Gateway Pointe Elementary School Band Handbook


Dear Band Parents,

Welcome to the Gateway Pointe Band Program! I am very excited about the musical experiences that we will share in the upcoming year. As a parent, you are instrumental in your child’s success in band. Included in this handbook is information that is essential for you and your child to know in order to be successful in the band program. Please note in particular the sections on the grading policies and performance schedules so that you may ensure your child’s completion of all requirements. Feel free to contact me at any time via email (preferred) or phone if you have any questions related to the band program.

I look forward to working with you and your child to make this a successful and rewarding year for all involved!

Stacey Garcia


Table of Contents:

About the Bands4

Classroom Expectations and Rules4


Private Lessons5

Teacher Availability5

Practice Expectations5

Music Portfolios5

Grading Policies6-7

Performance Expectations8

Performance Attire8

School Loaned Instruments8

Lockers/Storage Space8

Tax Credits9

Instrument Accessories9

Performance Schedule10

Smart Music Information10

Contract and Parent Information11

Tax Credit Form 12


5th Grade: 5th grade band starts with the basics of sound production and reading music for instruments and works up to playing band arrangements. 5th Grade Band will perform at some quarterly assemblies at school and will have at least 2 night concerts.

6th Grade: 6th grade band is geared towards 2nd year band students. Students will continue to work on basics of music but will progress into more complex band arrangements throughout the year.6th Grade Band will perform at some quarterly assemblies at school and will have at least 2 night concerts.


1. Be prepared for class with all materials and a positive attitude every day

2. Listen and speak respectfullyto Ms. Garcia and other members of the band

3. Stay engaged with the rehearsal process at all times and give your best effort in every rehearsal

4. Practice consistently outside of class

5. Earn an A in band by being personally responsible for all of your assignments, practice time, and attendance at concerts and rehearsals


1. Verbal warning

2. Loss of participation points and/or the opportunity to participate

3. Parent contact and referral to administration


1. No food, drinks (other than water), or gum in the band room

2. Do not play instruments other than your own. Do not let others play your instrument

3. No running in the band room or stepping/jumping/leaping over instruments at any time

4. Lockers and storage rooms are for INSTRUMENTS ONLY. Anything other than instruments found in the lockers will be confiscated.


1. Verbal warning

2. Loss of participation points and/or the opportunity to participate

3. Parent contact and referral to administration


Each student needs to bring the following materials to each rehearsal:

  1. Instrument(s)
  2. Pencil and paper
  3. Essential Elements 2000,
  4. 5th grade: Book 1 (please be sure to buy the book for your child’s instrument!)
  5. 6th grade: Book 1 and Book 2
  6. Any additional sheet music passed out by Ms. Garcia
  7. Instrument maintenance materials and accessories. This is anything you need to make your instrument work – working reeds, valve oil, cork grease, slide grease, spray bottle, mallets, sticks, etc - see page 9 for information on your instrument


It is strongly recommended that all students take private lessons on their instrument. Lessons are a fantastic way for students to have one-on-one teaching from a musician that specializes in their instrument. Students who enhance their learning opportunities through private instruction show incredible growth and achievement on their instrument. Ms. Garcia can help students find appropriate teachers for each instrument.


Ms. Garcia is available to meet with students or parents outside of class time. However, because Ms. Garcia teaches at Gateway Pointe Elementary School, Higley Traditional Academy, Cooley Middle School, and Williams Field High School, she may not always be on the Gateway Pointe campus. Emailing is the most effective ways to contact her to set up a meeting time if necessary. Please be sure to list your child’s grade, instrument, and school in any correspondence you have with Ms. Garcia.


Band is a year-long commitment; all students that turn in the band contract (found at the end of this handbook) are expected to stay in band for the entire school year. Band takes place during the school day in place of art, library, and music. All students will attend PE with their homeroom class 1 day a week and attend band 3 days a week. Students wishing to be in band instead of going to PE may work out an arrangement with Ms. Garcia to be in band instead, but may not switch back to PE after they have worked out an arrangement to be in band every day.


  1. Practice constitutes most of the homework for the beginning band. At the beginning band level, students should plan to practice 15 to 30 minutes per day, at least 5 days per week to achieve the best results on their instrument.
  2. It is best to schedule practice at a regular time (before dinner, right after school, etc) so that students build the habit of practicing.
  3. Throughout the year, students may be given practice guides or practice records to fill out as proof of practicing. Any practice guides that are given will be graded as homework and are required.
  4. Students are expected to take their instruments home every day to practice. For students with instruments that are too heavy and large to transport daily, there are practice areas available here at school, and students can arrange for practice time outside of class, either during recess, lunch time, before, or after school.
  5. I will be sending an email every few weeks letting you know what we are working on in class –please ask your child to perform for you frequently! The more they perform on their instruments, the more comfortable and confident they become. They would love to share!


