Santa Monica College
Course Outline ForESL - ENGL FOR SECOND LANGUAGE SPEAKERS 20A, Advanced Grammar Workshop 1
Course Title: / Advanced Grammar Workshop 1 / Units: / 3Total Instructional Hours (usually 18 per unit): / 54
Hours per week (full semester equivalent) in Lecture: / 3 / In-Class Lab: / 0 / Arranged: / 0
Date Submitted: / May 2011
Date Updated: / September 2013
CSU GE Area:
SMC GE Area:
Degree Applicability: / Credit - Not Degree Applicable
Prerequisite(s): / ESL 11A
and ESL 11B
Pre/Corequisite(s): / None
Corequisite(s): / None
Skills Advisory(s): / Concurrent enrollment in ESL 21A/B; ESL assessment Group B or A
I. / Catalog Description
This is the first half of an advanced ESL grammar course designed to increase a student's grammar and editing proficiency. Students will recognize and employ the sophisticated language necessary for the successful completion of ESL 21A/B and ESL 25.
II. / Examples of Appropriate Text or Other Required Reading: (include all publication dates; for transferable courses at least one text should have been published within the last five years)
- The Advanced Grammar Book, 2nd, Steer, Jocelyn and Karen Carlisi, Heinle © 1998
- Applied English Grammar, Byrd, Patricia and Beverly Benson, Heinle & Heinle © 2001
- Grammar Dimensions 4: Form, Meaning, and Use, 4th, Frodesen, Jan and Janet Eyring, Thomson Heinle © 2007
- The Advanced Grammar Book Workbook, 2nd, Steer, Jocelyn and Dawn Schmid, Heinle © 1998
- Grammar Connections 4: Structure Through Content, Houck, N. and Hilles, S, Cengage © 2009, ISBN: 978-1413008456
- Grammar and Beyond 3, Blass, L., Iannuzzi, S., Savage, A. and Reppen, R, Cambridge © 2012, ISBN: 978-0521142984
- Grammar and Beyond 3 Workbook, O'Dell, K, Cambridge © 2012, ISBN: 978-0521142984
III. / Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Recognize and use appropriate word forms in dependent and independent clauses
- Identify simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences
- Produce simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences using correct: adjective and adverb clauses; subject-verb agreement; verb tense and aspect; pronoun reference and agreement; modals of necessity and certainty; and gerunds and infinitives.
- Edit for errors in the use of: subject-verb agreement; verb tense and aspect; modals of necessity and certainty; gerunds and infinitives; pronoun reference and agreement; fragments, comma splices, and run-ons; and punctuation.
IV. / Methods of Presentation:
Group Work , Lecture and Discussion , Other (Specify)
Other Methods: Pair Work & Computer-assisted instruction
V. / Course Content
% of course / Topic
25% / Verb tenses including passive voice
15% / Word form and function
10% / Conditionals & modals
20% / Sentence connectors & recognizing and repairing fragments and run-ons and punctuation
5% / Gerunds and infinitives
25% / Clauses: adverbial, adjective, noun, and independent
100% / Total
VI. / Methods of Evaluation: (Actual point distribution will vary from instructor to instructor but approximate values are shown.)
Percentage / Evaluation Method
30 % / Exams/Tests
20 % / Homework
20 % / Final exam
30 % / Written assignments
100 % / Total
VII. / Sample Assignments:
1. After an instructor-led review of passive verb construction and use, students are given a paragraph in which some of the active verbs need to be replaced with passives. Students work in small groups to identify incorrect use of active and passive verb forms, correct them, and share results with their group.
2. Working in pairs, students, correctly using unreal conditionals,discuss with one another the question: What would you do if you won the lottery? Each student then summarizes briefly in writing, correctly using unreal conditionals, the results of their discussion, comparing and contrasting the answers they gave.
VIII. / Student Learning Outcomes
- Identify simple, compound, and complex sentences; edit for fragments/run-ons and punctuation. As assessed by: a test on which students are given a series of student-generated sentences for which they identify sentence types and edit for fragments, run-ons, and punctuation.
- Construct sentences with correct adjective and adverb clauses. As assessed by: a test on which students are given sets of simple sentences to combine to form complex sentences correctly using adjective and adverb clauses.
- Students will exhibit strong academic behaviors: regular attendance, timeliness, participation in class activities, perseverance, and adherence to the College Honor Code.