Curriculum Vitae
Name: Andrea Krizsán
Position: Research Fellow, Center for Policy Studies, Central European University
Adjunct Professor, School of Public Policy, Central European University
Permanent address: Tatra utca 23/B, 1136 Budapest, Hungary
Telephone: +36 1 327-3000/2306
Fax: +36 1 235-6170
PhD Political Science, 2001, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Thesis: Minority Ombudsmen and the Enforcement of the Anti-Discrimination Principle. The Special Case of the Hungarian Minority Ombudsman
MA Political Science, 1996, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Thesis: Can International Minority Protection be Justified? A Normative Approach to European International Minority Protection.
MA in Sociology, 1996, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
Thesis: Lessons from the Failure of International Minority Protection in Romania under the League of Nations.
- Policy processes and policy change in countries of Central and Eastern Europe
- The role of non-traditional policy actors in them in the field equality policies
- Europeanisation processes in equality policy
- Politics and policies of gender based violence, gender mainstreaming,
- Politics of ethnicity and ethnic counting,
- Intersectionality in the context of state institutionalization of equality
2001- Research Fellow Center for Policy Studies, Central European University
Works on both research and research management related tasks. Conducts senior level research, including publishing and participation at conferences, individually and in team. Experience in mentoring: policy research fellows at the Open Society Institute Fellowship Program, MA and PhD level students at CEU and co-supervision at different other European universities. Managed and participated in several European comparative research projects.
- Member Center for European Union Research
- Chair of Senate Equal Opportunity Committee starting 2013
- Facilitator of the Equality and Social Justice Research Group of the university
- Local host and organizer of 2nd European Conference on Politics and Gender of the ECPR Standing Group on Politics and Gender, Budapest, January 2011
- Co-director with Mieke Verloo of Summer University Course Feminist Intersectionality and Political Discourse July 2010
- Teaching: graduate courses “Equal Opportunity Policy in Comparative Perspective” and “The Politics of Violence against Women” at the Department for Public Policy since January 2008
- 2006-2011 Senior Researcher in EC founded project Quality in Gender+ Equality Policies QUING
- 2003-2005 Senior Researcher in European comparative projects “MAGEEQ Policy Frames and Implementation Problems: The Case of Gender Mainstreaming in the European Union”; the project “MIP Women, Integration and Prison. The Analysis of processes of Socio-labor Integration of Women in Prison in Europe”; and “Included in Society. European Research Initiative in De-Institutionalization of Disabled People”.
- 2002-2004 group mentor for the research group on equal opportunity for the International Policy Fellowship Program of the Open Society Institute, Budapest and the CPS.
- December 2001 – December 2003: Coordinator of the project Blue Bird –Agenda for Civil Society in South East Europe.
- June – October 2001: Conference Coordinator for the international conference Reshaping Globalization: Multilateral Dialogues and New Policy Initiatives with close to 50 high profile speakers from all over the world, and several hundred people in audience.
2003 – 2005 European Center for Minority Issues Flensburg, Germany
Member of the Expert Group of the Minority Ombudsman Project
The project aimed to improve the implementation of minority rights throughout Europe through spreading the minority ombudsman model and improving its efficiency where it exists. Work involved, among others, developing a Minority Ombudsman Guidebook (published spring 2005) and training of mid and high level officials of ombudsman offices around Europe and the FSU.
2000 – 2001 Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, Hungary and Center for European Migration and Ethnic Studies UK
Project Coordinator
Coordinated the East Central European part of the project “Managing Multi-Ethnic Communities: Best Practice Database”. Work included: recruiting, coordinating and professionally supervising the work of 13 correspondents from all over the region; editing the 70 produced case studies. ( )
1999 Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative
Wrote and edited the Virtual Library of Internet sites on Interethnic Relations and Minority Rights in East Central Europe and the FSU. (
1998 – 1999 Center for Research on Migration and Ethnic Studies, UK and Italian Social Science Council
Hungarian Expert
Reported on interethnic relations in Hungary and Hungarian minorities outside Hungary for the Ethnobarometer project “Ethnic Minorities and Immigrants” funded by the European Union.
