Environmental analysis
Environmental impacts of proposed options
Option / Key Positive Impacts / Key Negative ImpactsDo nothing /
- Reversion to natural processes
- Significant increase in flood risk and damage/disruption to people, property, ecology and cultural heritage.
Do minimum /
- Reversion to natural processes
- Increase in flood risk and damage/disruption to people, property, ecology and cultural heritage.
Option 3: Low Wall /
- Improved flood protection to Uckfield town centre
- short construction period with no modification to existing channel
- opportunity to enhance vegetation around Kennet House and in the car park area through vegetation plantings
- installation of an interceptor pit on the new surface water outfall
- Removal of several trees and vegetation around Kennet House, which may impact on nesting birds if undertaken from March – August.
- Minor clearance of vegetation in bypass channel, which may impact on nesting birds if undertaken from March – August.
- Temporary impact on local community, traffic and transport from construction activities
Option 4: High Wall /
- Improved flood protection to Uckfield town centre
- Enhanced flood protection of one listed building, Bridge Cottage
- opportunity to enhance Local Nature Reserve through tree plantings etc
- Potential tree loss/damage in LNR and in back gardens of properties along Olives Meadows and associated potential impact on bat habitat
- Potential impact to one Tree Preservation Order (TPOs)
- Potential impact associated with proposed riverside walk and river crossings leading from Somerfield car park towards Hemstead Mill and south of High St bridge
- Loss of visual amenity through construction of visually intrusive walls on northern and southern banks of the river
- Potential for impact to the grounds of two listed buildings, Bridge Cottage and Uckfield Mill which may trigger Listed Building Consent.
- Increased flood risk to one listed building, Uckfield Mill
Option 5: Wall & downstream Channel /
- Improved flood protection to Uckfield town centre
- Scope for access improvements and the development of additional riverside walks potentially with disabled access
- Potential to enhance fish passage through the bypass channel
- Enhanced flood protection of one listed building, Bridge Cottage
- opportunity to enhance Local Nature Reserve through tree plantings etc
- Potential tree loss/damage in LNR and in back gardens of properties along Olives Meadows and associated potential impact on bat habitat and breeding birds (March – August inclusive).
- Potential damage to LNR through excavation and construction impacts
- Permanent loss of industrial/commercial properties downstream of High St Bridge
- Potential impact to one TPO
- Potential impact associated with proposed riverside walk and river crossings leading from Somerfield car park towards Hempstead Mill and south of High St bridge
- Loss of visual amenity through construction of visually intrusive walls on northern and southern banks of the river
- loss of mature trees and bankside vegetation
- Potential for impact to the curtilage of two listed buildings, Bridge Cottage and Uckfield Mill which may trigger Listed Building Consent.
- Increased flood risk to one listed building, Uckfield Mill
Option 6: Upstream Storage /
- Improved flood protection to wider area of Uckfield town centre
- Provision of additional informal recreation opportunities in the community such as walking, fishing, boating
- Potential for positive impact to upstream and downstream environment dependant on flooding regime
- Potential tree loss through construction of water retaining structure and associated potential impact on bat habitat
- Permanent and temporary damage to terrestrial ecology/agricultural land use during flood storage
- Impact on landscape values and visual amenity
- Potential archaeological impact, i.e. one SM, ASAs and recorded archaeological sites.
- Potential negative impact to upstream and downstream environment dependant on flooding regime;
- Potential for degradation of downstream river habitat due to reduction in scale of flood events
LNR: Local Nature Reserve
TPO: Tree Preservation Order
SM: Scheduled Monument
ASA: Archaeologically Sensitive Area