KEY CONCEPT: WHEN you create new POSITIVE wave patterns in YOUR mind ... they give you STRENGTH for today … and HOPE for the future... I NI CE!!
Version 1 – first draft to encourage some local speaker to complete the missing parts and email us the results – please …
October 2006
Appendix A - is the routine for long term reinforcement after one month, which can also be used by experienced speakers for the chronic problem of accent deterioration. Books to buy: Berlitz and Lonely Planet phrase books.
Inspired by: Dr. Bob Boland (EI) and ????, Ms Challo (Kenya) and Dr. Giles Boland (Harvard) and Dr. Shams Bathija (UNCTAD) and Boston University and the Team.
33 450 408982 Chemin Garenne, Prevessin 01280 France
Copyright: RGAB/2006/1. Free to all aid workers ...
This program is dedicated to the memory of Professor Kenneth Hale, the eminent linguist of MIT who died on October 8th 2001.
He spoke about 50 languages fluently and regarded each language as an intellectual treasure-house of communication, culture and humanitarian values. He suggested ... that 30 minutes of a new language ... should be enough to start to make one-self understood ... and then ... the best way ... to progress ... was to speak ... confidently ... more and more ... with natural speakers of the language.
So on we go ... for one whole day ... with a partner or small group ... speaking and speaking ... and moving ... face, hands and body language to reinforce your communication ... and ending with ... almost instinctive ... easy inter-active conversation ... in the natural language ... and if you are lucky enough to find ... ANY natural speaker for the day ... to be a partner ... or just part of the small group ... that would be just great ... so start chatting now ...
Thank you. Mba
Hallo Bob! ha, Bob! How much? …joli don?
Yes/no owo, ohon/ayi,onhon Give me …di n’ma
Excuse me hake to Wait for me n’kono
Good morning I ni sogoma Do you speak? I be …fo wa?
My name is ... ne ??.. Bambara Bamanankan
What is your name? aw ?? Why? Min na?Mun koson?
How are you? I kar kene? Which? …jumen?
Where is … be min? And ni
Where do you come from? e be min ?? Goodnight I ni su
I'm from: ne be min ?? How? Coko di?
I want ... ne sago...
Good-bye. k’an bisn
... and so ... on we go ... talking with ... EVERYONE ...
18. NATURAL VOCABULARY – for correction of errors …
(without accents)
a. Greetings/Exclamations:
hello good morning, how are you?` I am well (OK) thank you
ha/hii i ni sogoma i ka kene? toro te I ni ce
goodbye yes no/not OK not too bad
k’an btsn owo/onhon ayi/onhon tore te tore te
Darn!! Mate! there it is! "cool"!!! please
Ax! ?? ?? ?? ??
b. Verbs: uku-
to be have like want can
?? ?? ?? ?? se
do say/speak go come give
dila kuma taa/wa se di
take eat drink sleep know
?? dun min/din a sanogo don
underrstand must see get find
men/faamu ?? ye ?? ye
c. Prepositions:
some a the to from
dogo ?? ?? ?? ??
d. Pronouns:
I you he she we
Ne/n aw a/o a an
it this that Mr Mrs.
nin/yo nin o Bwana Bibi
e. Nouns:
money thing man woman/wife water
wari fen ce muso ji
car ticket book friend
mobili biye kitabu teri
f. Adjectives/adverbs/Other:
good bad big small now
gvi/tle go/jugu -ba/bon dogo si shan
later a little wonderful! happy easy/difficult
deka doonin sebeon daamu nogon/gwelen
here there
yan yen
g. Interogatives:
how much? where? what? who? when?
joli? min? mun?/melen? Jon/jonni? Tuma dumen?
Note: What is this? Mun nin? Negative te...
Question? kori/yala ... ?
h. Numbers:
one two three four five
kelen fila saba naani duuru
i. And some survival words:
WC (sutura), always (abada), fast/slow (teli/suma), but (nka), never (abada), food (bale), train (tereni), bus (boosi), home (dugo), work (baara), time (waat), today (bi), tomorrow (sini), paper (seben), newspaper (?????), day (tile), week (dogokun), year (san), hour (leri/waati), minute (minit), hamburger (hamburger), McDonalds (McDonalds), think (miire), read (kalan), write (naani), laugh (yele), dance (don), stop (jo), policeman (polisi), six (wooro), seven (woron-wula), eight (segin), nine (kononto), ten (tan), hundred (keme), thousand (wa kelen … bye bye (kan soni) … be seeing you soon (???)!
(Complete … and repeat BAMBARA WORD many times slowly ... then at high speed)
Thank you I ni ce
Hello I ni sogoma
Mr. ???
Mrs. ???
