Snow Xchange Rider Registration
Notes on registration:
We would like to thank you for registering with Team Snow Xchange, it looks to be an exciting season with some amazing sponsors coming on-board. We just have a few notes on registration:
- Registration does not obligate you to train with Team Snow Xchange. It is an expression of interest.
- Please fill out the registration form to your best ability, any changes during the season to details on the form must be communicated to the Snow Xchange as soon as possible.
- The registration form must be filled out, and signed, by a parent or legal guardian for those participants under the age of 18.
- You may fill out the form electronically or by hand and send it by email or drop it into our store personally.
- Registration will not have been completed until the last section has been filled out by an appropriate Snow Xchange employee and a copy returned to the rider or guardian.
- A rider will not be accepted for the programme until the administration fee has been paid (non-refundable).
- Payments can be paid by Cash, Eftpos, by Electronic Bank Transfer, Visa and Mastercard.
- Once payment has been made the rider will receive their training manual which must be read and signed before any training can take place.
Training times and obligations:
Just a few notes on training, events and obligations:
- Training times and event dates will be posted on the team website.
- Any changes to these dates and times will be communicated by email; make sure you place and on your safe lists to avoid missing any of our emails.
- Those in the General Team may attend as many of the training camps and gym sessions as they chose.
- Those in the Elite and Challenge Teams are required to attend all Camps,and CSG sessions. The compulsory CSG sessions will run weekly from May – End September.
- All Impact Alpha sessions are recommended but voluntary.
We look forward to working with you soon,
Your Snow Xchange Team.
First name: / Surname:
Tel (Home):
Tel (Mobile): / Email:
Date of birth: / Height:
Weight: / Occupation:
Team: General Challenge Elite
Have you, or the rider you are signing for, ever suffered a serious
injury or discomfort while riding or been advised not to ride? Yes No
If yes, please describe:
Conditions: Please detail any disability or medical conditions that may affect your ability to ride. This may include but not be limited to any back problems and any condition, which can affect balance or cause blackouts/ loss of consciousness/ fitting etc. Please also outline any allergies you have and medications you may be on:
Contact name and relationship:…………………………………………………………Tel:………………………………………..
Cell:...... Address:......
Additional name and relationship...... Tel:......
Cell:...... Address:......
I consider myself (or the person for who I am signing on behalf as a minor) to be a:
Complete Beginner Beginner Novice Intermediate Advanced
How many times have you or your rider ridden in the last 12 months? None Under 12 12-40 40+
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge all the above details are correct.
I have read the Riders’ Code of Conduct outlined in the manual, or online.
I understand that riding at any standard has inherent risk that I could be injured. I accept that risk and agree that Snow Xchange will not be liable for injury or damage to property.
Where I am signing on behalf of a minor I have explained the Riders’ Code of Conduct to my child and we both accept the risk and agree that Snow Xchange will not be liable for injury or damage to property.
Privacy Act 1993: Statement: I understand that information I have given will be held in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993 but may also be made available to Insurers and other concerned parties in the event of any injury or accident.
If signed on behalf of a minor:
Rider’s Name……………………………………………………………………….Relationship to minor…………………....…….……………………………..
Instructor/Supervisor Name:......
The rider has been introduced thoroughly to the programme and all conditions. The Rider and their guardian have been briefed on all contracts and waivers and any questions pertaining to the Manual or Programme have been answered to the best of my ability.
Please use this page to add any information that Snow Xchange should be made aware of or for any further comments.