Mr. Yoder Folsom High School
D-106 10th Grade World Cultures
Group Members:______
Assigned Country:______
- To compare and contrastevents from the Age of Revolutions to events occurring as part of the Arab Spring in 2011.
What will you create?
- In groups, you will be continuing your research of the country assigned to you from the Arab Spring country profile.
- You will create a visual poster presentation that displays your information.
What information will you provide?
The information on your poster should answer these questions:
- Who Revolted? (What did most of the people who came together to revolt have in common? Social Class? Race or ethnicity? Religion? Political affiliation? Type of job? Or was it the people as a whole?)
- Why did they revolt? (Why were people unhappy with their government? Why did they believe that revolution was the only way to make the change that they wanted?)
- How did they organize? (Was the revolution planned for a long time? Was it spontaneous? How did people find out about the revolution? Were there leaders who did the organizing?)
- How did the people overthrow the government? (Did they take over government buildings? Did they assassinate leaders? Did they engage in peaceful demonstrations? Did they have the support of the military? Did they engage in acts of warfare?)
- How did the government respond? (Did leaders peacefully give in to the people’s demands? If so, how long did it take for them to give in? Did they fight back using military force?)
- How was the government the same or different following the revolution? (What type of government emerged after the revolution? Why?)
Expectations for group behavior:
- Remain on task the entire time. You do not have time to waste so manage your time wisely!
- Always speak and act respectfully toward/with your group members. Students who choose to display disruptive behavior will alsochoose to lose points on their grade. NO exceptions.
- Please remain with your group. This means that you should not be out of your seat. If you have a question one person in your group should raise their hand. Only the graphic designer can go and get supplies.
- Share the work load. No one should be doing all the work or doing nothing.
- This is group workand it is your job to PARTICIPATE, SHARE, COMPROMISE, and WORK TOGETHER.
Group Work Guidelines and Instructions: While this details yours primary responsibility, the group must work together as a whole to produce the best poster :)
- Each student will have a role to perform in the group:
- Researcher: Your job is to gather additional information from the textbook and other sources. While your group is creating the presentation, you will be the one to look back in the book to clarify any details. You can also continue to give advice on how the two revolutions are similar and different. You will work with the writer to decide on what information you will put on the poster.
Name of student performing this role:______
- Graphic Designer: Your job is to organize the layout of your presentation. You will make a first sketch of how you want the project to be designed and will have it approved by Mr. Yoder before starting the final poster. You may get advice and help from other group members, but you have the final say on how it will look. You will decide what the titles and headings of your poster will be. Also, you will decide where any illustrations will go on the poster. *You are the only person in your group that is allowed to get out of your seat to get materials.* Name of student performing this role:______
- Writer: Your job is to write down all of the information that your group needs. When your group is discussing the answers to the questions, you will be responsible for writing down the answers. You need to make sure that you use proper grammar and spelling and that each sentence is clear and makes sense. You will be working with the researcher to decide what exactly you will write on the poster. You will be working with the graphic designer to decide the place to write it on the poster.
Name of student performing this role:______
- Illustrator: Your job is to create the visual representation of your project. You may draw some kind of picture related to these revolutions or you may print out photos of the events. You could create a sketch, cartoon, or stick-figure scene. You can draw a picture of something that the revolutions remind you of, or a picture that conveys any idea or feeling you got from the events. Any sort of drawing or graphic representation is okay. You should also label things with words. This will be part of the final poster, so you will be working with the graphic designer for placement of each image. Put some time into this and make it cool!
Name of student performing this role:______
Day 1 they should:
pick roles
decide what revolution they want to cover
begin discussing the questions
end of the day turn in a copy of the roles
I should have a sign up sheet so I know who is doing what.
list of questions that they still need answered/researched
list of illustrations that they might want
Day 2 they should
Begin writing out the final responses
Finalize the layout of the poster and begin writing on it.
Begin drawing or coloring or gluing
5th / 6thTunisia / Gavin,
Hunter / Eric,
David / Maria
Garrett S / Connor
Egypt / Emoni
Catalina / Stina
Ally W.
Yael / Robert,
Libya / Olivia
Matt / Lloyd
Morgan / Aditya
Garrett O.
Syria / Melanie
Alexandra / Jennifer
Preet / Ashlee,
Nick S.
Rachel / Curtis
Nick M.
Yemen / Kevin
Dylan / Julia
Cheng / Kyle R
Heather / Kyle S.