Students are graded on a point system, with grades being figured by percentage of points earned out of possible points. The scale is as follows: 90 - 100%=A, 80 - 89%=B, 70 - 79%=C, 60 - 69%=D and 59 - 0%=F.

The final grade is a combination of the 5 areas listed below. The band grade is broken down as follows:

Homework – 15% of total grade

Practice constitutes most of the homework for the beginning band. At the beginning band level, students should plan to practice 15 to 30 minutes per day, at least 5 days per week to achieve the best results on their instrument. For their homework grade, students MUST practice at least 100 minutes per week. It is best to schedule practice at a regular time (before dinner, right after school, etc) so that students build the habit of practicing.

Students will occasionally be given a practice guide to fill out during the following week as they practice. This will consist of questions about their practice and the amount of time they practiced each assigned exercise or piece of music.

Students will also occasionally be assigned written homework – homework due dates will be announced in class and students are to be responsible for turning in any written homework in a timely manner.

Performance Testsand Assignments – 25% of total grade

Students will record assignments using the program Smartmusicapproximately once every two weeks throughout the semester, in addition to severalin-class performance tests. During in-class performance tests, students will have ONE opportunity to perform for the class. Each performance will be evaluatedby Ms. Garcia ontechnical and musical proficiency on that week’s assignment.

Participation – 50% of total grade

Students earn participation points for showing up to band class prepared, on time, with all supplies, and performing throughout class with good behavior and a positive attitude. The following are ways in which students can lose these points:

-Forgotten instrument (-5)

-Forgottenbook/music (-3)

-Forgotten pencil (-2)

-Bad attitude/acting out (-5 each occurrence)

-Refusing to participate actively (-5 to -10)

-Unexcused Absence (-10)

Students who are absent will not receive points for that day.Students may make up an excused absence by asking Ms. Garcia for a make-up assignment (due within 1 week of the absence).Assignments for excused absences will be based on information students missed in class, and may be written OR performance assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to ask Ms. Garcia for a makeup assignment if they have been absent. Students may NOT make up an unexcused absence.

Students who forget their instrument are expected to participate by singing/air-playing their music along with the class to retain their remaining participation points.

Performance – 10% of total grade

Students are REQUIRED to attend performances throughout the semester at concerts, festivals, and assemblies.Please schedule accordingly. Each student is a valuable and essential member for the group. In addition to learning musical and technical skills of playing an instrument, we also spend much of our time on performing as an ensemble. We need every member of the band to play his/her part in order for each student to be successful in our group performance. Please keep this in mind when scheduling outside activities. It there is a non-school activity that conflicts with the band concerts, it is expected that the students will attend the school function (concert) instead of the non-school activity.

Students earn performance points by showing up prepared, on-time, and appropriately dressed for each concert. Students will lose performance points for the following reasons:

-Tardiness to concert warm-up (-25)

-Inappropriate concert attire (-25)

-Forgotten music (-25)

-Forgotten instrument (-25)

Extra-Credit Opportunities (maximum of 5% of total grade)

There are several extra credit opportunities available for students. All extra credit assignments have specific guidelines that must be fulfilled before the students may receive extra credit. Before doing the activities listed, please check with Ms. Garcia about whether or not they will be accepted, and take an extra-credit assignment sheet that details the requirements for that activity.

Some ways students may earn extra credit include:

-Attending a professional instrumental performance or college instrumental performance(with short written evaluation) (10 pts)

-Attending a performance by a middle or high school in the district (with short written evaluation)(10 pts)

-Youtube research assignment of their instrument

-Youtube research assignment of professional band or orchestral ensembles (10 pts)

-Taking private lessons (required signature of private teacher)


Band is a performance-based class. All members are expected to perform in all concerts. An unexcused absence from a performance will result in the student’s grade being lowered.

Except for emergencies, absences from performances may only be excused by a note and/or phone call from home being received by your director no later than one week prior to the anticipated absence. In the case of an emergency, a phone call or note from home should be received as soon as possible. A note from home does not automatically excuse a student’s absence—it merely explains the student’s failure to participate. Excused or unexcused status will be handled on an individual basis by the director and is dependent on the content of the note or conversation. Students who miss a concert may be given make-up assignments due to the large number of points that are given to each performance.


The 5th and 6th grade band uniform is as follows:

-Gateway Pointe Band Shirt

-Full length black dress pants or ankle length skirts – no capris, shorts, or tights in place of pants

-Black Socks

-Black Shoes

This will be the attire for every band concert and performance, unless otherwise specified by Ms. Garcia. Students who do not wear the specified uniform will automatically lose 25 points from their concert grade. If you for some reason cannot meet these expectations, please notify Ms. Garcia as soon as possible so that arrangements can be made. Ms. Garcia has the right to adjust the band attire as necessary.