1997 - 1999 Central European University, Hungary
Research Assistant
Worked for Professor Judit Sándor (Political Science Department) in her projects on Reproductive Rights and on Discrimination in Health Care. Tasks included: legal research, translation of legal materials, and teaching assistantship.
1993-1997 Szonda Ipsos, Public Opinion and Market Research Company, Hungary
Market and public opinion research and analysis work. Work included: analysis of primary data and writing of public opinion research reports.
Starting 2014 Network of Experts in the Field of Gender Equality. European Commission
Starting 2011 European Parliament FEMM Committee
Member of external expert group coordinated by Sylvia Walby, Lancaster University
2012-2013 Participating in writing of the Report on Rape Prevention (see above) commissioned by the European Parliament
2014-2015 Council of Europe, Equality Division.
Consultant for a comparative study on comprehensive and coordinated policies and measures on gender-based violence.
2012-2013 European Institute for Gender Equality
Project “Review of the Institutional Capacity and Effective Methods, tools and Good Practices for Mainstreaming Gender Equality in a few Selected Policy Areas in the European Commission, the EU Member States and Croatia” run by Yellow Window Management Consultants
Expert Advisor to the project
2012-2014 Open Society Foundation
The Open Society Equality Data Initiative
Member of Advisory Committee
2011 Academic Swiss Caucasus Net
Mentor for project “Interagency United Efforts to Combat Domestic Violence in Georgia: Local or Western Agenda?” Iv. Javakhishvili, Tbilisi State University
2011 European Institute for Gender Equality
Consultant for Män för Jämställdhet, Stockholm
Background study on the involvement of men in gender equality in the 27 EU member states
2011-2012 European Commission
Consultant for L&R Social Research, Austria
Study on the role of men in gender equality
2010 European Institute for Gender Equality
Member of the Gender Mainstreaming Expert Group
2009 Hungarian Ministry for Social and Employment Affairs
Developing comprehensive training strategy on gender mainstreaming, including face to face work and the development of a training manual for the Hungarian Development Agency and four related ministries
2008 Hungarian EQUAL Project
Developing Gender Mainstreaming E-learning Manual for Hungarian Public Administration
2007 International Center for Democratic Transition. Budapest
Working with the project “Sustainable democracy. Protecting the Rights of Vulnerable Groups in Mali, Morocco and Mongolia.” Presentation on institutions for the protection of vulnerable groups and moderating workshop on institutional development. Writing policy paper on institutions for the protection of vulnerable groups.
2004 – 2006 Middlesex University London
Consulting for the European Union Disability Discrimination Project. Work on preparing the training on disability discrimination in Estonia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania. Developing the training material and delivering the training in Hungary.
2002 – 2003 Hungarian Ministry of Justice
Participated in the preparation of the Hungarian Act on Equal Treatment and Equal Opportunities
1999-2001 Hungarian Parliamentary Commissioner for Minority Rights
Consulted in the development of an anti-discrimination bill for Hungary, in the ex officio investigation on educational segregation of the Roma in Hungary, and in several other discrimination cases.
Krizsan, Andrea (2015) Hungarians. In eds. John Stone et. al. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism. Blackwell.
Popa, Raluca and Krizsan, Andrea (2015) Gender, Politics and the State: Central and Eastern Europe. In eds. Nancy Naples et. al. The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies. Wiley-Blackwell.
Krizsan, Andrea, Raluca Popa (2015) Comparing Women’s Movements’ Influence on Domestic Violence Policy: A model of critical institutionalization. In Democratization through social
Activism eds. Mihaela Miroiu and Katalin Fabian. Bucharest: Tritonic
Walby, Sylvia, Philippa Olive, Jude Towers, Sociology, Brian Francis, Sofia Strid, Andrea Krizsán, Emanuela Lombardo, Corinne May-Chahal, Suzanne Franzway, David Sugarman, Bina Agarwal (2015) Stopping Rape: Towards a Comprehensive Policy. Bristol: Policy Press.