Yes Owo/onhon
No Ayi/onhon
Good Gvi/Title
Please ??
Do you have? ???
Goodbye K’an bisn
See you soon! Mba, kan soni
Who? Jon?Jen?
What? Mun?/Melen?
I want Ne sago
Where? Min?/Yoro jumen?
OK! Gvi
Note: In the text "complete" words are often shown in a "broken format" to show the origin of the word structures, which makes it easier to learn and remember. Accents omitted for simplicity.
Ne yan (here) do. I am here.
E yen (there) do. You are there.
Kori (question) e yan do? Are you there?
Owu (yes), e yen do. Yes, you are there.
Kori (question) e yan do? Are you here?
Ayi, e yen te (not) do. No, you are not here.
Nin (it) yen do. It is here.
Nin min (where) do? Where is it?
Nin yan do. It is here.
Kori, nin yen do? Is it there?
Ne te ya (know). I do not know.
Miguel min do? Where is Miguel?
A yen te (not) do. He is not here.
A min do? Where is (he)?
Ne te ya. I do not know.
Ax! A yen do! Darn! There he is!
A sebeon (wonderful) do! He is wonderful!
Ne e-ka nyebo (like). I like you.
Kori (question) e ne (me) nyebo? Do you like me?
Owi, ne e-ka (you) nyebo. Yes, I like you.
E (you) wari (money) nyebo? Do you like money?
Owi, ne wari nyebo. Yes, I like the money.
Ne ji (water) nyebo. I like water.
E ji nyebo. You like water.
Ne kitabu dod nyebo(some) nyebo. I like some books.
A (he) watiri (car) nyebo. He likes the car.
A (she) watiri te nyebo. She does not like the car.
E fana (dinnder) nyebo? Do you like the dinner?
Ayi, ne fana te nyebo. No, I do not like the dinner.
Oh. Ax. Mngani! Oh. Darn! Mate!
PLEASE Mate te-ko (say). Please do not say Mate!
Ne ke (do). I do.
Ne nin (this) ke. I do this.
E ke. You do.
E ke o (that). You do that
An (we) ke o. We do that
Ani (and) an daamu (happy) do. And we are happy.
Kori nogon (easy) do? Is it easy?
Owu, nin geec (difficult) te (not) do. Yes, it is not difficult.
Kori e ke o (that)? Do you do that?
Ke o PLEASE (please)!!! Do that, please!!!
Ax!!! Darn!!!
Nin sebeon do. It is wonderful!
Ne se (can) I can
Kori ne se? Can I?
Owu, ne se. Yes, I can.
Kori e se nin (this) ke (do)? Can you do this?
Owu, ne se o (that) ke. Yes, I can do that.
Ne se doonin (little) dun (eat). I can eat a little.
Ne se doonin ka (drinl). I can drink a little.
Ne se taa (go). I can go.
Ne se na (come). I can come.
Ne se sanogo (sleep). I can sleep.
E se kuma (speak). You can speak.
Kori e se kuma? Can you speak?
Owu, ne se (can). Yes, I can.
Kori e se nin ke (do)? Can you do this?
Ayi, ne te (not) se o (that) ke. No, I can not do that.
Kori e se faami (understand) ? You can understand?
Kori e faami? Can you understand?
Owu doonin (little). Yes, a little.
Kori e se ko (say) Mate? Can you say Mate?
Owu, ne se kuma Bambara doonin (little)! Yes, I can speak a little Bambara!
Ax! E sebeon do! Darn! I am wonderful!
Ne faami. I understand.
Ne te (not) faami. I do not understand.
E faami. You understand.
E te faami(understand). You do not understand.
Kori e se faami muso-ou (women)? Do you understand women?
Ayi. Ayi, ne te se faami THEM (them)!!! No. No. I do not understand them!!!
Oh. Ax! Mate! Oh. Darn! Mate!
PLEASE Mate te-ko (say). Please do not say Mate!
E sebeon do! You are wonderful!
Ne sago (want). I want.
Ne sago dun (eat) doonin (a little). I want to eat a little.
Ne sago ji (water) ka (drink). I want to drink the water.
Ne sago sutura (toilet) -ka taa (go)! I want to go to the toilet!!!
Kori, e sago dun doonin (little)? Do you want to eat a little?
Ayi, ne te sago dun (eat). No, I do not want to eat.
Ne sago e-ka (to you) doonin ni (give). Darn! I want to give you a bit.
Ayi, mba (thank you). No, thank you.
Ne sago na (come). I want to come.
Kori e sago ne-ka sanogo (sleep)? Do you want to sleep with me?
Ayi, ne te sago sanago (sleep). No, I do not want to sleep.
