Collaborative Partnership
Operational Handbook
Academic Year:
This Collaborative Operational Handbook provide an important and comprehensive guide to the management and operation of the collaborative partnership arrangement between the University and partner and should be transparent and complete.
The Collaborative Operational Handbook forms part of the documentation at formal approval and review and drafting of the formal Agreement and may be viewed by external audiences as part of audit.
Collaborative Operational Handbooks are programme and partner specific, therefore the headings contained within are not exhaustive and some sections may not be applicable. It is unnecessary reproduce standard University or partner policies, which should be referenced through the webpage link.
The principal authors of the Handbook are the named University and Partner Academic Contacts, who are responsible for the operation of the collaborative partnership.
The following documents may be of help to you:
Collaborative Provision Policy
Curriculum Framework Document
Examination and Assessment Regulations for UK and Overseas Collaborative Programmes
Programme Monitoring and Review
Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) UK Quality Code
- Collaborative Partner contact details. Provide the full name, address, phonenumber and web address of the partner’s Director/Principal, Partner Academic and Administrative Contacts and Head Office and delivery venues. Head Office details are used in the formal Agreement and all delivery venues will be visited as part of the formal approval and review process
Title: / e.g.: Ms, Mr, Dr, Prof, etc.
Direct email:
Direct phone number: / include country and area codes
Partner Academic Contact:
Title: / e.g.: Ms, Mr, Dr, Prof, etc.
Direct email:
Direct phone number: / include country and area codes
Partner Administrative Contact:
Title: / e.g.: Ms, Mr, Dr, Prof, etc.
Direct email:
Direct phone number: / include country and area codes
Head Office Address
Telephone number: / include country and area codes
Fax number: / include country and area codes
Website address:
Delivery Venue Addresses
2. Partnership Arrangement Confirm the nature of the collaborative arrangement, ie Franchised, Validated etc. For full definitions of all types of collaborative arrangements please refer to the Collaborative Provision Policy.
3. Other Departments & Faculties Detail other formal or informal arrangements with the partner and other University departments and what, if any, impact there would be on this arrangement
4. Articulation/Advanced Standing arrangementsIf there is a current articulation/advanced standing arrangement for direct entry to the University of Portsmouth programme from the partner’s programme please provide details of the arrangement. Applicable only if the programme already runs at Portsmouth (UoP delivery campus based) and the proposal is to franchise this programme as part of a full collaborative agreement
5. Programme Overview and Structure Briefly detail the collaborative programme and structure. If this is Franchised programme detail if there are any changes required to the collaborative programme to meet the partner’s needs and reasons, ie cultural, geographical etc.
6. Programme Management Define the key roles and responsibilities for the management of the collaborative programme arrangement. This needs to include both University and Partner staff, Unit Co-ordinators, Partner Associate Lecturers (PALs) and Head of Department/School at the University and the partner equivalent
7. Communication Detail the principal day-to-day channels of communication between the University and the partner for the management of the partnership.
8. Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRB) requirementsDetail whether any PSRB or external body, such as ministerial, or governmental has to provide accreditation, approval, registration or recognition for the proposed programme and/partner. Detail if any recognition will be sought in the future and what implications there would be for the programme and students.
Please note it is the responsibility of the University Department/School to inform the relevant external body about the collaborative arrangement and to apply for the relevant accreditation. The status of the programme in respect of PSRB recognition shall be made clear to prospective students
9. Student AdmissionsConfirm the arrangements for admissions decisions and briefly the responsibilities of both the University and the partner. Confirm the requirements for non-standard applications, and if there are any excluded territories. Add the URL web link to the Programme Specification document.
Please note: The University has ultimate authority on all admissions decisions which lead to a University of Portsmouth award but where authority is devolved to the partner, detail that authority, and include posts and roles of the partner staff.
10. Recognition of Prior Learning. Confirm the arrangements for processing applications if not using the University’s processes. Please refer to the University’s policy on Recognition of Prior Learning
11. Student Induction. Detail the arrangements for student induction including the role of the University Department/Faculty, what the structure of the event will be and what will be covered. Confirm if there will be any staff or input from the University’s Library, Students’ Union and other central departments/service, and if there will be arrangements for students to visit the University. Refer to the University’s Guidance for the Induction for Students
12. Student Records. The University maintains student information through the Student Records System. Detail what records, and in what form, are managed by the partner, where the responsibility lies for maintenance and security of students’ records, and how the University verifies the information on the partner’s records.