Krizsan Andrea ed. (2015) Mobilizing for Change. Women’s Movements in Central and Eastern European Domestic Violence Policy Struggles. Budapest: CPS Books
Krizsan, Andrea, Raluca, Popa (2014) Frames in Contestation: International Human Rights Norms and Domestic Violence Policy Debates in Five Countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Violence against Women. 20(7):758-82. DOI: 10.1177/1077801214543386
Krizsan, Andrea, Skjeie, Hege, Squires, Judith (2014) The changing nature of European equality regimes: explaining convergence and variation. Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy 30(10):53-68. DOI: 10.1080/21699763.2014.886612
Krizsan Andrea, Dosa Mariann (2013) A többszörös diszkrimináció helye a magyar genderpolitikában. [In Hungarian: Intersectional Discrimination in Hungarian Gender Policy] In A nőtlen évek ára. A nők helyzetének közpolitikai elemzése, 1989-2013 ed. Juhász Borbála. 63-93
Walby, Sylvia, Philippa Olive, Jude Towers, Sociology, Brian Francis, Sofia Strid, Andrea Krizsán, Emanuela Lombardo, Corinne May-Chahal, Suzanne Franzway, David Sugarman, Bina Agarwal (2013) Overview of the worldwide best practices for rape prevention and for assisting women victims of rape. Study. European Parliament. Policy Department C: Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs.
Krizsan, Andrea (2013) Identity Politics or Social Inclusion? Policy Dilemmas on Ethnic Counting in Hungary. Forthcoming in Accounting for ethnic and racial diversity: the challenge of enumeration. Edited by Patrick Simon and Victor Piche. Routledge. Pp 36-53
Krizsan, Andrea and Emanuela Lombardo (2013) "The quality of gender equality policies. A discursive approach" European Journal for Women Studies, European Journal of Women's Studies. 20(1):77-92.
Krizsan, Andrea (2012) “Equality Architectures in Central and Eastern European Countries. A Framework for Analyzing Political Intersectionality in Europe” Social Politics19(4)
Krizsan, Andrea, Hege Skjeie, Judith Squires eds. (2012) Institutionalizing Intersectionality. Palgrave MacMillan.
Krizsan, Andrea, Hege Skjeie, Judith Squires (2012) “Introduction” in Krizsan, Skeje, Squires eds. Institutionalizing Intersectionality. Palgrave MacMillan.
Krizsan, Andrea, Viola Zentai (2012) “Institutionalizing Intersectionality in Central and Eastern Europe” in Krizsan, Skjeie, Squires eds. Institutionalizing Intersectionality. Palgrave MacMillan.
Krizsan, Andrea, Hege Skjeie, Judith Squires (2012) “European Equality Regimes: Institutional Change and Political Intersectionality” in Krizsan, Skjeie, Squires eds. Institutionalizing Intersectionality. Palgrave MacMillan.