The school has a limited amount of instruments available for rental. A rental application must be completed before instruments can be used. Any damage or loss is assumed by the loan recipient. It is strongly recommended that students purchase their own mouthpiece. Students using school instruments are still required to supply their own valve oil, reeds, cork, slide grease etc. (See page 9 for details)


Lockers may be assigned for daytime storage of instruments. Students are asked to take their instruments home each night to practice. If students are unable to take their instrument home each night, they may be able to store instruments in the locker room by arranging it with Ms. Garcia. Students wishing to use lockers must get permission from Ms. Garcia before using them. Lockers are for INSTRUMENTS ONLY. Anything else stored in a locker will be confiscated.

Gateway Pointe Elementary School is not liable for lost or stolen items.


If you are interested in supporting the Gateway Pointe Band Program, you can take advantage of the state tax credit, which allows you to contribute any amount up to $400 (joint) or $200 (individual). In the back of this handbook is a tax credit form that you may fill out and return to either the front office or Ms. Garcia; please specify on the form that you are donating to the Gateway Band Program.



Cleaning cloth and tuning rod. The tuning rod should come with rental instruments.

Cleaning swab, cork grease, and 3 Reeds in good condition AT ALL TIMES.Preferred reed brand is Vandoren (#2 for beginners, #2 1/2 for advanced),

Mouthpiece recommendation: Vandoren B45

Reed guard, swab, cork grease, neck-strap, and 3 Reeds in good condition AT ALL TIMES. Preferred reed brand isVandoren (#2 for beginners, #2 1/2 for advanced),

Mouthpiece recommendation: Selmer C star



Mouthpiece: Vincent Bach 5C or 3C (more advanced), valve oil*, & slide grease**.

French Horn

Slide grease** and ROTOR oil. Do not use valve oil on the horn. Make sure your oil is rotor oil, which is made specifically for the horn!

Mouthpiece: Vincent Bach 12 or 6 ½ AL (more advanced), valve oil*, & slide grease**.


Mouthpiece: Vincent Bach 12 or 6 ½ AL (more advanced), slide cream (no grease) and small spray water bottle. Recommended slide cream isTrombotine.

Mouthpiece: Vincent Bach 22 or Helleberg 120S (more advanced), valve oil*, & slide grease**.

* Recommended valve oil: Al Cass ** Recommendedslide grease: Selmer Tuning Slide & Cork Grease


All Percussion

1)Vic Firth EP1 (SD1 Snare Sticks, M5 Soft Mallets, M14 Hard Mallets and Stick Bag)

2)Note: Percussion have 2 choices in renting instruments:

  1. Option 1: Pay $50 rental fee to Gateway Pointe Elementary for school instrument use during class time AND PURCHASE a practice pad for home use. No instruments will be taken home for practice with this option. All percussionists are required to learn both mallet instruments (bells) and snare; students will not have the opportunity to practice mallet instruments at home with this option.
  2. Option 2: Rent a Snare/Bell kit from Music and Arts (or other store) for home and school use. All students will have the opportunity to use school instruments, but students will have more opportunities to practice at home and to play snare drum during class with this option (if they bring their instrument to school).

Gateway Pointe Elementary School Bands

2013-2014 Performance Calendar

The complete band calendar will be sent home with students by the end of August. Please call or email if you have any questions or concerns about the band calendar.

October TBD:In-school assembly performance

December TBD:Winter Band Concert

Cooley Middle School

January TBDIn-school assembly performance

March TBD:In-school assembly performance

May TBD:Spring Concert

Gateway Pointe Elementary


All students will be using the smart music program in class for assessments this year. Each student will need to register for a free account. Students are welcome to pay for a subscription to use at home; it is a great program to help them practice outside of class. We will be signing up during class time, but students will need the following information to sign up.

Your child will need to enter the following information. Please write in what you would like them to enter:

Birth Month______Birth Year______

Email address (recommendedstudent email or leave blank):______

Password (Recommended: lastname): ______

User name (Recommended FirstnameLastname - no spaces): ______

Parent or Guardian Email (required):______

First Name (student)______

Last Name (student)______





Phone #______

Guardian first name______

Guardian Last name______

Guardian email______


This contract verifies that both student and parents/guardians have read and understood the contents of the band handbook.Please return this form by August 8th, 2014to verify your child’s involvement in band for the 2014-2015 school year.

Student Name (please print)Date

Parent/Guardian Name (please print)Date

Parent/Guardian Email AddressPhone #

Parent/Guardian Name (please print)Date

Parent/Guardian Email Address Phone #



Please sign below:

I have read and understood all policies in the band handbook. I am committed to being a part of the Gateway band program for the entire 2014-2015 school year.

Student Signature:______

Parent Signature:______