SMS PTSA Board Meeting Minutes

March 7, 2016

Joanna Warren called the meeting to order. The minutes were approved by email.

Shelby Smith gave the treasurer’s report.

Beginning Balance$8657.82



Ending Balance$8688.78

Hospitality: no news

Dance: We discussed the 8th grade dance. Mrs. Ray has given the permission slips with all the rules and information. The theme is “A Night to Remember”. Joanna has a castle we can use to decorate. Ms. Ward said the pole between the doors will come down to get the castle in the cafeteria, but Mrs. Ray said it can not. Joanna will check on the castle to see where we can use it.

The budget for decorations is about $500. They still have runners for tables from last year. They used fiber optic decorations on the tables last year, but the students took those home. They have 4 tables on each side. They still have the black covering for the windows and lights that were donated. 10-15 teachers will be available after school on the Friday before to help decorate from 3:30-5:30.

Lifetouch does the pictures. Mrs. Ray has asked them to do a black background.

A suggestion was made to have a photo booth. Mrs. Ray will check on it. We were thinking the kids could pay for pics in the photo booth to help cover the cost of it? Joanna said PTSA might be able to sponsor the photo booth if we don’t raise enough money to cover it. This will be decided later.

We’d like to do a balloon arch.

Someone asked if the art dept would be interested in helping with decorations.

Ann suggested we use columns and Joanna will check on these as well.

Book Fair: March 17-24. Mrs. Scarlett already has a couple of volunteers. Family night is March 22. She’s going to try to do a Pinata party/breakfast and charge per person before school on the Friday during the book fair.

Mrs. Scarlett also shared that the school received 12 laptops from Spencer Murray, but they don’t have power cords. They would like for PTSA to help purchase the cords at 8.29 each x 13 (so they’ll have an extra one) for a total of $107.77. Could PTSA help with this?

Spirit Night: Mrs. Scarlett has made signs for Blue Ribbon Spirit Night. She also shared the event on Twitter. Mrs. Scarlett is going to pass out the little flyers the day of the event. Hamilton has printed flyers to send home with students.

Spirit Wear: no news

Box Tops: no news

Health Resources: no news

Fundraising: Kelly has concessions stuff ready for spring sports. We are doing baseball and soccer. Volleyball can come out to baseball field for concessions.

Special Projects: What do we want to do with the money we have? Joanna asked if we agree to buy cords for donated laptops? We agree to do that. Melissa motioned that we buy the cords and Joanna seconds that motion. The board agreed to purchase the 13 cords for $107.77.

Joanna feels like we should donate part of the money that’s left to athletics. We will decide when Ms. Ward lets us know what is needed.

Mrs. Scarlett asked if we would like to do a McTeacher Night for PTSA. We have to have 5 teachers there for each hour. The homeroom with the most in attendance wins a lunch party. She will check to see if we can do May 5 or May 12.

The next meeting will be April 4.