13. Student Information. Please confirm the information that will be provided and the documentation available for students, and where they can be accessed, either online or in printed form. Please provide the relevant web link. The University requires that information provided to the student should include:
- the nature of the collaborative agreement and the responsibilities of each partner tostudents;
- what information regarding the student will be shared between each partner;
- resources, support and services and entitlements available at both partners;
- avenues and procedures for complaints and appeals;
- examination and assessment regulations;
- partner and University staff contact details;
- feedback mechanisms, including BoS and SSCCs
- University Student Handbook
- University Student Charter
- University Code of Student Behaviour
- Programme Specification Document
- Course/Student Handbook
- Examination and Assessment Regulations for Collaborative Provision (or Partner Specific)
14. Partner staff. Detail whether the partner’s course team with significant HE teaching loads are expected to engage with UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) of the Higher Education Academy or demonstrate equivalence.
15. Learning and Teaching Staff Development. Confirm the partner’s staff development and training arrangements and any policies and provide relevant weblinks.Confirm if the partner has policies or procedures on recognition, reward and promotion. Details the partner’s mechanisms, arrangements and opportunities for staff development activities, including continuing professional development and annual/periodic appraisals of staff.
Confirm how the University Department will ensure the partner is made aware of the University’s expectation regarding staff development and how the partner and the University Department will assure the quality of teaching.
16. Unit Management With reference to the University’s process for unit management detail the unit management processes for the collaborate programme. Include how unit evaluation is conducted by the partner and how the relevant reports are considered by the University Department/School.
17. Examination and Assessment Regulations Confirm the regulatory framework which covers this arrangement. The options are:
- Examination and Assessment Regulations for UK and Overseas Collaborative Programmes –the same as for University provision, taking into account the collaborative partnership elements
- Partner Institution Specific Assessment Regulations –written by the University for a specific partner
- Partner Institution Assessment Regulations – partner’s own approved by the University
18. Assessment Setting Detail the responsibilities and the processes for setting and approving student assessment, including the roles and responsibilities of those staff involved. Include the nature and extent of any permitted variation in assessment at the partner. In the event of any difference in timing, unique artefacts must be produced.
19. Examinations Detail the arrangements for setting and approving examination scripts, process of securing despatch and receipt of scripts, arrangements for invigilation and identify any differences in timing between the home programme examinations and those held at the partner. In the event of any difference in timing, unique artefacts must be produced.
20. Marking and Moderation Detail the mechanisms at the University and/or partner for initial marking and moderation of students’ work.
21. External Examiners The appointment of External Examiners is the sole responsibility of the University in accordance with the University’s External Examining Policy. Wherever possible, such as for franchised arrangements, the same External Examiner for the home programme should be appointed to the collaborative programme. Confirm the composition of the External Examiner team, commonality with the home programme, language requirements etc. If the External Examiner team supports the collaborative programme only, explain how comparability of standards is to be assured with the home programme.
22. Unit Assessment Boards (UABs) and Boards of Examiners (BoEs) Detail the arrangements for Unit Assessment Boards (UABs) and Boards of Examiners (BoEs), where they are held, and how often. If Boards are held at the partner confirm how the comparability of standards will be achieved.
23. Student Feedback Detail the student feedback opportunities provided at:
- unit and course level including verbal and written, summative and formative feedback on student work;
- mechanisms for listening to and responding to the student voice detailing how they meet the University’s Policy for Listening to and Responding to the Student Voice
24. Student Personal Tutors and Personal Development. Confirm the arrangements the partner has for personal tutors and personal development planning. Ensure where required mechanisms met the University’s Curriculum Framework.
25. Student Representatives Student representatives are a vital means of ensuring that the student voice is heard within the University and representative elections and training is provided by the University’s Students’ Union. Detail how this information will be provided to the collaborative students, what type of information will be given, and what involvement both the University Department and Students’ Union will have regarding training and development of course representatives.
26. Student Staff Consultative Committees (SSCCs) All BoS are required to have Student Staff Consultative Committees (SSCCs) that follow the standard University Programme Monitoring and Review processes.
Confirm the arrangements for the Student Staff Consultative Committee (SSCC), or equivalent, where they will be held and how often they will meet, and confirm if they follow the standard Agenda. Confirm the responsibility of the University Department/School and the partner.
Any exemptions to standard arrangements and/or policies for SSCC’s must be approved through the formal University procedures.
27. Board of Studies (BoS) All collaborative programmes must report to a Board of Studies (BoS) at the University following the standards UniversityProgramme Monitoring and Review Policy Confirm if Board of Studies will be held at the partner, provide details including frequency, reporting mechanisms, University and student representation and how they feed into the University’s BoS.
