Patient and Public Voice MemberApplicant Information pack

AHP Medicines Project Board

The closing date for all applications is 9am, 26 September 2014

NHS England will reimburse out of pocket expenses in connection with this work.

Part one: How to apply

  1. Please read the applicant information details below and complete the attached application form, making sure to demonstrate how you meet the skills and experience required for this position/s.
  1. The deadline for applications is 9am, 29th September 2014. They should be returned to George Hilton by email at or alternatively by post to George Hilton, Allied Health Professions Project Team, 5W20, Quarry House, Leeds, LS2 7UE
  1. If you require an alternative format of this applicant information pack and the application form,please
  1. We will rely on the information you provide in the application form to assess whether you have the skills and experience required, so please ensure you tell us how you meet the skills and experience listed based on the information given in part two.

Diversity and equality of opportunity

We value and promote diversity and are committed to equality of opportunity for all. To help us understand if we are achieving this, please fill out a diversity monitoring form as part of the application process. We also ask you to let us know if you have special needs that we need to support to enable you to participate fully.

Once we receive your application

  1. We will acknowledge receipt of your application form. If you do not receive an acknowledgement, please contact us.
  2. Applications will be shortlisted by a panel, including members drawn from the following groups: AHP Medicines Project Team &Patients & Information Directorate.
  3. Applications will be assessed against the skills and experience listed in part two.
  4. Selection will be made on the basis of the content of the application form. There will not be an interview process, although references will be taken up for successful applicants.
  5. Successful applicants will receive an email from NHS England notifying them of this and informing them of next steps.
  6. Unsuccessful applicants will also be notified via email.

Part two: Information for applicants

Background, context and aims of the programme

The AHP Medicines Project is a joint initiative by NHS England and the Department of Health to extend prescribing, supply and administration of medicines to the Allied Health Professions with the aim of increasing patient choice, improving access to medicines and making the best use of allied health professionals’ skills, whilst maintaining patient safety.

The Allied Health Professions Medicines Project Boardwill support the AHP Medicines Project in developing the further extension of medicines responsibilities to the following professions:

  • Independent prescribing by diagnostic and therapeutic radiographers
  • Independent prescribing by paramedics
  • Supplementary prescribing by dietitians
  • Use of exemptions by orthoptists

The boards remit will include:

  • Overseeing the governance of the above proposals
  • Advising on project processes
  • Guiding project content and scope
  • The review and approving of work completed by any relevant working groups
  • Acting as an information resource for the project team
  • Ensuring sufficient information is gathered to underpin statutory consultations on proposed changes to legislation
  • Ensuring contributions to the development of documents and reports in addition to the reviewing and approval of final documents, following the conclusion of consultations
  • Ensuringthere is sufficient information to support subsequent papers for meetings of the Commission on Human Medicines
  • Highlighting any ongoing work that may be required to support the application of legislative changes, towards improving care for patients


NHS England is committed to ensuring that public and patient voices are at the centre of shaping our healthcare services.Every level of our commissioning system needs to be informed by insightful methods of listening to those who use and care about our services. Their views should inform service development.Public and patient voice will be embedded into our commissioning processes in a range of ways, including insight and feedback to shape services, voices in the governance frameworks of our programmes of work, as well as patient and public engagement in our assurance processes.

What is the role of PPVmembers on the group?
  1. The patient and public voice representation bring important views, perspective and challenge into the group – this role is essential in championing a service user, patient and carer/family viewpoint, ensuring that the needs of the patient/carer are met through the outcomes of the programme
  2. The role of the public and patient voice is to champion the diversity of patient and public views (not only to represent their personal experience)
  3. Provide some critical friend challenge into the group
  4. To champion and advocate for increasing patient and public awareness of the programme outcomes and achievements
  5. To review programme plans and documentation
  6. To comply with the Standards of Conduct and respect the confidential nature of discussions when it is made clear by the Chair that this is a requirement

What skills and experience are required for this role? (please address these in your application form)
  • Experience of speaking in large groups
  • Interacting with multiple stakeholders at senior management level
  • Ability to understand and evaluate a range of information and evidence
  • Previous experience of representing patient and public voice in healthcare forums
  • Experience of working in partnership with healthcare organisations or programmes
  • Can display sound judgement and an ability to be objective
  • Have an awareness of, and commitment to, equality and diversity
  • Understand the need for confidentiality