Miguel, kori e sago FROGS (frogs) dun? Miguel do you want to eat the frogs?
Ax! Te shan (now), mba! Darn! Not just now, thank you!
An sebeon do! We are wonderful!
PLEASE, wari (money) ne-ka (to me) ni (give), Please give me the money.
PLEASE, wari mine (take). Please take the money.
Ne wari mine. I take the money.
PLEASE biye (ticket) ne-ka ni. Please give me the ticket.
PLEASE biye mine. Please take the ticket.
Ne biye mine. I take the ticket.
PLEASE fen (thing) ni-ya ni. Please give me the thing.
Fen min (where) do?
Ne te yo (know) I do not know.
PLEASE nogo (man) ne-ya ni! Please give me a man!
Eshu!! Mun muso do!! Darn-t!!! What a woman!!
A sebeon do! She is wonderful!
Ne-ka fen (thing) kele (one). I have one thing.
Ne-ka te (not) fen kele (one). I do not have one thing.
E-ka fen kele. You have one thing.
An-ka fen kele. We have one thing.
A-ka fen kela. She has one thing.
Bibi, ne-ka waat (time) doonin (littel)! I have a little time, Miss!
Nka (but), e-ka wari (money) doonin, Bwana? But, do you have a little money, Sir?
Ayi. No.
Oh. Mngani! Oh. Mate!
PLEASE Mate te-ko (say). Please do not say Mate!
PLEASE ne-ka (to me) fen (thing) ni (give). Please give me the thing.
PLEASE ne-ka wari (money) ni. Please give me the money.
PLEASE ne-ka ji (water) ni. Please give me the water.
Mba. Thank you.
PLEASE, te-ka (not drink) ji (water) France-ma! Please don’t drink the water in France!!
Ka (drink) diwen (wine). Drink the wine.
PLEASE, na yan (here). Please come here.
PLEASE, taa (go) yen. Please go there.
PLEASE ka (drink) nin (this). Please drink this.
Te-dun (not eat) o! Do not eat that!
PLEASE ne-ka nin ni (give). Please give me this.
PLEASE te-mine (not take) o. Please do not take that.
PLEASE ka (say) nin. Please say this
PLEASE te-ka (not say) Mngani. Please do not say Mate!
Ax!. Mba. E sebeon do! Darn! Thank you. You are wonderful!
Ho Michelle. Hello Michelle.
Hii Paula. Hello Paula.
I mi se. Good morning Miche (is it peace).
Mba. i mi se. Good morning Sancos.
Kori ka kene, Eliza? How are you, Eliza?
Toro te, mba, Khulu. I am well, thank you, Khulu (not bad).
Tore te, Xavier? How goes it, Xavier?
Tore te mba, Miguel. OK , thank you Miguel.
Kan soni, Giles. Goodbye Giles.
Mba, kan soni, Judith. Bye bye Judith.
Owu tore te, Hollie Yes OK, Hollie.
Nin sebeon do, Heidi! It is wonderful, Heidi!
Tore te, Sam.? OK Sam?
Owu, tore te, Lucie. Yes OK, Lucie.
Tore te (not bad), Henri. Not too bad, Henri.
Korfi i ka kene, Bibi? Are you well, my darling?
Ayi!! No!!!
Ax! A sebeon do! Darn! She is wonderful!
Nin gvi (good) do, It is good.
Nin gvi te-do. It is not good.
Nin go do. It is bad.
Nin kitabu do. It is a book.
Kori (question) nin BIG do? Is it big?
Ayi, nin dogo do! No, it is small.
Nin nogon do? Is it easy?
Ayi, nin geec do. No, it is hard.
Kori, ji (water) gvi (good) do? Is the water good?
Ayi, ji France-da gvi te-do!! No, the water is not good in France!!
Oh Mngani!!! Oh Mate!!!
PLEASE Mate te-ko (say). Please do not say Mate!
Kori an sebeon do?? Are we wonderful?!!!
Ax! Owu! Darn! Yes!!
Ne nin ya (know). I know this.
Kori e o (that) ya? Do you know this?
Owu, ne nin ya. Yes, I know this.
E o (that) ya. You know that.
Kori (question) e o ya? Do you know that?
Ayi, ne o te-ya. No, I do not know that.
Ne o musa (woman) ya. I know that woman.
Ne o mogo (man) ya. I know the man.
A ne-ka (me) ka. He knows me.
Kori e o musa ka (know)? Do you know that woman?
Ayi. I ni se, Bibi? No. Good morning Madame?
Kori i ka kene, Bibi? Are you well, Madame?
Ayi. Ne kene te-do!! Kan soni!! No, I am not well!! Goodbye!!!