs and miracles
the wonder of your saving presence: renew your people with your heavenly grace, and in all our weakness sustain us by your mighty power; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen

Today’s Lectionary Readings:

Isaiah 9.1-4, 1 Corinthians 1.10-18, Matthew 4.12-23


363 O God beyond all praising, we worship You today

549 When I survey the wondrous cross

101 Dear Lord and Father of mankind

341 My God, accept my heart this day

566Will you come and follow me if I but call your name

Communion: We extend a warm welcome to any visitors joining us for worship today. Everyone present is invited to come to the altar, either to receive communion or for a blessing


Worship next week, 29th January 2017

All Saints, Chalgrave

9.30 am ~ parish communion led by Rev’d Paul Lanham

St George’s

11.00am ~ parish communion led by Rev’d Paul Lanham

We remember in our prayers:

Those who are sick ~, Beryl Hyde, Pip Wright, Ron Hudson, Alan Headford, Rick and Sheila Fern, Gwyneth Clarke, Margaret Perry, Daphne Leary. We pray for all who care for the sick.

Those who have died recently: Ron Dennis, Roy Williams. We remember all whose anniversary falls this week and pray for God’s peace and comfort for all who mourn.


If anyone is aware of someone who has been ill or in need of support from our Church family/community, please let Margaret or Sue know.

at All Saints

Transforming Communities

Please continue to donate long life food to Dunstable Foodbank, especially tinned meat and fish, vegetables, puddings, sugar, cereals, milk, coffee and tea. Food can be left in the designated boxes at the back of St George’s Church (church open every day during daylight hours).

Thank you!

Can you help?

We are looking for more Church members to join our current team of readers and servers. If you would like to join or find out more please speak to Sue or Christine. Full training will be given!

Now here’s a thought…………………….

Any items for the pew sheets can be sent to or posted through the door

(67 Manor Road) by Thursdays latest.

Useful contacts

Weddings ~ June Barton ~ 01525 872743

Funerals & Baptisms: Glenis Turner ~ 01525 872605

Churchwardens: Sue Russell ~ 07796 666174

Margaret Chalmers ~ 01582 605561

Treasurer ~ Steve Calder ~ 07734977153

Secretary – Christine Smith ~ 01525 876839

Organist ~ Peter Freeman ~ 873816