Summary of the terms of reference / aims of the committee
See Appendix 1
Is any content of the meeting confidential?
Brief information about wider membership of the group
Group membership will consist of representatives from NHS England, the Department of Health and the four professional bodies representing the professions involved in this work.Membership will also include other relevant healthcare organisations such as Health Education England, the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency.
What is the duration of the time commitment? (when will membership of the group be reviewed)
The first meeting of the board will be held on 16th October via video conference between London and Leeds. Subsequent meetings will be held on a monthly basis via video conference and are expected to last approximately three hours.
The project board will continue to meet for the duration of the project, which is anticipated to be until the Summer of 2015. Funding for the project has been confirmed until the end of the current financial year (March 2015) and will then be reviewed; this will include the continued role of theproject board.
What is the time commitment for this role?
Attendance at one meeting per month initially until March 2015 with the potential to be extended until the summer of 2015. The role will also involve reading/reviewing meeting papers and travel time to London or Leeds.
Standards of conduct and conflicts of interest
All group members will be asked to subscribe to an agreed code of conduct and confidentiality agreement, and to declare any potential conflicts of interest.

Support for PPV members

  • An induction session will be provided.
  • A named link will be provided at the group. This person will be able to support PPV members with any background or contextual material that they may require.
  • If necessary, pre-meeting briefings will be provided either by email, post or telephone call.
  • Meeting documents will be emailed and/or provided in an accessible form as requested by the PPV member. Printed versions and (if requested) A4 paper, postage stamps and envelopes for submitting written responses will be provided.
  • For individual patient/carer members, NHS England will reimburse out of pocket expenses. You will be provided with a named contact to send your expenses claims to and discuss any queries thatarise. Expenses usually cover travel, subsistence and where necessary, accommodation,though would also seek to address any barriers to participation.For example, covering the costs of a support worker that may need to accompany PPV representatives. Please get in touch with your named contact to discuss any support requirements that you might have.
  • Out of pocket expenses incurred as part of the work will be reimbursed in line with NHS England’s Patient and Public participation expenses policy.


Allied Health Professions Medicines Project

Project Board

DRAFT Terms of reference


To support the AHP Medicines Project in developing the further extension of medicines responsibilities to the following professions:

  • Independent prescribing by diagnostic and therapeutic radiographers
  • Independent prescribing by paramedics
  • Supplementary prescribing by dietitians
  • Use of exemptions by orthoptists

The boards remit will include:

  • Overseeing the governance of the above proposals
  • Advising on project processes
  • Guiding project content and scope
  • The review and approving of work completed by any relevant working groups
  • Acting as an information resource for the project team
  • Ensuring sufficient information is gathered to underpin statutory consultations on proposed changes to legislation
  • Ensuring contributions to the development of documents and reports in addition to the reviewing and approval of final documents, following the conclusion of consultations
  • Ensuringthere is sufficient information to support subsequent papers for meetings of the Commission on Human Medicines
  • Highlighting any ongoing work that may be required to support the application of legislative changes, towards improving care for patients

Note: Members will represent the views of their stakeholders and ensure that NHS England is compliant with its duties on equality.


  • TBC


  • TBC


  • Meetings will be held in London at Skipton House and Leeds at Quarry House, with use of Video Conference facilities as required
  • Agendas will be circulated approximately one week before meetings and minutes within two weeks after meetings. Members have a responsibility to contribute to the agenda
  • Meetings will take a problem-solving and outcome focussed approach.
  • Where possible, items for information should be circulated to the group between meetings


  • It is the responsibility of members to inform the secretariat of changes to their contact details
  • Members are expected to engage in two-way communication with the groups they represent
  • Communications will be circulated to project board members. Individuals attending on behalf of a member will be copied into correspondence for that meeting
  • Engagement with the communications strategy and plan to ensure they are fit for purpose at each stage of the project

Relationship with other groups

  • The group may seek to collaborate with additional stakeholders as and when necessary.


  • Project Board members promote open and frank discussions in progressing the project objectives to ensure proposals and products are appropriately engaged and robust
  • In consequence of the above, Project Board members agree to treat meeting discussions in the strictest confidence

Project viability

  • In line with the responsibilities of the Project Board, members agree to raise any concerns regarding the ongoing viability of the project in delivering the proposed benefits
  • The Project Board agrees to close the project at any point if strategic objectives change, delivery of anticipated benefits will not be realised or interest/engagement by key project partners should no longer justify continuing the work

Review date

  • The Terms of Reference will be reviewed only if deemed necessary by the Project Board