Krizsan Andrea, Raluca Popa (2012) “Stretching EU Conditionality: Mechanisms of Europeanization in Making Domestic Violence Policies in Central and Eastern Europe” in Emanuela Lombardo and Maxime Forest (eds.) The Europeanization of Gender Equality Policies. A Discursivesociological Approach. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
Krizsan, Andrea and Emanuela Lombardo (2011) "Succesful gender+ equality policies in Europe? A discursive approach to the quality of policies" in Motmans Joz, Cuypers Daniël, Meier Petra, Mortelmans Dimitri & Zanoni Patrizia (Eds.) Equal is not enough: challenging differences and inequalities in contemporary societies. Conference Proceedings. Antwerp: Policy Research Centre on Equal opportunities, University of Antwerp – Hasselt University. Pp. 172-189
Krizsan, Andrea (2011) “Traveling Notions of Gender Equality Institutions Equality Architecture in Central and Eastern European Countries” in Beate Binder, Gabriele Jähnert, Ina Kerner, Eveline Kilian, Hildegard Maria Nickel (eds.)Travelling Gender Studies. GrenzüberschreitendeWissens- und Institutionentransfers. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot. Pp. 78-97
Krizsan, Andrea (2011) Identity Politics or Social Inclusion? Policy Dilemmas on Ethnic Counting in Hungary Ethnic and Racial Studies Special Issue on Ethnic Counting edited by Patrick Simon and Victor Piche. Published on iFirst September 2011
Krizsán A., T. Dombos, E. Kispéter, L. Szabó, J. Dedic, M. Jaigma, R. Kuhar, A. Frank, B. Sauer, M. Verloo. (2010) Framing gender equalityin the European Union and its current and future Member States. Deliverable No. 61: Final LARG Report. QUING Project. IWM Vienna.
Krizsan Andrea, Raluca Popa (2010) Europeanization in Making Anti-Domestic Violence Policies in Central and Eastern Europe. Social Politics, Vol.17/3
Krizsan, Andrea (2009) From formal adoption to enforcement. Post-accession shifts in EU impact on Hungary in the equality policy field. In: Frank Schimmelfennig and Florian Trauner (eds): Post-accession compliance in the EU’s new member states, European Integration online Papers (EIoP), Special Issue 2, Vol. 13(22)
Tamás Dombos, Anna Horváth, Andrea Krizsán (2007) Where did Gender Disappear? Anti-Discrimination Policy in the EU Accession Process in Hungary” in Multiple Meanings of Gender Equality. A Critical Frame Analysis of Gender Policies in Europe (ed.) Mieke Verloo, CEU Press: Budapest.
Andrea Krizsan, Maria Bustelo, Andromachi Hadjigianni and Fray Kamoutsi (2007) Domestic Violence: a public matter” in Multiple Meanings of Gender Equality. A Critical Frame Analysis of Gender Policies in Europe (ed.) Mieke Verloo, CEU Press: Budapest.
Krizsán Andrea, Marjonein Paantjens, Ilse van Lamoen (2006) Családon belüli erőszak. Kiről szól? [Domestic violence. Whose problem?]. Replika 56/57: 155-181
Krizsán Andrea, Zentai Violetta (2006) A nemek közti egyenlőség politikája Magyarországon.” [Gender equality policy in Hungary]. Replika.56/57.181-205
Krizsán Andrea, Zentai Violetta eds. (2006) Közpolitikai keretelemzés: koncepciók a nemek közötti egyenlőségről. [Policy frame analysis. Policy frames on gender equality.] Special Issue in Replika.56/57:107-205
Krizsan Andrea (2006) Ombudsmen and Similar Institutions for Protection against Racial and Ethnic Discrimination in European Yearbook of Minority Issues. Vol 2004/5 (4).Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. Leiden-Boston.
Krizsan Andrea and Violetta Zentai (2006) Gender Equality Policy or Gender Mainstreaming: the case of Hungary. Policy Studies. 27(2)
Toth, Herta, Andrea Krizsan, Violetta Zentai (2005) National report on Hungary. In M. Cruels and N. Igareda eds. Women, Integration and Prison. Barcelona: Aurea Editores. Pp.135-158.
Krizsán, Andrea, Marjolein Paantjens, Ilse van Lamoen (2005) Domestic Violence: who’s problem? Policies Addressing Domestic Violence in Hungary, the Nertherlands and the EU. The Greek Review of Social Research. Vol. 117(B).
Dunbar, Robert, Dzenana Hadzimirovic, Kristin Henrard, Andrea Krizsan, Birgit Kofod Olsen and Alan Philips (2005) Ombudsman Institutions and Minority Issues. Foundational Criteria, Strategic Development, and Operational Issues. Ed. Marnie Lloyd. ECMI: Flensburg.