Kindergarten teachers’ professional development workshops

Workshop 1: Implementing the QKLG

Who should attend

Teachers working in newly approved and funded kindergarten services who have not previously attended any QSA Kindergarten workshops.


This workshop will focus on kindergarten teachers’ professional practice and informed decision making in relation to the implementation of the Queensland kindergarten learning guideline (QKLG). The workshop will:

  • engage with the QKLGand Continua of learning and development
  • explore elements of quality kindergarten programs — from principles to practice
  • examine informed decision making using the QKLG andContinua of learning and development.

Participants have the opportunity to

  • develop knowledge and understanding of the perspectives, principles and components and requirements of the QKLG
  • explore, discuss and develop knowledge and understanding of the curriculum decision making practices described in the QKLG
  • establish shared understandings of developing partnerships, creating and maintaining safe and supportive learning environments and appropriate pedagogy that promotes inquiry and creativity and extends children's experiences
  • use a range of intentional teaching strategies to plan learning experiences using children's emerging interests and the learning area descriptions in the QKLGwhich include developing language and early literacy and numeracy understandings
  • establish shared understandings about assessment for learning and judgments about children's learning progress
  • develop and sustain collegial relationships and professional networks to establish shared understandings about learning goals and judgments about children's learning progress.

This workshop has relevance to elements of the Professional Standards for Queensland Teachers (PSQT) - Standards One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten.


This workshop is offered at no cost to registered participants. Please register to receive updates.

PLEASE NOTE: Teachers who arrive at the workshop without a confirmed registration may be refused entry due to limited spaces.

Dates and venues

Codes / Area / Date / Duration / Venue
KWSO10 / Brisbane Central / 15 Feb 13 / 9 am – 3:30 pm / QSA Brisbane
154 Melbourne Street,
South Brisbane


Time / Activity
8:45 am / Registration
9 am / Engaging with Queensland kindergarten learning guideline and Continua of learning and development
Exploring informed decision making within quality kindergarten programs
10:30 am / Morning tea
11 am / Promoting continuity of curriculum, relationships and contexts:
  • using the learning and development areas and continua
  • sharing information and developing transition statements

1 pm / Lunch
1:30 pm / Intentional teaching within emergent curriculum contexts
3:30 pm / Close and evaluation: Where to from here?


  • Register as early as possible as workshop places are limited.
  • All registrations are sent to the OECEC for eligibility approval.
  • If you are approved to attend, you will be notified approximatelytwo weeks prior to a workshop.

Your QSA email confirmation is required for entry to the workshop.



Phone:(07) 3864 0209

Workshop1 registration form
Kindergarten teachers’ professional development workshop 1
Workshop code KWSO10 / Workshop Date
  • Please complete ALL DETAILS on this form using BLOCK LETTERS.
  • You are registered only once you have received email confirmation from QSA.
  • Your email confirmation is required for entry into the workshop.

Contact details / Form return
  1. Complete form
  2. Email form to:
Fax: 3229 2877
Post: PO Box 307
Spring Hill Q 4004
Phone 3864 0209
Title: / Family name:
Given name:
Service name:
Service type (tick): / Long Day Care ☐ Kindergarten ☐
School based ☐ Other ☐
Service address:
(PO Box is not sufficient)
Position at Centre:
Phone: / Fax:
(personal email contact required for each registration)
Dietary requirements:
Cost: The workshop is offered at no cost for teachers working in kindergartens approved and funded by the OECEC.
Teacher release and other costs are not borne by QSA.

QSA office use only

Date rec’d / Processed by

The information you provide on this form will be used in administering and managing workshop registrations as part of legislative functions described in theEducation (Queensland Studies Authority) Act 2002 (s.18) and Financial and Performance Management Standard 2009 (s.17). Personal information will be accessed by authorised QSA staff, and handled in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009. Certain types of personal information will be disclosed to government auditors where legally required.