Any exemptions to standard arrangements and/or policies for BoS must be approved through the formal University procedures.
28. Annual Monitoring and Periodic Review All collaborative programmes follow the University’sannual monitoring and periodic review policy and processes detailed in the Programme Monitoring and Review Policy and Operational Handbook. Detail the quality assurance arrangements regarding these activities at the partner, and how they are comparable with and or fit into the University’s processes. It is expected that the partner will have systems in place to monitor students’ engagement with their studies, although this may be more detailed in the Student/Course Handbook.
29. Student Facilities and ResourcesDetail the facilities and resources available for students at the partner. University support and resources offered by the University to collaborative students will be dependent on the type of arrangement and will be detailed in the formal agreement, although standard services provided are detailed in the Taxonomy of Collaborative Provision. Confirm the additional University Department services offered for students, and also include academic services that are not normally part of the programme but are available to support their studies.
Detail the resources available to students at the partner, additional academic/learning support or opportunities available to students with disabilities or developmental differences
30. Student Academic Support Detail the arrangements for academic student support and guidance at the partner and the means by which it will be provided, including frequency of formal scheduled tutorial activities, any informal support available, where students can access the information, ie Student Handbook, VLE etc, what type of communication, ie one-to-one meetings, and if records are kept.
31. Student Pastoral Support Provide details of the arrangements for pastoral support and student welfare, such as counselling, religious or spiritual facilities, what mechanisms are in place at the partner and the means by which it will be provided, including where students can find the information and if any records are kept. These are non-academic services. Include mention of any personal tutor or student mentoring if this extends beyond learning or academic support.
32. Student Leisure Resources Detail the type and extent of leisure, recreation and sports etc facilities and any services or facilities that may be provided by a Students’ Union or similar body
33. Learning and Teaching MaterialsDetail the responsibilities of both the University Department and the partner for the provision of physical learning and teaching materials including equipment, books and journals, in what format, ie printed and/or uploaded to VLE and whose responsibility is to ensure up-to-date information is provided to students.
34. Teaching Accommodation Detail the range, extent and nature of general teaching and seminar rooms and lecture theatres, etc at the partner premises, including equipment, facilities. Details how the physical facilities can accommodate people who are wheelchair users and those with mobility difficulties, blind & partially sighted e.g. step free access & lifts, accessible lavatories, accessible teaching and learning spaces.
35. Library provision Confirm the library provision at the partner, both physical and on-line resources. Detail the opening hours, borrowing rights, range, extent, currency and type of library resources; books, journals, electronic publications specialist resources, online learning resources etc. Please also confirm the staffing structure for library resource support.
36. Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) / online learning provision All University programmes have a presence on the University’s Moodle site, and if the collaborative programme is franchised, collaborate students should have access to the same Moodle site as those studying on campus. Confirm if the partner will be accessing the University’s Moodle site, or has their own VLE. Detail the type of learning materials available to students and confirm who is responsible for updating the information and informing students.
37. Electronic/on-line accessDetail the arrangements for electronic/on-line access to materials and resources not hosted on Moodle/VLE. Confirm whose has the responsibility to ensure accurate and up-to-date information is provided to students. Detail if there any external licensing requirements for access to online information.
38. Specialist facilities and resources Detail any specialist facilities or resources required, ie language labs, sports physiology facilities, motion capture, simulation suites, mock courtroom, performance spaces etc. Include types of general software, wireless connectivity, equipment loan, technical support, printing, access and specialist software, facilities, workstations, media servers, printers etc.
39. Electronic/on-line accessDetail the arrangements for electronic/on-line access to materials and resources, including information provided on the University’s Moodle environment and partner VLE and whose has the responsibility to ensure accurate and up-to-date information is provided to students. Detail if there any external licensing requirements for access to online information.
40. Academic AppealsAll students are bound by the University Assessment Regulations. These can be either the University Assessment Regulations for Collaborative Programmes, or Partner Specific Regulations which detail the academic appeals process. Confirm how the student will have access to the appeals process.
Information regarding appeals must be included in the Student/Course Handbook.
41. Complaints and Student Discipline The first point of contact for student complaints and discipline is the partner, following their Complaints policy and procedures. Provide details on the procedures for dealing with complaints, and provide the URL weblink for the policy. Confirm where students can access the policy and procedural information.
Note: If students are not satisfied with the outcome of their formal complaint with the partner, their have the right to raise their concerns with the University, even if their complaint concerns the actions of the partner. Students will need to have exhausted the partner’s own internal complaints procedure before the University can accept a complaint about the partner.